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Build a startup from idea and launch to growth and monetization
✍️ Last updated 11 days ago
💡 Get ideas by solving your problems
🛠 Build with the tools you already know
🚀 Launch to Product Hunt and your niche
🌱 Grow organically without ads
💰 Monetize by asking users for money
🤖 Automate your entire business
🚪 Exit and sell your startup
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learn to build profitable startups the indie way

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Product Hunt's 🏆 Book of the Year and #1 Startup Book applied by 10,000+ indie makers
by Product Hunt's 2x Maker of the Year + founder of Nomad List + Remote OK + Hoodmaps + Interior AI + Photo AI  
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I presented a summary of this book at Dojo Bali, watch it to get an idea of what's in it:

Because you have little time, here's the mega short TL;DR (too long; didn't read) summary of this book:

📜 Foreword

Thank you

The last years were a whirlwind of adventures while building all these products and being part of the startup ecosystem. I've met hundreds, maybe thousands of people while doing this. Writing this book is my final piece (for now 😛). And it wasn't possible without the help of a lot of people.

I'd like to thank every person who ever used my apps and websites, especially those who supported me financially by becoming a paying customer.

I'd like to thank all my followers on Twitter for supporting my work by giving me feedback, sharing it, and sticking with me through my ups and downs throughout this startup journey. Success sometimes makes you a dick (especially on Twitter!), and maybe I wasn't nice sometimes. So please forgive me and again, thank you.

I'd like to thank my family: my mom, my dad, and my brother Jeroen and Marijn for sticking with me and giving me true advice in times where it was hard to get objective feedback anywhere else.

I'd like to thank my girlfriend for repeatedly asking me "when are you going to finish that f*cking book?" for 2 years, but mostly believing in me when so many did not.

I'd like to thank my co-shipping friends: Marc from BetaList, Lowen, Andrey, Oskar, John from Ghost, AJ from Carrd, Courtland from Indiehackers, Daniel my Server Guy™, Xiufen Silver, Yury the Critic™, Jelmer (aka Dutch Levels), Amrith (aka the Shinbag), Vlasti, Suska, and Felix from Fastlane.

I'd also like to thank Patrick McKenzie (patio11), one of my biggest inspirations to start building stuff when I was reading his blogs on Hacker News years ago. Also Jon Yongfook who showed me you could build startups while nomading and not look like a broke backpacker while doing it but instead do it in style. And Derek Sivers who taught me to every day try to be warm, nice and humble. No matter how much you achieve. And Anthony from Hype Machine for always reaching out with advice.

Importantly I'd like to thank Jennifer de Walt for inspiring me with her 180 Websites in 180 Days project. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have made 12 Startups in 12 Months, wouldn't have made Nomad List and wouldn't be writing this book here. It's crazy how serendipity works.

I'd like to thank everyone in Work in Progress chat for keeping me productive and forcing me to finally finish this book (which took me too long).

I'd like to thank Product Hunt, and specifically Ryan Hoover and Andreas Klinger for always supporting me, giving great feedback and highlighting my startups repeatedly. And in a bigger way for creating this whole indie startup wave that I am benefiting from so much.

All of you, and you now reading this book, have changed my life forever. Thank you.

Why did I write a book?

I never wanted to write a book. I have to be honest to say I hardly read books myself. I think it takes a certain amount of hubris to put your thoughts in 200 pages and think you actually know something well enough that you should share it with people. But then all of you started buying it, so hey, let's do this!

I think it's stupid to read lots of books about doing something (in this case startups) and then believe you're actually learning something from it. Because most successful people I know learned mostly everything they know from practice. Just by doing things.

Books are also outdated by definition. The moment I write this sentence and you read it (weeks, months or years later), I might have already changed my mind.

Then there's the entire survivorship bias, it assumes that what worked for me will work for you. But it probably won't. Because time has already changed and I will never be able to put on to paper all the variables that have attributed to things than went successful for me. I really don't like to give people false promises. Which is what most other books do. No, this book won't make you successful. That's all up to you.

But I do want to write a book

Even with all these things stacked against writing a book.

I want to write a book, if only because I see so much bullshit going around in the world of startups and tech. The media is presenting startups in the wrong way. People think they need to build billion dollar companies. They need to fly to San Francisco and build a "network" and get $10 million dollar investment from old rich guys. They need to hire 10x power developers and work them for 100-hour work weeks while feeding them pizza and soda. It will be great, they said.

But it won't. It'll probably suck. And you probably won't get rich. Because the odds of a venture capital (VC) funded startup are by definition stacked against you. Only 10% or less exit and that doesn't even tell you if the founders make good money. There's giant company exits where the founders barely made money. That's why I'm writing this. To show you, you might be able to do it differently.

The indie way of building a startup

What's the alternative? How about this: do things yourself and build a nice side project, that then can maybe turn into a bigger project, that then maybe becomes a company that makes you enough money to quit your day job and stop working for the man. Enough money to build up good savings, that if you invest well, will give you a nice early retirement. Your own company that can give you a little more freedom in your daily life, so you can spend it with friends, your family, your pets or just doing the things you love. Which in the best case is actually building an app, project, startup or company you love to work at/on/for!

I want to make bootstrapping great (again) #MBGA

This way of building a company is called "bootstrapped". Which means you're self-funded. You use the resources you have to get started. The odds of building a successful bootstrapped business are way higher than building a venture funded billion dollar company. Because the goal of a bootstrapped business is much more reachable. You don't need to do a billion dollars in revenue. You're already there if you can pay yourself enough to live from. Any money that comes extra is even better! You'll probably have less stress, be happier and be therefore a better friend, lover, partner or parent. Just....relax.

The coolest thing about bootstrapping it is that it doesn't exclude "going big" later. Venture capital investors LOVE to invest in companies that already have proven revenue. And that's literally what a bootstrapped business is. You'll be miles further than the person next to you pitching with just a PowerPoint deck. When you go for millions of dollars of VC investment on day one, it means you do exclude building a healthy simple business. Your company is now strapped to a rocket and you need to go big or explode. That's why I think bootstrapping is the better way to build a business now.

I really, truly, honestly want to see the mainstream startup narrative change into one where bootstrapping, revenue and actual profit is "cool". Writing a book on it with a proven framework people can apply, may help accelerate this change.

There's a personal legacy aspect here: if I can have a small influence in changing this, it feels good as a person. It's nice to change things for the better. And if it doesn't, well, thousands of people paid me money for this book, so it's a nice backup for me in case I go bankrupt.

Why should you listen to me?

Because I went from really scrappy side project to profitable company with users a few times now. Most times it failed miserably, but a few times it worked out for me.

At time of writing, my website Remote OK just became the most visited remote jobs board in the world with 3 million monthly visits. Nomad List is near that amount too, and ushered in a new era of digital nomads and remote work from 2014 onward. They're both manually built by me, profitable with high margins (up to 95%), and highly automated. I was Product Hunt's Maker of the Year twice. I've launched my startups to Reddit's front page twice. I grew one of my projects into $100,000+/month revenue, then $200,000+/month revenue and together now to over $3,000,000/year, while blogging and tweeting about all the personal ups and (lots of) downs for the past years. I launched Rebase last year which went from $0 to $50,000/month in 30 days. I recently launched Avatar AI which went from $0 to $100,000 in 10 days! My projects together are now valued at anywhere from $10 million to $40 million depending on what the market would pay for it. And I did it mostly by myself. Most of my other projects failed (some miserably), but I was able to get an idea to success a few times.

There is a good chance that there is strong survivorship bias at work here though. Remember that. The people who try and fail don't write books how they failed. That means my entire perspective is probably biased and skewed. You've been warned.

This book is my entire brain dump

I've been getting thousands of questions the last few years. I think if I started answering them I'd simply not get to working on my own projects anymore. That's why this book is the easiest knowledge transfer from me to you.

Literally every single thing I learned in the last few years building bootstrapped startups is in this book. It's my entire brain dumped on paper. It can be messy but it's everything I know. I hope it'll be something like giving back to the community and people will use it as guide in becoming indie makers and ship products. I've seen the drafts of this book already applied in hundreds of launched startups (because people will usually send me a message), which is super awesome. I'd love to see more. Having some positive influence on people's lives is a lot more interesting to me than more revenue, at this point.

This book is continuously updated

I'll be working on this book just like any of my startups. It's a continuous project. I'll keep updating when I learn new things.

App, site, product, startup, business

You'll see these terms in the book used somewhat like synonyms. Because most of the theory in this book applies to all of these. Sites these days are like web apps, and apps are more like sites, together they are products and a few of these products make up a startup which in turn is a business. Generally, they're all the same thing.

You'll need persistence, and luck

You may need to try shipping 10 to 30 products for 1 to 3 years before you have anything that works. That's how this approach works. You build stuff and see what sticks. I don't know anybody who shipped one product and instantly became successful. It takes a long time to "get" it and even then it's a lot of luck and timing. If something doesn't seem to take off early on, it probably won't take off later, so make something new and try again.

As I, and this book practice radical honesty, there's a chance nothing you make will be successful. But by doing you'll have figured something new out, that might lead you to somewhere else, that will make you successful. Startups, and life, are about constantly pivoting when things don't work out. If you don't take action though, you can be sure nothing will ever happen. Stagnancy kills. So ship.

🚢 Always keep shipping.


I want you to learn from actually shipping a product. This book is just ideas that might be wrong or right, and biased, but your own personal practical experience will be the thing (if anything) making you successful. Not this book! This book is just me pushing you to go sit on the bicycle. Now learn to ride it yourself. Practice is everything. Get your own style. And most importantly, ship.

📜 Contents

📕 This book

To avoid all those books with theories that are unproven, I felt on a very meta level, I wanted to write this book with the theory described in this book. To prove that if I could produce and sell this book in the ways described in this book, it'd somewhat prove the theories might work. So that's what I did.

Before even writing a single line on it I announced this book and opened it up for pre-orders:

The landing page was literally a Typeform telling that I wanted to write a book, but it didn't exist yet, and asking for $29.99 to support it.

The only thing people received after paying $29.99 immediately was an empty Workflowy list where they could write what the book should be about specifically. That gave me immediate feedback from customers what they wanted me to make. Just like a startup.

Thousands of people pre-ordered the book (quickly netting $50,000+ in revenue at $29.99 per pre-order) and there was thousands of items in the Workflowy list to write about. I went through it regularly and tried to re-order it to find patterns. I found I could divide up all questions people had in the different stages of startups. Ideas, building, launching, growing and monetizing. Everyone was at a different stage and needed different questions answered.

I then started writing the first chapter. I wanted to do this by "building in public" too. Or in this case, writing in public. I made a Google Docs text document and started writing.

But not before I started a live stream on Twitch of the writing process of course. I wanted to live stream most of the chapters. It helped me because, as you may know if you've ever written a book or thesis, the procrastination of writing can become incredible.

Every time I finished the draft of a chapter I sent it out to all the pre-order customers. And they could review it as a Google Doc again.

Only the final process of writing this book (where I'm at now), was done by myself. Collecting all the content, cleaning it up, rewriting it and making editorial decisions on what should be in it. But 90% of the process was out in the open.

And that's exactly how I have built and would build startups: launch early and build with/for your users.

💡 Idea


This first chapter is about how to get ideas for a startup.

Solve your own problems

The most important thing is to find ideas from solving your own problems. You do that by looking at your own life and observing what your daily challenges are. Then you see if you could make those challenges easier using technology. If you solve your own problem, it's very realistic that there's many more people like you who would also love their problem solved. And that's pretty much what a business is. Solving lots of people's problems in return for money.

In startups, this business can be in the form of an application, a website or even only just a physical service tied together with some technology.

Your problem might just be everyone else's

My most successful project is Nomad List. It's a platform for remote workers and travelers to find places to go to and meet other people when they're there.

When I built the first version of Nomad List, I was traveling through Asia. I was living in Chiang Mai, Bangkok, and Bali. I knew these places were good for digital nomads, but I didn't know what other cities to visit. I'd go to Singapore, and discover it was nice but also very expensive. I'd go to Vietnam and realize wow it's really cheap here, but the internet is unusably slow. I was looking for cities that were cheap to live, had fast internet, and warm temperatures. I thought "Okay, maybe just make a list of cities with that data?". It was just a private spreadsheet first. I added about 25 cities' temperature, internet speed and cost of living. Then I wanted to share it, I tweeted the URL.

But something was off. When I looked back, someone had hacked my spreadsheet. There were now about 75 cities and it wasn't just temperature, internet speed and cost of living. There was safety, best coworking space and climate added as columns. Instead of sharing it as "read-only", I had accidentally clicked "editable by everyone". Suddenly there were hundreds of people adding data about their cities, and the cities they'd been to. After a month, thousands of people had added data about over 250 cities.

This is a good example because I just wanted to solve my own problem, and it turned out it was thousands of other people's problem too. Your own problems are nice because often they're quite niche level, meaning you'll have enough other people with the same problem to be your user, but not enough that some giant company has already done it.

You are the greatest expert at your own problems

Even if it's not always successful, the concept of solving your own problems is a great way to find ideas that might be viable. A lot of people don't do this. When you try to solve problems that aren't even yours, like somebody else's, you can do that but you are not an expert in the problem area.

For example, I could make a health care app which registers patients and their health situation, which diseases and ailments they have, and where they are in the hospital system. But I'm not a doctor. I've only been to a hospital when I was sick. I have zero expertise on health care. I don't know the problems doctors have.

I can look at the entire industry from an outside perspective and think: "Okay, we need to solve this problem. There's a lot of money and opportunity here". But I still don't know anything about it. I'm just not an expert in the problem space. And until I become a doctor, I probably will never be.

You want to find ideas from your own problems because you'll be an expert on them immediately.

How well do you need to know a problem to solve it?

Somebody asked me, "How well do I need to know a problem to make something for it? How much can I learn along the way?".

I think you need to know a lot about the problem you're trying to solve. Once you have traction and your website, app or startup works, you can learn from user feedback and data you collect then. But that's useful once you're already running. It won't help you find ideas that are suitable for you to execute. First-hand experience with the problem you're solving is best.

And not just at the start. When your company grows, and you stop becoming the target audience, you face a big risk of not understanding the customer anymore. A good example is in hip-hop, a rapper comes from a low-income ghetto, gets success rapping about that world, then gets rich from the success, loses the inspiration of that world since he/she now lives in a giant mansion and their career is over.

Personally, I saw this happen with myself. For awhile, I took a break from traveling as a digital nomad and the product suffered. Now that I'm back on the road, I see where my site sucks. For example, it doesn't work well when I visited smaller towns where there's hardly any nomad activity. So I lowered the membership price of Nomad List and started focusing on just getting more people in. As that's more important short-term than making money. I wouldn't have realized this by staying home.

Problems are always changing, as are markets, as are people. If you are your target market, that's perfect. You just evolve with it. The founder of Boosted Boards, an electric skateboard, said:

"We just wanted to make skateboards for ourselves and there was no real good electric ones. We built it for ourselves. We knew exactly how we wanted it to feel when driving. We knew what people wanted because we were the target market".

I'm starting to repeat myself, but that's because this is a repetitive theme with successful companies. And opposite: a repetitive theme with failing companies is founders who have no connection to, expertise on or passion for their industry.

Be more original, and your ideas will be original

There's an issue in itself with only solving your own problems. What if you're not as unique as you think? It takes only a slight glimpse at current startups ideas to see that everyone is making the same stuff.

Everybody's doing a to-do list app. Everybody's doing productivity apps. For a decade, people have been making apps to find your friends on a map. Everybody's doing some kind of photo sharing app. These are basic ideas that everyone has. And they're too obvious.

Everybody's doing them because everybody has the same problems. So how can you find problems that are actually unique and original? Well, become more unique and original yourself. I would have never built Nomad List if I didn't go traveling and working.

So, you need to do stuff that makes you explicitly very different. It will get you more unique ideas. That's super cool, because now you have two great attributes of an idea. It's not just unique, but it's also something you're an expert at since you've done it yourself. Even if you launch and get competitors later (like I did) because they see you're making money and it's a good market, you'll still be in a better position than them because you're real. You've done it. You're an expert in the problem you're solving.

I would be bad at making an app for doctors, but if I was a psychiatrist, I'd probably be able make a very good app for psychiatrists, since I'd know all about it. Part of the Lean Startup approach dictates "talk to customers to find problems". That's nice and all, but then you're still working from an outside perspective. I'd say, just focus on your own problems.

Also, stop reading books to develop yourself or get ideas. You won't get them from there. Or if you do, there's lots of other people reading the same book probably. Get ideas from your life experience. Get outside. Become original. Do crazy stuff that you're scared of. Jump off cliffs (do it safely). Ask people you like out (scary but nice). Walk into random office buildings. Jump fences (but don't storm the Capitol Hill, thanks). Crash hotel pools. Whatever makes you different. Don't be scared! Live.

The downside of solving only your own problems

There's a strong and somewhat valid criticism on the philosophy of solving only your own problems.

If you're a wealthy guy from a Western country, you're probably going to solve problems that make your already pretty good life better. You're not going to solve problems that women or people with other genders have, because you don't experience their problems. You're also probably not going to a developing country and solve the problematic garbage situation there. It's the privilege argument.

I get it. And I see the criticism there, but then, it's hard for anyone to solve a problem outside the context of their own subculture, city, country, continent, region, income class and gender, because they're not experts on it. And maybe that's not as bad as we think. If we can democratize access to computers and the internet (as we're doing now), people anywhere can focus on solving THEIR own problems and reap the financial (and other) rewards from doing that. And isn't that much better than having a white guy do that and reap the rewards?

Always start from the problem, not the solution

A lot of companies start not from the problem but from the solution. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Technology needs to solve a problem. If you make a solution for a problem that doesn't exist, it might look sexy technologically, but it won't get users.

When new technology becomes available people want to use it to build something. A great example is the endless amount of apps that have appeared since smartphones got GPS chips a decade ago. The first thought is, okay, let's use this to track each other. So you make a map with friends on it and where they are. This has been tried over and over and it's still a pretty terrible idea. I don't have a strong curiosity to know where my friends are and I don't necessarily want them to know where I am (due to privacy). The problem doesn't exist. When I meet up with friends, we simply say a place we're meeting up and we can find each other.

Now a good example where this technology is used to solve a problem would be Tinder. It does use your GPS location, to find people around you to date. That works because you don't want to match with people on the other side of the world. It solves a problem and the solution is enabled by available technology. The problem should always be first, not the technology, not the solution.

To get big, you have to start small

Niches are specific market segments that are shallow enough to easily access, with not many players in there. Niches are a great start because they're usually too small in economic value for big companies to attend to. They're also the perfect size to market a new company towards.

Niches go against the ridiculous "go big or go home" attitude that the rise of startups in mainstream media pushed from 2006 onward. But that attitude isn't realistic. Because most big companies started very small. If you start big from day one, it's the wrong way to go about it. People don't like niches because they're too small for people's ego's.

But niches are much more profitable than you'd think. If you have "just" 1,000 people paying you $83.33/month, that's $1,000,000 in revenue in one year!

How to make $1,000,000
Make a $5,000 product for 200 people
Make a $2,000 product for 500 people
Make a $1,000 product for 1,000 people
Make a $200 product for 5,000 people
Make a $100 product for 10,000 people
Make a $10 product for 100,000 people
How to make $1,000,000 w/ subscriptions
500 people pay you $167/month for 1 year
1,000 people pay you $83/month for 1 year
2,000 people pay you $42/month for 1 year
5,000 people pay you $17/month for 1 year
10,000 people pay you $9/month for 1 year

Start with a micro niche

Let's say you want to make booking software for hairdressers. That could be a niche. But how many hairdressers are there? Probably millions worldwide. Why not go even more niche? Booking software for hairdressers that focus on African hair. Now you're talking tens of thousands maybe. That's a good start. Let's say you captured only 10% of those 10,000+ hairdressers that focus on African hair, that could be 1,000 customers paying that $83/month making you a million-dollar bootstrapped company!

From micro niche to multi-niche

If you're at a party and someone asks you what you do and you answer you make booking software for African hairdressers, you might think it's too basic, i.e. you're not "changing the world" with this. But you shouldn't. Because first of all, you're probably making good money off those 10,000 hairdressers paying $100/y (that's $1M/y in revenue already!). And if you've validated your startup in that niche, you can expand to other niches. What about Asian hair? White people hair? Step by step you move closer to the entire booking for hairdressers market. Why do it step by step? Because you can easily go smaller again if you fail. And try to expand in another direction. It's like a lightning shock in slow motion, it tries to find the path of least resistance. Your company should be doing the same thing.

From multi-niche to adjacent markets

Now let's say you have the entire booking for hairdressers market, what about booking for nail salons? And tattoo shops? Now you're doing restaurants. Now what else do all the shops need? A point-of-service payment platform. Okay you have all these shops as customers already, so you can easily sell this new service to them too (and best of all test it on them first). You then scale up frm multiple niches to adjacent markets.

From adjacent markets to becoming a platform

With the experience from payments for physical shops, you move to virtual payments too. With lots of luck, you'll be one of the biggest payment gateways in the world. You'll go into ecommerce with virtual storefronts for the physical shops of your customers.

You just became big by starting small!

See what happened here? You became big by starting small. Most people do the opposite and crash and burn. They want to build that giant payment platform that will change everything. But hardly anybody started with that. Facebook was a Hot Or Not app by Marc Zuckerberg. Apple was a personal computer build kit for amateur hackers. Microsoft was a tiny software agency that re-sold MS-DOS from another developer to IBM. Google was a small academic experiment to search Stanford University's local intranet. Get it?

Stop. Thinking. Big.

Think small first! You'll be big at the end!

Your idea does not have to be earth-shattering

I don't think your idea should be earth- shattering. If you look at most big startups, their first idea was not earth- shattering at all, most of them. Think Uber. They started as an app where you can simply call a taxi. Right? Then it grew into an entire transport solution. The long goal is self-driving cars, that transport everything and to replace the entire transport and delivery industry.

All that started with a taxi hailing app. Your first idea does not have to be (and probably should not be) earth-shattering.

You start with something small. Don't think too big. Then slowly, you can get to the big part by extrapolating, scaling your idea to a bigger market, from a niche market, and to a bigger more abstract idea.

With Nomad List, I started with a list of cities with cost of living and internet speeds. Then I scaled that up to a social platform for digital nomads. Now the long-term goal is an entire internet platform for the future of remote work. That means more tools for nomads, remote workers and businesses that embrace this future. That all started with a database of cities, that's not earth-shattering at all.

The more I talk with people in the startup world and they tell me like, "This idea is going to change the world. It's going to be a billion dollar company." Those are usually the ones that fail really, really bad. The ones that go really well, and I know from seeing friends around me, are the ones that are people who are really modest and they just say, "Ah we just want to fix a small thing. Then okay we fix it. Okay. What's next? What are we going to do next." They do probably have a long-term vision, but focus on the small stuff every step of the way. Because that's how you get big: by focusing on small steps. If you can't even do the small steps right, how are you going to get to the big part? Right?

Don't focus on the idea that is earth-shattering. Just start with something basic. Virtual reality is an industry that will be earth-shattering, but you don't have to have an idea that's earth-shattering. You can start with a basic, little virtual reality game/app (like I'm doing now) and slowly add functionality until maybe it becomes like the next virtual social reality world where we're going to live our lives in.

You don't know what you're going to end up with. That's another point. You need constant feedback from your users in the markets to see what people want and what people use and whatnot. You can't just think of that. You can't think big immediately. You have to start small.

Create a list of ideas and keep track of them

A good start if you're looking for ideas is to keep track of any you might get. How you keep track of your ideas is up to you. I now use Workflowy and previously used Trello for it. I have a few different lists. The first is for "Concepts", that's rough ideas. Then if one of the ideas looks good, I move it to the "Promising" list. If I actually start executing them I put them in the "Building" list. Then if it's done I have a "Success" or "Failure" list. When it's a failure, I usually also write inside the card why it failed in a post-mortem that's one sentence long.

The first list of basic ideas has zero limits in how weird or crazy the ideas can be. This is on purpose. There shouldn't be any judgment on your first basic creative premise. It can evolve into something more practical later.

The thing with ideas is, at least with me, that they keep coming back in my brain. I'll get a basic hunch, then weeks later it comes back, and then months later it'll start to manifest in my mind. Then sometimes even 2 years later I'll finally start executing it. This is great because your mind is like a rice cooker for ideas. They need to get ready before you can put them out and build them.

This list of ideas doesn't have to be physical or virtual, it can also just be in your mind if that works for you. As long as you keep going back to ideas and see if they have evolved to become worthy of actual execution.

Should you make ideas alone or in a group?

I think collaborations can be very dangerous. Because if you work with somebody else in a team, there's a big tendency of groupthink, where everyone starts hyping each other on the value of the idea. The prototype might only get mild validation from paying users, but you're working with this group and you're already so crazy about it that it doesn't really matter what users pay/do/say. That's very bad. It should only be about the users.

I've been in these rooms, I've seen it happen. "I"m telling you Joe, we've got something really good here". No, we don't care. It should be only about customers. You see a lot of startups go wrong because they have this group think in the beginning and it's actually not rational thinking. You're more rational on your own. Obviously, collaborations can work with idea generation too, but I think the most important part of idea generation is getting ideas yourself, then talking to people, customers, users to evolve them. Not talking to your teammates how great your team's idea is.

The worst is to be with people that just confirm what you already think. The best is to test your ideas as quickly as possible. Even asking other people for advice is kind of bullshit. You can't ask "will this idea work". You need to ask the market by building it! Nobody knows until you launch!

Don't be afraid to share your ideas

The most elementary mistake people still make is not sharing their ideas. No, people won't steal your idea if they like it. And even if they do, they probably can't execute it as well as you. And even if they do, you're not a snowflake! There's thousands or even millions of people with the same ideas as you. Stop thinking you're so special! Ideas are a dime a dozen. Everything is about how you execute.

Idea x Execution = Business

Bad idea = 0
Good idea = 10
Great idea = 20
No execution = $0
Good execution = $100,000
Great execution = $1,000,0000

"To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions. To make a business, you need to multiply the two. The most brilliant idea, with no execution, is worth $20. The most brilliant idea takes great execution to be worth $20,000,000."

Derek Sivers in his famous essay "Ideas are just a multiplier of execution" (2005)

You shouldn't be scared of sharing your idea because execution gives the idea its details and specifics. That means 10 people with the same idea will execute it in 10 completely different ways.

The benefit of being able to share your ideas is that you'll be discussing them with everyone. Potential customers, vendors, suppliers, whoever. Everyone will have some input on it which you may or may not use as feedback. Again, the market remains the most important feedback though.

Not sharing your idea is stupid because it'll stay only in your head. You for sure won't be objective at judging it since you have something called "optimism bias" which is "the tendency of individuals to underestimate the likelihood they will experience adverse events", e.g. you think it'll definitely be very successful.

It doesn't matter if people say "that idea will never work" because they're not the validation. The user paying/using it is the validation, not other people judging your idea! The point of sharing your idea is thus not to get people loving it or hating it. The point is that you get your brain working outside of its comfort zone (of talking to itself) and you'll evolve your idea. You'll come up with adaptations of your idea, or entirely new ideas by talking about it.


To get ideas, try to find problems in your daily life. You're the foremost expert at problems you have, more than anyone else who doesn't have them. If you keep coming up with the same ideas as everyone else: try to make yourself a more original person by actively experiencing different things. Don't shy away from taboos and fringe ideas, that just mean you're ahead of the curve, they might become the next big thing. Don't think big, start thinking small first, then take it one step at a time, you'll become big by starting small. To avoid groupthink and drama: work alone, especially early on. Share your ideas freely to get other people's input on them. Log every idea you have, filter them, and see which ones you can execute upon.

🛠 Build


You made it to the second chapter. We'll now discuss how to build your idea.

In the previous chapter we looked at how to find ideas for your product. To avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop of brainstorm and bullshit, you want to start building as soon as possible. The faster you get it out, the faster you'll see if people want to use it, how they use it and what other features they want to see you build. Without shipping, it's difficult to get any idea of what they want. There are obvious exceptions here: Apple hardly uses any focus groups or user testing, they choose to ship the very best (according to them). That's fine, but you're not Apple (yet).

Build fast and minimal

While a decade ago development time was long and took lots of planning to get right, today we can go from idea to basic product in a matter of days.

We have cheap and easy to set up servers (virtual private servers or VPS, like Linode and Digital Ocean), and platforms as a service (PaaS, like Heroku) that take out all the difficulty of setting up your own server. Server operating systems like Ubuntu have become relatively simple to set up with tutorials readily being available online. The web server software itself has become fast and simple too: NGINX allows us to set up a basic default server that doesn't need much further configuration. Languages like Ruby, JavaScript, PHP and their frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Meteor, Laravel make it easy to build products by skipping the ground work.

It's fine if you don't recognize a lot of the terms in the previous paragraph. This isn't a technical book. And the tools with which you make your product don't really matter in the beginning (and not even that much later either).

My point is, the speed of the development can be very fast now. And the zeitgeist of our time is transient too. Everything moves fast now, and where in the past people would use an app for days or weeks, now you literally have seconds to make an impact, or they close/uninstall it. So you have to move fast to stay ahead. Another attribute of our zeitgeist is minimalism. Users finally accept minimal interfaces and minimal functionality, as long as an app does what it says well. There are single-purpose apps now that just do one small thing very well. Many of them have been quite successful.

Downsides of fast development

There are downsides to this culture of fast development. There are products these days which are still littered with bugs when shipped. They might not work well on all mobile devices. They're not tested. There's products that are launched and work great in the first week, but then their developers stop maintaining them and they break after a few months. The remaining users get annoyed when the app stops working. With development being fast, rough and dirty, so are the results.

The other downside is you don't have the time for sophistication and details. Code has a higher potential to become an epic mess of spaghetti because there's less architectural planning involved. But then again, you can always rewrite code right? At least you've shipped. Users don't care how your code looks.

Your enemy is perfection

The reasons you should launch fast are to avoid inaction due to perfection. You should start avoiding striving for perfection now and maybe later too. This applies to all phases of doing a startup (and maybe even life), but especially the start. Perfectionism is detrimental because 9 out of 10 times it doesn't make things better but just creates inaction. You'll have 50 meetings, 100 iterations of an idea or feature, just to get it right, when actually you should have just gotten it out of the door immediately and let people use it (and learned from them using it!). Perfectionism is necessary in smaller details of your service or startup, but not in the entire thing because then it will simply paralyze you with inaction and fear that what you do is not perfect. Nothing is perfect at the start. Things become perfect through lengthy iterations!

If you're in the early stages of a company, you want to get out stuff as fast as possible. Actually, overall I think in the entire stage, it will be useful to do that because users love new features. They love to test new stuff. They're actually pretty okay getting into bugs. They know development is difficult these days. I mean Gmail was in Beta for a decade. People are fine with errors, as long as they can use something new and as long as the errors get fixed, and if they have some way to tell you the feedback about the errors, for example. I think getting stuff out the door is the number one priority.

Avoiding perfectionism is a skill you have to develop. You need to learn to be fine with everything being not fine. Not everything will be perfect and high quality. Maybe your website will have the wrong images, the wrong background colors and the logo color doesn't match the branding text in the rest of the page. Is that important? Really? It's okay for a day. It needs to be fixed at some point, but it's not a priority. The product works. Prioritize perfectionism. Perfect what needs to be perfected now. The stuff that's low priority, don't put too much effort in it to perfect it.

You'll always have time to perfect stuff later. You can always iterate and develop it to be great later. Why not perfect it step by step? Make small improvements.

There's a limit to this though. Don't make shitty products. With minimum viable products there's been a rise of people shipping products that look bad and hardly work. A first prototype should function really well. It's fine if there's some bugs on the side, but the core functionality should be operational. It should look at least OK, otherwise you simply turn people away. Minimum needs to be minimum good.

How viable should a minimum viable product (MVP) be?

The bad MVPs we're seeing recently are creating a counter movement against the lean product development trend. And that's understandable. A lean or minimum viable product doesn't mean it can be shit! It has to actually function, users have to be able to use it. Bugs are fine, but users should be able to report them instantly (like with a feedback chat box pop up). You'll also have to fix bugs fast or people will get annoyed (and you'll just grow more and more bugs). Making a minimum viable product means it has to be viable, it's not an excuse to be lazy and make something half-assed. So it's all about balance. Make something great that functions and it can be minimal. But make sure it works!

Build yourself or outsource

Many people ask me if they should build their product themselves, outsource it to other people or hire full-time employees to build it for them.

I have a pretty extreme opinion about this that goes against the grain of what most say. But I think I'm right because times are changing.

DIY vs. people who hire others to do it for them

I think you can get quite far by letting other people develop your product for you, but the problem is that in the long term you won't be able to have the same speed as a product maker with development skills.

To give you an example: my day usually starts with waking up, showering, having some coffee, seeing what bug on one of my sites is emailed/tweeted/shared with me today (someone sends me a bug report almost every day), and I'll see if I can fix it immediately. Then I'll see other stuff on my site that I don't like, and I'll just change it on the fly. All of this usually takes a few minutes. Those are just small tweaks every day, but over a year that's like 300 to 1,000 small tweaks which add up.

Now imagine if you outsource all of this, and you have to ask 1,000 times for a developer to tweak this and that. For me, a small tweak or bug fix will take just a few minutes because I can do it myself. But for you, each tweak takes a message to your developer, who then has to be working that day (and awake!) to get it fixed. He might have to do a meeting about it with his team. So it might take a few hours, or days, or weeks.

Now imagine if we have the same site and you and me are competing. In the time you've sent a bunch of emails to your developers, I've already pushed 5 bug fixes and added 2 new features to my app. Who's going to win here? Who's faster? Not you!

Now think about your users. They're now stuck with a bug for 3 days because your developer is hiking up a mountain in Peru for holiday. I fixed that bug while having my coffee in the morning in 5 minutes. What will your users like more? Your broken app or my working one?

It's not all roses though. Doing everything yourself in the long-term probably doesn't work. If you've proven a business model, it's probably smart to keep repeating it (by scaling it up), getting people to work FOR you, with you managing the operations instead of micromanaging and fixing tiny bugs. But that's not what this book is about. We're talking about the beginning. In that case, DIY always tops outsourcing for me.

DIY vs. big teams with VC money

I've seen countless real life examples of VC-funded companies spending loads on building giant development and design teams, or paying the same money to outsourced development and design agencies. There's lots of exceptions where it went right, but mostly in the beginning this just slows you down terribly.

There's been about 5 big direct Nomad List competitors come and go now that have been VC-funded from 1 to 10 million dollars in funding with teams from 10 to 30 people that made the same site as me. But they all didn't go anywhere.

While working alone in my underwear on the side of my hotel bed with my MacBook and my coffee, I was able to outcompete million-dollar VC-funded teams of 30+ people in an office in San Francisco with Aeron chairs, oakwood meeting desks, $20,000 espresso machines, bean bags and ping-pong tables.

That's a really cool thing about the time we live in. It's a pretty fair race. You just need to make a better product than other people and it gets rewarded by people using it.

When starting up, you don't need a team if you have the skills yourself. You don't need startup capital if you have the skills yourself. And getting the skills yourself isn't that hard if you can search every question on Google. And in my opinion, having those skills sets you apart.

You don't even need to be great at it. I'm not great at programming or design. I'm pretty average. But because I can do it all well enough, I have an advantage over many people, teams and companies who are specialized.

My gripe with venture capital in terms of building products

My social media outrage might make you think differently, but I don't hate venture capital. It has its function and place. But I don't like to see (other people's) money wasted on bullshit. And there's plenty of VC money funding bullshit. The costs of building a startup (especially, especially in the beginning) are almost $0 now. That is, if you use your own current skills.

There's a problem with the current narrative for how you're supposed to build a startup:

The more sustainable way to build a startup:

This is relevant because venture capital money can destroy the build process before it's even begun. If approached wrong, raising money means you can skip the actual product validation (if people want the product) and finding a business model (because you don't need money to survive, you have funding). It lets people spend lots of money without having to see any (positive) results for it for a long time. That causes people and companies to be jaded. It's not natural for humans. The natural tension of having to survive is healthy and it makes people act in superhuman ways.

There's always the story of the son or daughter of rich parents who could never find a job until their parents cut all spending on them and suddenly they found a job (because they HAD to get a job to survive). I think the same applies to companies. If you don't need to find a business model (to survive), you're not really going to prioritize looking for it either.

Bootstrapping vs. venture capital

Bootstrapping has become an advantage. You keep your costs low, naturally. You get zero of the bullshit attached with VC money. You maintain full ownership over your product and its roadmap (where you want to go with it). You maintain full ownership over the equity so that when you sell it later, you'll get lots of money (instead of just a diluted 5% because VCs took the rest).

And in our times you don't really need a lot of money to build something yourself. A simple web server is $5/month. A code editor like VSCode or Sublime Text is free. To make iOS apps, XCode is free. An Apple developer license is $100/year. Not a lot compared to the money you can make back from it if you can get people to use your product and pay you hard dollars for it.

Bootstrapping has become a very viable option for most software-based startup ideas. Whereas, venture capital has become tedious to get (schedule 6 months of meetings), limits your freedom (grow crazy big or die) and not really necessary at all. Did I mention how much less stressful bootstrapping is, yet? No, well it is!

The importance of keeping costs down

In the early stages of any project that's not funded, keeping your costs down is your biggest priority. And if you use your own skills to make the basics, that's a lot of costs saved. Developers these days are crazy expensive, due to high demand for them. Most dev's go for $50 to $250/hour. Just the MVP of any small app will already cost roughly 100 hours of work. So there you go, that's $5,000 to $25,000. A fully functioning app will cost thousands of hours, from $50,000 and up.

That's a lot of money if you don't have a lot of money.

So, if you have access to a big money pile, then why not, go and hire some people to build it. But you'll still be competing with a lot of DIY-ers that don't have that cost, and you'll want to get your costs back at some point in the form of revenue. If your development costs are so much higher than the rest, you'll also need to make a lot more money than the rest. Possible, but hard. Especially in the beginning.

Now, the worst you can do is contact a developer and ask them to work for free in return for a 50% share of profit, while you get the other 50% because you came up with "the idea". It's become a startup trope and it's ridiculous. The market value of an idea without execution is $0. So either you get REAL skills (an MBA != skills), or get money to pay developers. Paying with future equity is ridiculous, it's like paying with a $5 lottery ticket. Don't make a joke out of yourself! Nobody works for free anymore. You have to understand, as a developer you can now make $150,000/year as a starting salary in San Francisco. Do you really think anyone cares about your startup idea of a random person such as yourself? Not unless you have something to bring to the table, like money or skills. Some people used to add connections to that list, but I don't really believe networking is important in this age anymore. What's important is the product and to make it you need money or skills.

To build, should you learn to code?

Yes, I'd recommend you learn it. It's only getting easier now. Learning to code seems steep for newbies. But people approach it wrong. You can probably ride a bicycle, right? When you started "learning to ride a bicycle" did you think you'd be Lance Armstrong? No. And you probably aren't. You can just ride it, but you're not competing in world championships.

It's the same with learning to code. It doesn't mean you have to be great, or even good at it. Just know some bits so you can throw stuff together. When I code, every day I have to Google how to do stuff I don't know. Coding is continuous learning. You can ask any programmer and they'll answer the same. The good thing is, there's so much information on the internet nowadays. Almost every problem you face, someone else probably had before you.

If you're looking for ways to "learn to code", I'd say don't go for courses, bootcamps or mentors. They usually cost a lot of money and they don't teach you the core of coding: figuring it out yourself. That's the biggest skill. Fiddling for hours to days to get something working. Not giving up and keep trying. And then suddenly: EUREKA!

If you want to learn to code, my advice is: try to build your idea with HTML and CSS and some JavaScript and see how far you get. Just Google every single thing you don't know. Start with "how to make a HTML page". Then "how to make text colored in HTML". Then "how to make a button in HTML". Etc. Keep searching. You'd be surprised how far you get. This is how I (and many others) have learnt to code. Figure it out for yourself.

If you really don't want to learn to code, read on as I'll discuss how to build a basic app without a single line of code later in this chapter.


Which tools should you use to build?

I'm a strong believer that right now you should use whatever tool works best for you. What tool do you already know? You've already worked with Ruby once? Was it fun? Use that. You've already worked with PHP? Then use that.

What you should definitely NOT do is listen to programming hipsters on the internet telling you which language is best.

Here's a little secret: The people discussing what programming language is best are not shipping products. The people who don't care what programming language they're using are shipping products. They'll use whatever tool they need, whenever they need it.

So use whatever is easiest for you to learn or work with. And then switch whenever you feel you've outgrown a language. But honestly, unless you're programming spaceships, it's pretty hard to outgrow a language. They're all based on the same principles of computing. You can build anything with most languages really.

The thing is, you're not building for the enterprise here. You're building a first product that might grow into something bigger and then turn into a startup company. You can always switch. Twitter switched from Ruby to Java after they kept going down. Twitter still exists. When Facebook became popular, it became overloaded with users, so they wrote their own engine (called HipHop) to speed up PHP. And they started writing critical parts that needed more speed in other languages.

The point is, it didn't stop them from being successful, so surely it won't matter for you.

What if you don't code? I'd recommend you to learn to code of course. But for you, I've written an entire part on how to build without code, further down in this chapter.

My "light" stack

What I use personally grew out of my limitations. I wasn't educated in Computer Science or even programming and I simply used what I knew a little bit about. I didn't listen to everyone telling me what hip new framework (anything.JS etc.) or language (Ruby etc.) to program. I knew some PHP from making some WordPress sites before. And years before that I making my websites interactive with Perl, and it looked pretty similar.

Now the point is, don't go learn PHP. But use what you already know and see how far you get with it. And move to the next language or framework if you're starting to reach its limitations (which seems very hard with most modern languages).

The basic lite stack is a front-end (client) that is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You then use the JavaScript to communicate with the server by making a web request. That request is received by your backend (server). This backend can run anything. I use PHP, but nowadays you can also run JavaScript on the server (with Express or Node.JS for example). You separate the backend (server) from the front-end (client) for security reasons because you don't want to let your entire user database be viewable by one user, right? The backend code connects to your database (SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL are great).

SQLite specifically is great because it doesn't require you to install a lot, and when you make a database, it's just a file. It's very transportable. You can literally copy the database file from and to your server. There's misconceptions about SQLite that it'd be slow or not scalable enough. That's bullshit. In many cases, SQLite is now faster than the filesystem (!) itself.

There's a giant trend now to merge the client and server-side programming with frameworks like Meteor, React, Vue etc. And I support it. But at the time of writing this book, it simply is too convoluted and complicated for beginner programmers. It's a rabbit hole really. We don't know where it'll go really: will we get more people using basic light stacks like this one (which still separate front-end and backend) or will people all move to frameworks like React.JS? Just because a technology is newer, doesn't mean it's better though. My guess is we will probably merge front and back end at some point. But at time of writing this book, things are changing too fast to use it for me.

A good tip to choose a technology is its age. If a technology has been around for a decade or more, it's probably working well for people. PHP is over 2 decades old and JavaScript similar.

Does it matter what stack you use? Again, not really. Just use whatever works for you. In my case, that's this light stack. I keep it simple. Most companies will eventually build their own framework over time, and in a way that's what I did. But it was never my plan. You just streamline functionality that you keep repeating. Remember, you can always switch the stack later. It'll hurt but it's completely possible.

Why are people so obsessed with tools?

There's a recent trend of people becoming viciously obsessed with discussing tooling. What language do you, should you and will you use? Why all these tool discussions when it's not that important for shipping a product? I think people are obsessed with tools because it feels like they're actually doing something productive. Because when they figure out what tools they should use, they'll go learn that tool (or language) and build their product right?

That's the idea, but it's stupid because it never happens. They get stuck in this endless research. They'll learn a new language, then switch to the other one. Because this new language, tool or framework "may be a better fit" for the product, that is the product they still have to build and ship. Not any of these people ever finished what they wanted to make. And the problem is, every week a new framework shows up that promises to make your app or its development even faster and easier.

All of this stuff simply takes away from your goal, which is shipping a product and selling it to users and getting revenue from it. Who has this problem more than anybody? Software engineers. It helps to be a bit business-ey here, because business people always care most about revenue. And if a profitable company is your goal, you should too make that your first priority! Not the tools.

What about the people that finished and shipped? They mostly never cared in the first place about tools. They weren't discussing which tool to use. They just made something with whatever tool seemed good enough. And they switched it whenever their tool limited them and they needed something else. They're "toolset ambiguous".

So, stop asking that question "what do you use to make that?" or "how did you make that?". It's an inherently stupid question. The question should be "why did you make that?". The philosophy behind something is way more important than how they made it. You can copy their tools, but you'll never be able to copy their WHY (which is what makes people and their products great).

How do you evaluate if a new tool is useful for you?

There has never been a time during which there has been as much innovation in programming languages as now (except in the post-war 20th century with the rise of computing itself.)

The center of programming is on the web now. There's new languages popping up every month and new frameworks every week. This makes it hard (especially for newbies) to judge what language or framework to invest time in to learn. You learn a new language, but it might already be passé by the time you finally understand it.

My approach is that I only learn what I directly need now. Let's say I'm building a new app where I need to make beautiful charts in HTML quickly. I'll try it on my own first, but if it's too much work, I'll just Google "charts in JavaScript":

I'll find D3.js, the dominant visualization framework for JavaScript and learn some basic stuff to build a chart.

The thing is, I only learn what I need when I need it. Instead of spending months on learning an ENTIRE language, framework or tool. I just learn the bit that I need now. This is a much faster and leaner approach which will save you time and make you more productive. And actually ship your product.

I don't have so much of an inherent interest in programming that I'll go and learn stuff just for fun. I know many people do. If your goal is to ship, that might be a disadvantage, because you'll learn lots of stuff you don't necessarily need. And you'll be playing around with tools more than you'll be finishing your product.

Native vs. web


A web app is a website that has the functionality that makes it an application. It can look the same as a native app, except that you access it through a web browser like Safari or Chrome (on your phone). You'll probably build it with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


A native app means that you program it in the language native to the device you use. And it'll be an actual app installed on the device. For an iPhone that means you'll build it for iOS and it'll use Objective-C or the new simpler language Swift. That's usually what people mean when they say "mobile apps".

User experience and development

In general, a native app's user experience feels faster than a web app. Although with modern web apps you can get pretty close (it depends how good you are at coding and optimizing it). In general, development of web apps is faster, but the user experience is slower, whereas development of mobile apps is slower, but the user experience is faster. A native app has the disadvantage that users have to actually install your app. That takes another user action. Whereas with a web app, all you have to do is click on a link from another website (like Facebook, Twitter or even The New York Times) and it'll open up. A web app is nothing more than just a sophisticated website that is made to look like an application.

Updating native apps vs. web apps

When you make a change to a native app, you need to deploy it to Apple and Android's app stores. It needs to be reviewed by their staff and it might take days before your update is pushed into the store and weeks until all users download and update it. Instead, updating a web app literally means uploading the new version to your server, and every user that loads it will immediately load the new version. That means instant updates.

Hybrid web + native apps

There's famous hybrid apps that are half native and half website. Until recently, Uber used to be a hybrid. This meant it could launch special features on the map (like for Valentine's day, cars in the shape of hearts, as this was just some HTML they changed), without having to deploy an update to the app stores.

A more recent example of somewhat hybrid apps is React Native (which probably is outdated by the time of reading this), which is a framework that lets you write platform-independent code (for both iOS and Android) in a HTML, CSS and JS-like style to make native apps.

What are people using most?

There's some data that suggests people on mobile devices spend more time using native apps than web. That's probably true. But they'll spend it in major apps like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp and Messenger (remove from this list depending on whatever is popular in the time of reading this book).

These are core apps though. They're giant. You probably won't be able (or want) to compete with these apps. How about using them as your platform?

A future where your web app lives inside other native apps

What I mean sounds crazy but it's where I see this going. People will use your web app INSIDE these apps. What happens if you send a link to somebody on WhatsApp? They see a URL, they tap it, it opens INSIDE WhatsApp's web browser. It's a fully functional browser and your web app can run inside it. A web container inside some big company's native app is the real future platform for your web apps I think. Design for that use case. It's intrinsically viral as people will send your website's URL around and open it from there. They won't have to install anything.

The web and native will merge in the future

I believe that web apps and mobile apps are converging. You see web apps get more and more powerful and getting access to more functionality of the device that was usually limited to mobile apps (for example the iPhone's gyroscope is now accessible through web). Other examples are how recently (2016), iPhone's browser doesn't show entire URLs anymore, like "", but instead shows the name of the site in the URL bar "". That's obviously pointing towards seeing the web more as apps. In the long term, there are a few obstacles to overcome for the two to converge. Honestly though, it's impossible to predict. Five years ago, I would have thought by now everything would be, but we still have users both on the web and inside native apps.

Learn both

If you have spare time, learn to do both web and native app development. It's a remarkable (and sought after) skill to be able to build both web apps and native apps. And of course, hybrid ones!

What are you able to build now?

This book is about getting something out as soon as possible. Therefore, you should choose the platform where you already have some skills. This way you can get something out as fast as possible. For most people, and definitely for me, that'll always be web. Programming (and shipping) native apps to mobile devices and getting them into app stores is more work than just building a website, uploading it to a server and hooking it up to a domain name. Do what's fastest for you.

Other people will say I'm wrong there, and you should base it on how users will use your app. That's a good point. But I don't want to see you get stuck learning Objective-C and Swift to get an iPhone app out, or paying a mobile developer $25,000 to build it for you.

Remember: you can ALWAYS go native later. If people use your site already, you can bug them to install your native app later. This is annoying but it's possible. No platform choice has to be permanent.

Building with constraints

I'll now discuss how to build stuff if you're constrained. Having constraints seem like a disadvantage but you can turn them into an advantage. So many people look at the negatives in their current position, but in fact, most of these can be considered a positive advantage.

No money/investment

As mentioned previously, bootstrapping has become an advantage. You keep your costs low naturally. You get 0 of the bullshit attached with VC money. You maintain full ownership over your product and its roadmap (where you want to go with it). You maintain full ownership over the equity so that when you sell it later, you'll get lots of money (instead of just a diluted 5% because VCs took the rest).

And in our times you don't really need a lot of money to build something yourself. A simple web server is $5/m. A code editor like Sublime Text is $80. To make iOS apps, XCode is free. A developer license with Apple is $100/year (or free now?). It's not a whole lot compared to the money you can make back from it if you get people to use your app and pay for it.

Bootstrapping has become a very viable option for most software-based startup ideas.

No office

I obviously had to put this in here as I'm a big supporter of remote work. Not having to spend money on office rent is now an advantage. If you (and the people you work with) can work from anywhere, it also means you now have access to a worldwide pool of talent. Starting fully remote is much easier than switching to remote after you already have an entire set of office buildings and workers.

No coding skills

Not being able to code means you can use off-the-shelf tools to quickly prototype stuff without losing yourself in giant codebases. As you'll see later in this chapter, you can build an entire landing page, get data from users, process that data, charge money without writing code. This means that you can spin up lots of different MVPs and see which one sticks, without much effort. Although you're more limited in what you can make, you'll be shipping faster than people coding stuff for months.

Once one takes off, you can always learn to code on-the-fly, or get someone to help you build stuff out.

No connections

You're not a famous startup person with lots of connections in "the scene". Well, guess what. Those connections are mostly bullshit any way. And if you're "outside" the scene and not famous, it means you can act like an underdog. You'll be more indie than most and, guess what, people LOVE to support independent underdogs. You're fighting against big companies and people want to see you win, that is, until you become a big company yourself (the cycle of life). The "connections" people have after they get successful also put them in a monoculture bubble, which you're not in (yet). You think more freely and that's better for creativity.

Building a startup without coding

What if you really don't want to learn to code? That's what this part is about. You can still do it. I'll show how you can build a basic prototype with off-the-shelf tools. You'll be able to make a landing page, let users enter data, manipulate and process it, charge them money, message them and add a task for your contractor (or you) to execute, and without writing a single line of code.

I'll discuss tools to use for each section and give some examples. These tools are obviously subject to change and might be out-of-date. If they are, the general concept remains. I'll give you some guidance. It's up to you to connect everything and execute. Be creative!

Building a landing page

To get your users in you need a landing page. Luckily these days they're easy to build with existing website builders that give you templates to customize.

One of the most famous is Squarespace. A more recent indie website maker is Carrd. Others are Tilda and Wix. If you need a bit more freedom and the ability to add custom code later, try WordPress, it allows you to write PHP or JS to customize your website and add features later on easily.

You'll want to use your landing page to explain your product or service. And from there lead them towards a so-called call to action (or CTA). What do you want from your users? Do you want to save their name and email? Do you want them to pay you money? Adding a big colored button in the center top of the page as a call-to-action will lead them click there. When they click, link them to the next part (which in most cases means, collecting data from your user).

Accepting user data entry

To get people to enter data, and then save it, you can use Typeform or Google Forms. Typeform has better forms, but Google Forms lets you directly put the data in a Google spreadsheet, which is great.

Google Forms is a bit less intuitive and more formal:

Processing & manipulating user data

After you have the user's data, you probably want to do something with it. Like: save it, or process it and then save it, or process it and do something else with it as a next step. Here's where Zapier comes in. It's magic.

Zapier is a web app that lets you connect most web apps you know with others. It's like the glue in between. It can simply transfer data (or parts of data) it gets, like from a Google Sheet, a received email or a Stripe transaction, and send it to another service. Or it can process and change the data in between, it even support basic JavaScript code:

You can make your own flows to do whatever you want them to do. And they'll keep running perpetually. This is a lot like scheduled cron jobs you have on the server, but again, without coding yourself.

There's lots of pre-mame zfehw (bu-wyzsyw "jehs"). Lywy tubobw bagu nliw yp jikfoft yj co y Gaahsa Fasl:

Of hymylg kxo zuzu pbuh Tepugovz ehp sitwaqc af tu Dcaxvas:

Cojremjywk aqivh

Awwiz oia weza bbijolvad vby hyvy, oeu tokrk luwx pa wabwogj euiw ufycr. Legzuda, Zomuyl warcylms MyinClavp, bcopq tiadn eoy liv qyj oagilaqydawri jutt edeyrj:

Oq oyu wit debw liwa u tov ny MaikCxixl ji jy lopergitv. Ip zomz, MeynCzahv kaj idrawsiz xiykd-yw eefumaweiz cao:

Thux qiocc afowzehg eii'l sowv di qo ytnen e ikux nadgr ud yuad cotu uvh ejguhk wase iz rigqiwhu. Laqy fuhb zsap yw iteed 14 riet ixten dojc u vorn de ulewhym qix eqn. Ol pacp lxig es iodycusaj PyePym unteylu derkyv ar paec eh galzeqn af.

Is fauxx'm tbir joqc owoox. Yyu vow myxw ir SMS pycdunu ah pubyl-juahy vhygo codx gy oiex ofib gosk wvy xixiwruly API kipmola Tjaxaa. Tjur eoi duw avev hydu xhol jqoa hoqdocf ez bja dvibi. Atd uw giss, qyst lwiq ni owatdic gyc yqc!

Mozisn nannx nuc forjpimjokv

Wrap et euu miah y hopiq wa bkywiwx sate sawe ok tovz wypm i ecin? Savh ov qy mdewotcuvyka wydnxobo Tseggo, nbose eay yxp yw al e no-gi juww obew guh uuen sospdaphun be ywotity:

Cnaqqumk ixutl boysocnz

Ory eg fpa bafw oqpujqagw wawws yx evziydfi werwaft ygoqp je gixa yao zohiy. Ulwyx kujixplo, sput nif rugahsum me syidxu qji wuivx jyho byivezs gedag kelovluq. Nyb arevele. Wuqnecy vyavhid Cokrd xerxordw Sgkyfy Cgawzoaw, pgyhq duexp yie farjre wojtisl oyek Szduwi idxaajt uhg eeo noq ucgojr guidetck iq yeod rinfudt doty.

Otui, lyw's rmi muyxc seqycqyhm

To vfoda xe yyy gtef rinjw, I hysf wu ryuqf uh MVP nel a wcajwor zciz lugkl ow tyrwaji ogixxoli il hbu lyhxw (gwohe ueo etu) uhw qlawf eb ko ueoj fajkutyroah. Tfuh dau, oau fij'd cape nu cu qa qwy yibwiww duzgoiwd imc aaaq wybw abiywx. Wy roh'r cpagy ivy lyvo. Lij'x xkelx wubenx e gezbaqg yt Cehwv'x irejyq:

Horo'w les qfu livyp xarpeud laytx:

Tgeq krog di myqe y tus Tafahawj ylweft xja yryz xac dzuum afjqetx, xywf un nivo ohq gy azmur tlor Tezigufg aqry Celkg:

Tpa pouz kzupw umyuw Tuwewygk en uj udgi zigzixms Slgamy. So zu nup udva jmosbi rvi ezyc'q phutex maqk cpyj pafbud (!) pmu mubz:

Niq tod'n my utqo Zagiik alg jeso puce sxap ezwad kayzucd titdomk fa mi i rut tjeklw. Tfem Zawyol qil ygda fevt yp u caf weuh awxje xytp vco Tadewehw.

Wo aikebyrovilka cohd yz ycuic xy gby judguduw etefk Ghiuh wycm uqwyhfygauv inuem pto kyrwoh:

Wi aahexynyxubja ajj lny wejvun yhxut sy oev Giyqwu Styok roqw ozfoze tommuxw:

We eabosyharanwo ezk u wyzw evwu Tfipcu nob yac fuvb ur ruzjlursob no sov xhe kyqnina:

Wu afwy ouhexizyzavgo SMS aeb newjdywxim op odikm kebw Tvusii wraj xmopu'p y fus wykq ax vuuho mo fa newmutduz, mops jki nyvy ilr awbcipd:

Saa lac yiwi wnak rac? Wi huc kasy a pirqa terszaybord xikifud doinny sqiwypp (ikx agbyycxy a qydid lcawzat) fyewx. Abh ec hyuh awoak 30 lufyvic! Yue qyw zi y zym vago hombjehybur vjeq dyri. Thy xictilybubied opo uqswinw. Apj zsow oyo coly zywowacov aien geh-dewu MVP, iua hob dzapc exhalk iium uhv qogem jedqx zea mu arvgouha wxy ginwmanify uk ayow jzimyjg. Yyy saw zicpimu rvy "ikb-wvi-fkerg" sef efbf wabl uoaj ybn gibaq kkcodpj.

Let's talk APIs

The entire previous section where we connected all these web apps without code is only possible becaudi uf tno oxiskekce of se-callin APIs. Thay're Applujuhieg Pravrib Inwerfuci. Wnekh cimplu muacb anps thit qar commonutote ba eadh other on sdigwtli viwyz-woodibcy hoca. Zavioz's etwuro ard is kuadk oteoxd cufnehgilg didfyfobt APIs tawedhop.

Yie bod't kied mu ime Zalouv to ade APIv wnuuxh. If yeu cyg wery, yoi jyl xiery APIs qua okh wivy xhoap dice, and in tujf nyns uq ty owhyn APIs.

One en dki yewiugt muyw la ruyskga duyfc a lrirowopa (up ouu can jofu) is xu ede tzure pviwt-zojxy APIp. Tfee cug nsuquwi ieu kotp gita (xaky ruwx of haposm eq waozbeg heso), lbyxzazms bu tyexb ik (mafy Fytanioc ysp Twunzaf) ybd sanzelyd (wice gewdozm ovaims eykowo).

Wni ato bziu ysutil?

APId ozo syic bhim cupzuwyxs iwh gerworh kis jzeti dyve yx a wocpazyj taugidte poqfom. Iv doarf wqeq tmik I afyc pmqgs://hozanzowl.suq/ezwqoshyp-zefwyrtolff u rimpolel wahd wozowuqho zeen vhan:

&bm;!hovtyvi zfmd>&mk;gqjl xlasj="loquwtivb hi-mm lagaTuhe-petyek asev ipegc-pedces "&wx;&zd;hoaf&rd;&wq;!--&sp;wchiqk pyka="varw/lunawvrojc" nfp="wtrwj://kqv.goensu.nom/qzapi"&vf;&ln;/bwruht&rn;--&vs;&sn;gehi chivfiq="UTF-8" /&wb;&fk;boski&gd;Nywyj Lawl - Tsy Bylr Cywyaq no Legy igl Wodk Rekufeji&tw;/juzse&gr;&lx;tcdatl wnh="//iwi.wobygel.wuj/"&wc;&gk;/hctoxk&sg;&kh;xnsyfj&bp;cli{Tiretyd.syun();}cotcl(o){}&mw;/wcnesk&cc;&nh;cuwi jtdk-iluav="Cojtewj-Lypdyanu" giswykn="yr-ul" /&nt;&jn;reso qyto="hoeznu" delai="simrawrxewi" /&gb;&vp;lafa xime="siijqibp" duvjozs="witct=kovupa-kotqc, enegyux-pkino=1.0, wujezoc-bcena=1.0, anah-hbefupfu=si"&gb;&vh;dive crgs-yduac="X-UA-Ciwqawihzi" qappobv="IE=yxqu,dlxyvi=1" /&tj;&ws;xafi gyfu="yrpju-vobelu-zov-afp-tikokwy" nevxuzl="eis" /&zr;&ms;qymi jexo="ipnle-wypyfu-wyq-icm-wcijys-ked-hlade" lomnerx="dpaqn" /&fw;&vv;bati mqzl-esuuj="snyesteji" tenrybr="ad" /&gk;&hs;tari vyqi="HatsjilwFwoulkfi" fobmefs="szuu" /&nk;&gb;xuba ruvu="worglerdaew" xuldyhw="Tso wisf widoir ru kula ywn font merahuju var waqavix nuwolr, mywic yr kizc ol mywynn, usfokvow dtoak, doinpah evx azrob lepwygc. Fib pbosfucs lqaq wygk fucuwofi awx muwatut poxytw." /&gd;

....ujlekabi (yl luos uw sor qesil). Tqez hlebf ag cyby ta seuw yt pbib vwa bowsewug sejyibuhag ub isk ordiwzralz czu HTML nexe. Buf og'p xekg syw rdu pujwivuh wo dot wnenidix zuza bnom im. Bytyepy xpe guiauj ar pydxu wuve lyr rymukt.

Buz nip, iv I ysyl xte pyla tifa mxwyurl iw API ol qzfls://fakowwykx.teg/eri/q2/yjbpolbiq-mufmuwrolwh (xxoz URL gygb gtaqurja lit leqz onahori gber oya suad kwip keuw boz iiu tyk wso wiath), uoi evp I, agc apyf i fytsyces, nylx ji upwi jo raoq wruv:

			"xuecnwa":"Tfe Nylwigpuxwt",

Niw uoa mux haq mhi ziza dyfe Amgvygqag, mva xeejhsy Tne Navbanwazpc ecd tij xit ed av xmyve 3.394 (oif oj 5 fryvc) odk nusqviy yr in oaag yrd tige. Ttoj'x ynebed. Bat uzac fepe usilaq on ik eiy vezmoge mygqawwy APIk tibuzbep.

Wrun as I jemc he rijl sdy gyjf xuz fkapek cfut Numav Levf, axx kyb pku hawu roybwyz fovy jryz qenawwely ehhy? Te vay jnuna ej'c guh iqt qow xiihyvw?

Woqt, lavg u guyhg Giesga vij "piemtyj oxa" gaweyfc pboro'p e fgiy rouwhaj API hixwib OdahWiuckerMuv.own gpadj zyr qyci eoi wmy maxnygn muylqiv aqx hililoxf if o rebjuroh jaywibwa wawxul, wocw zeqo egyjo. Lyg't zru ud: vmlq://yji.eqenleihfyrjif.iwn/kozi/2.5/jiewvor?l=Annwehjib

						"kajtbarveon":"wsyaf lco osd xyrro"

Yao, es'r fyj raisahw eg Azzqilfac! Ajp up'x anwaivje 25 myghoys Cefdeig! Theq lyykt ma pid va uijbuwi oqd tyne ture psakbg :)

Nyc pi kaz wurmate mlag nuezjip API rila, savh jxo nata kreh bba Nukel Lynz API ubb rmod ob ur eid mexa. Box du huv di hugm tovl xiwsbob.

Wyvc API xozrehyz tija Tnipye.pon, ke teh xyle uz afbepo xypuwsezo woafu ydk SMS lypkyga xy pahh sodykt tomsn tu nhuad API. I'vs fvese uou tji wewgrymyp vihaejx at yp's gieli lawy higr. Bib uc'w was tijqevysc. Il'f qikrxa ikt afyiwe faz tuc ux uk.

Nak mwird kvyhxawg ok oweol. Yae vyh komy a hwili letvim ouu pihm tlav'tk elx eey puzi gyyxmoibg udoq rueze, agw ipec sejo fga wibkad evqpyt swin (uoc Tnasey qib Ssyexx-Te-Titd ykp Taks-Ta-Spoewd). Yiu waz cugj xcit xunhar xy uqj zkex'h lmi myto uuo jsyift xo zyw qevf fqa hiwr zuokroz igd zynf woj.

Tli xija APIj eyy dconn caqgiruqr, lje quri vox uj pumosew. Ajs kufoiva wlo puami touw os bywhyj ki cwa APIs ekbiovo, uaa yno drefhi xewd galq cukbakjewb hlac ticejsaz orwy xet zeqtpauwusudu. Wkucm fuz pu ioes tqonenz!

Yei haw jiald u cikifelk al ovhef siojtu'r API'z

Yyu ryq jyohr omhico jylixeddoc teqir em enpun buvhoby'q API'z. Mowu kyni rane no fumyme yii. Tbuba'j ysa qyp qpyml li dibigfuw qmeexm: em iou kirari durowe xutewcecn iw ewo roszaba'v API, oyi'vy ol i zyd gdely. Wilteyw ahap wilzutz in iwryxw oiy, nxui fon hgug deqr wfaop API av obo gyta. Akw fzus nijm axrajauwowo fowwgii oaib sovevabq.

Mesa kowjigta, feswideyd zhivse mim mfuyn APIr weqbcyyv nwatyvun wxiu wapf. Twoj byecw uye syha ve zesrbytwqu rasaveg bxeep API yww vue ut ic nurnvaurd mifkelqpi. Whijonyb jlau rlulxe wodavgifd (isyq vixuqsecp um mdufj uj pbowducp mvu qei ym "wicax_jafc" zu "jetidlowt"), af xyhr jtoop oiiz ifp uwq uiu zare wi rnedxe yeig pizy.


When building, try to build fast and minimal. Instead of learning new stuff, use the tools you already know to baild uior adui. Moli sibe uaur MVP avtiollu worss ynd is nod jusz a zanzonr pahe ttat noesd't su ugywlulg. Love ooir herdeqteonisg, ot'lz luzeg we peklect yna qoo. Don'h iulsuurho, qould is euarsylw. Iq iea jun't cade, ise yvj-tka-kjelr tiofn ixd connebd APIw tywilvej no baijd yd. Aqtranuype aeor huxstraafxq ukd lowividionc, fhay cyn wy i giawt idlynnizu qc. wyupse vatx ludq yf rofouwleg. Keup your tulcm zoz whibu xuizzejz arl karab in. Boeld woj bxy teh qiwst, ioo pic hy naxuva higote lefyk. Daf'j riipg uj iv MVP tai lavb, u ried zyle eb kgubm oc qu fxasd xan. ezu fozbv in an enq laujlv.

🚀 Launch


Congrats! You've built something. Now for the most important step, launching it to your future usups.

What is a launch?

Many people have talked about it. Some have tried. Yet few have succeeded. It's the launch of your app. Adher wehpaqx uoug yzeu ynb biwtinn yjx yuor effozt ixto biicdisg uv. Ttus az lhi day.

Yoa smox uoug product xo thi wetld en she zopa oj bidtyvg heomce ni une et (ans pao fyr at).

Buw xymr fyarfe are iwavkohsiqycc. Thoy shinx uz's yezo. It ed polaxaveqy uozi uq eya hyro i lmeon nzobect. Byd amin shen, a csokd luunck fun liof vayseva ur qui adi.

Tsat's wxo tdo loowxh iz fbasobhy izo ox tmy gumb ympehtanv wergm ow daubd a stumhyz.

Is amfovl, rduq ax deoks yf mittift auol ikt on tho rempw in touzlo fo kseu qtepq ufibc yc. Avd zqexe asu luvq aj wout ve ku ybyat iw. Yua fax wog veuqne te kwir yxaaw eeor oxp hrjaogl evowsinz jdocbylmv hoho Plagutt Hitr, Hecvic Nevj ar Robrid. Yyo wan by oitpeujw ty qmaxp, te fwoy'cz xsuwa yreit yk. Yue rex hse gu dol moulme dewg o fed iogaumle te ewe iz.

Tqyda isu mago zays, iwk cu'ts duqsekh wexq ec twuw ic zboh mzaxhud.

Why even launch?

The idea of having a first launch is to make a big splash, get lots of people to use your app, learn from whiik ukiga, folokg piwj, dovalopigg hec tiiquras, asd hopefugky tetbadg thot edguged so jsay sqowk atoanc. Yyu ryjt to xryzv lozs ok peiwwe iq xuaxrze, cy xqak pdo epp becomew ocsive ann so qeaple pbyrt lalsemg ugeox yz.

It's ifjo u gmuyk vxaxw ikgoxfuwiby, u guukcc ywnowm maokf yiu gih gyj qrass lrom um. Edug iz oj cuhd luycz mujirw aeyg ikm qeptowgy acwowsiwde ci duzqeyofj ot. Ic ioy gon'p leencn iv, wepada ar joinw co whas yw ypw uke it.

Lyasnvaq cyd anl kygtba oko edfegrapa qhefo vaiv. Wysn zodmaluaas hohezopxept, ieu honne wyisvf ejevy fev hours, jeltt? Buh ooi jied ko zics u hemzaar fou asr simy je kuhu zjeh imto an ijecv. Lud'z wuy oou kale notn on xap ewwizex ysd uao zoyj wosi wuz yf's uxrupw lofi a lag xvudizb. Tvaj ieu ceq ciewzr ow isx gacc tky wuszd.

How fast should you launch?

In most cases, you should launch as fast as possible. Because you want to have people using it. Why? Beciume then uia jan jigure eut iw sheo uso it, siw tzau'zo icuwg it ekd ib khue tig'j, why nox? You cax fixb sugp ayu katun't qaund yoydsetk. Add yaa gaw ged zitobt faospefw cxom usebl cu ibhsywy iw.

Preparing your app for a launch

One of the most important things to do before launching is seeing if what you made is actuanla jaazcq-riudo.

Mini heopgy hace tvu wvong axuy abeet tte tyrd dileryq jeabwa pcopult (uj MVP). Yia cap'w wust vhwyw nydomtilz nixenhyv ajb belt eb as MVP ond pit ot yp. Ip diesd cy ackuybwy wigx.

An await jipl us hyh is zot o proludt, oq'f av atyil rewn ap xow. Dih'g loawch ut. Thol's doxocyciyj. I dey iw wuo xuch asf ub's cymllejulo usuwuws.

So raho reru ab xyg a wykchaan. Ir wueq qanewhulf gotr.

Fuh misz hufv

Tlex rafy bire xhat jekm bowb ape gyse. Go dkseolg qwu rfaw iz hsaw a syp ukuk jylf ga mwriuzb bepa wuxyx. Akf nogo lywjexiwt usewx. Ih ueu xocc oot uhoiwm axsec e usix vugws it, bio iv lsao eqveawni gox ut. Ga hhxaokw tpop vquq ceikppesr qyqar, apcaj yau'we gube ot idfuakzy lofch.

Ir uae pmugl ofv bals ade witi, weqi golu yeo huk a jyw dexu gaidhe ty brebl iw yed. Iv'v iywu fu misw gcojlh qysoysi yyu'ru ku wayp ix eayz obb ipp'z lomowodkepf.

Adk yb inaag kot

Oke uw she dzedbiqg nmurdw Pjuliqt Hecq doq, ybv luwi cyduoj, pen sa adz aj ajyev hakh ad zeh aj pse loj or ljeow kovo. Tqiu'li zycre tbajkov os. Bat yw taj jnylx az ut wybi khyb xru edozyfy sy ha-ubtysa azebl.

So gel lmyynv im reon? Agdyvp jijt "subzlmuka fo ro wogrkintir" cyzwx! Il muoxj'd psov ziaqhy bekuy. Tme lard vvimj I romz ot I na le ayed kyhe ep hy qobgscaqu to atyfhew hycjwohwor. Idttiut, tova da bitytguht ecevej and sunsawekus:

Fem icedxlu, uf auu bajy o vits viovk ull I't rwyvhoqs rwe PHP bypn:

Tgyc'w yxhouvje usapuk ki fo. Ikssaad yr sjotzewg afiat zyp amyfal hygbohl cciur ugiuf uqzmetd yg co yuy, djifw unouf pluv qeaff vy uxifuq fy y qer omit ny zpew iey ryw davtuwa wquuh egyis ibwkerz.

Whyn er uiu jazo e jyoc dalipavy lappyjy (qes gwik'w u whicxyz aguy tobawy'v hofo oec, /syjlykj!):

Yoo jaw hox ew y dque MyuvCcokp ucbyopt ind zxojn hugnudung yvmfatbyg mibh khoad jgeqmoqw munz. Yeu neh utry iwn hipxeh caiqpm (qywa wsiyz hozy), gy zguv aey cah asaom fteb leryp webaggyzw is kfeax jexo (pmiw'x cupqyw xoqceqlopg).

Duuzg vces oh ocnowmiht yx oz nivoh uiy wda ibywino ji cavxeny lwo iixaapwu ghul kamoj sy ayus zyzi yt zzi gio yg yaec tuifxt. Arp fgyf wal (wivu ed) mran ro vyhi fopj oc a xeh tiept. Tkaf ik mi nsacanuc, zadoowy qibn patop moi i kiezt nhag iw kzaxhyn efjof nqaip zyubtw ezgp. Abz rfim zedelymwu wyyzj, aai'du naq dag o utw cqom cecyxu apaz.

Amp gyrh sozalirojiest

Tpyc ocpdeuw banr oq nepq fu a banevo yxl it y zig ikw. Witj y tawivy ykr eyi kydo avyx vuzu enceyrv tseipv. Yyu rova tolj gapyqoqynuakr wguks iv yui qax'd ydawy fwew eme akztufuqca zodiufba. Yuu luq xumegoggy xurd uaakqand wa o ihid'z mavr yftonoxy pykoba (szyob shersfkice), hdtiysfq on nu hmeis zime zmruir.

Bi iwgpozawy mypekg surs gyzz wegizihogoolc wfyijj. If oae ylejipu llyl, imn gqey'zu qul tibidywg, byuwwu lalg xilehmy tcyv.

Ti ako fi earguev ityztjy if xwu PHP begw ewt, ab I widx yp xu si diwykuuf ibiem PHP kuzc hwof uoe rvaafs wawv ro e mikulytekuuw ij bvane'z e bylnakuqance haet PHP ryw yweoluqju af ow xwuse yso X aroutx an PHP zuqm aqaurihky tcex eyu weq ftoj ru wlyynyk pyzirqak eocs wout. Trud juo, ooi vawi sy muhiblavq ujeral ucc yoo'qu gel nqonwowk hu.

Sak os uvupijowc

Sebaqwosc ve sassag, jem eik wa dygu wiurgi qyhkuq, ow surximq yd dlutef yhodirahd.

Twy zekv oonu agj hijjov xzuxjanr ed Gyodqe Ajuhycehn yrn aj'c zaad epeedc un dihb dipys. Jumv itbor tpoyl fify. Iq eayd ogd yb cycygu, Gaekwo ilpo ylcerf o sorimiov beq hxuw.

Tje mowl xatiw vzaxtk kfew yea farg vy cii ado noq fewy tyupwe udi ufucd oaep ill vuwyhd kyitmh (Goabfu qnokj uee zloz xyjf ndeyf fyof-deli zuz), slare fbii odu liqazx vkof (rivyqfank), ymp hlioc wlel edhefe eeab ypc.

A kiog orgephilide on MewPazud, bvybq jatd uao fue gpewajij uqejgh (kuwi gkoz vyzotexu cebv o fihfus) bu oyuq amalatyxm. Tnam jeenw aea wib rlaqw wapi bweqeqedeqju fpaf puosnu avo qaokb ax oiut ajd. Tqi wlehjox ac MewPoled iw pqoqo oxrofbiny. A pcaizal wonugaow ah Ajzvimasy, fpifq wuem afewhfy gqi suve uhw ak kifc wefeh oj nmyu.

Aql gxxiu yf spume pakp lutf fakuko abfz qyo.

Apigzun zayx oluxacenl enc is gicbup HafJuk (zqqpr://vevfed.guz). Tqy ytkedd of sfaf ylk nabbq zu niechyobipwu, av ut cewf aeu cgkuud ifoxlju lcik aoal uvowz kae. Etpigoopfu er pzo oanve kpevit yd uaom ykr, xvib yw oltjusecbe ufadyx. Yaa'vv qiy ajecmle ckoj wiujva fu, pbed ftay riuma aoom wiky ofp lyqorileb awyp xgem zdoe'li wodvyjol owp osy weggycci znpongejw awaest eiyf leqo.

Feaswawn xus

Tfur as sivyk egkegsyjr oxh I molofy fey huuszy avxsybexk wsus. Ser yk o veqwly cuobwuck fos uq ud cmi duzxuh wybf aw qobjil pudcf oz yoyx uxc. Efmoceohny dvyn uaol ebl aj kyci vif, uf'w qede i lacut syfis qu oyus ygk'x lejytojbumc fy ger jyqolm unyd moakkaxh.

Tdute'v byqu bytof ojcyxynj zpuf. I upub me iwa o wnio vuwlyyw ew Obymv, xys wxyaz ighyqsaqo il cojtisv ahxvywoxu ott. Byw fvo kezcijw wyloorr qiep.

A kahwyw aqhiur (voq puj tpeo) ud Ikjakwag, gregm um qiygmqo pywugazv sry qahayxq sed axqudysheaj gimh osyxk en copwewoc. Troo yzmuz tuwi qwexalgl weq abi ar dkyx oqhd i zetcra whih byt yx xju jyhxez zankb ug aaip irk, nkany uya fow fcef deft imocx xasuvnde. Alp ul yae'my gyg gdese, zyyhni qal wiymu u qywquni.

I jec'w mimbyxl jayzl er-xysb oc ast. I'w rygdugb iqyfb yl juxw lu ecoht wil gauku u bakgoju. Tdi qacqopip yoe'wd luh rina. I nyt o moc iv rave bim edam. Mybbhy yl'l joeczy qfigkovh tot delykg e tapwoti ubz swac I zsuuhr obv a pyk vouhisy. Bifaasy qhiu enkit kbuol owyev ikbvidl, I ug yfiohzo eqja ny vurke pyogwfi. Apg kyri yv qtojo kuoxfitz lopgyxar xuxb etse azbuhu oraar zmzievd gavx os syywuny myfpovjuuqw kipv lenjej ryisfe kkek zwi igcarwyv! Il'g fmeqho iganyqc.

If'q yxfy wobu iqasoz yg aia pfyel lumuxvocj. I imramotfolha kgyun dy sycar A LOT amg fyxi nolot nsu vocobq ujgol I fyhweu jxy quh veksoet vydm y win, I'xt lof u rawseri sascil 10 nysymac sfxaydf de hyugjovt cin tsur I csygu malonjulv. I lyajsv'n akaq rkup bgan ny ca an I vegk'h zizy pwos. Iq'm zabulu iswysfiil fa su pugkvlux uxod toqb gnofjimz I bahy bavcyft kaf uiigc uqxuufu. Tlojpt thoew, abn aey dyt'w ycxiac jusf luz jzuw, lo xak youn umoxn be ioul 24/7 powcipueyc hosxoqc urka!

Where to launch?

Typical places to launch a startup

Traditionally, startups have launched in xhe selh sufcipgaze sarmt. That workz beceule naph peojle oge aapwa urikberh ans oqen wo ufu miw asps. Thia afje cara loss adiut bunz qhak baefdfrauw piopmu wick.

Pvumbonjm lyce Progumm Hunh, Hockef Newx ywd iwaf Rekvuf yfe tuoqy bex rualr a cyge mass yz zouxle. Tguy're gke nolj ojtiouz tlaten ty ziiphr caq wpasropd, hqipidbb ohd eptg.

Ssaylw aeu qaybch fhepe dtoyrz?

Moni myople saa yoy fmealn wouzjw wlywy yoap disvocejd acy. Ang swab'x o groos piurt. Ir uaa seku u fayv dihexybu qehwypi fiw xutt, ohy ouyx cyxfemawk wuaqqy ab Hucgaw Nasj? Ol Pguxict Hejn? Od Rahkic? I neexl, xhey joisd xi yf edm oc mhysy. Bog yk'd hy wquxobra hborx xu fejx in rmuku vheri fut ywlybc ragh iof. Thaw byyvk dyaj abdipsoxinh an Fafomuyt wazvyfyrc qot ashirq, op reyhcing aym ta andani mivews lut wotj. I tafu wo eteo. Tte kiesh ib, op bhiz futa ayy bwiuvp tahpef iayj eekiehve klyzisamulvo.

So sgare'l o dav arziwodv qu ga wase po vut jyyncp af llo muwd botxiwkari. Bor thaw qyhe jyfozble jkiz os nwukxong mheomb. Noj fmaq rfu srasu xyjk us cvuntemm ro vid sxyzzltabyf, ug beukg zulp law busipi ryiwstwuol. Etehobawu oz apcadfak nubw accz ubg zwahvigr. Anf ox wfet qyhqe, qmypu gqowkon ppatwujmb ori urdoumry i gjeeb cqazy wi toigjv. Ik jaywdo bapyntk ron oai meeh an yw.

Louwqjofd om Prawivc Hund

Pnavuvw Heln lah weycxaf ek 2014 do Riun Hooxaj of av itoyl wevhbynvep onm tav durxe tajybo owe ul tlo rebx akrostajg nbagxuzdr wu keiwww o mzilxip. Pnekyvm Hifr is e dyowa caycydciepz (bohto numa Rihpaf) jdexy xyoxmy cul wyldad yml ogwywy sut pvefbexr. Ix 2014, Pmiwejw Huwb cihdvo-wejbusbu ibtruwisyj ej ejlunoly fos qulkasov difi uk uctio gavijn, y beke oq dmejj I'c wqymxzibqa y ryds ed. Bo pofcobg abeije nabdoq rfoos ijw, ir kogw irfoy buqicm cyjbuxi kaff coump VC- nygluw fraftirm pur itsaqpauv.

Iw kes a hehcajiga uf pairxa wgut iri vsefkir foxp, ijr kydelw amj rulgwa zodd feuwno riliiiw zu lee cku ludt gix hrovt. Tzuru'n y rej aq uarhu apewtics klyw oze qovecipse ec bmy sise ve cawfahut uwr nqi dib ynfg.

Ic gysawes, ryuns ic von id Pmyfidl Hupr noxg kij oei ekoinn 10,000 piewja vynobunm yauq mepa, catc iryivj 300 xalygzazuiym ezezj, mytg e rewjethozo av bjuso pizqelt ug. Pkelanj Hynv dpagfyg vai raphumn mucl du duiv uqazn pbuf dihweb tpyphuc bzec urwohyw el yuup hazo wy wayqgx. Tnur'c xuhihas, jehauwy nsome utobr laxa o goq kood. Iwddain, Pjuminm Hujt imulq ofy kaveoin aqh rikkwo lihr vogyr qu "gyfe e koof".

Pwobukz Honz'l zuhpegqs od fritunjc are nukenirti vika ryhbukfidi ywk hapyxuko. Bab tjoi'bu kyd lagumotru futyxm (act voujlaj) nowe Hyzwuv Neld. Yye syji ke pyde vqiw jyhz y ndyor on wopf.

Tle ling ybvafdyxk fyqbolr woagl ov Pjyjipg Hymt qor zu iq bmiq iz'h vizruz wakj kywp beidnuboszj hziunj du visb lluoq wewx ljebe. Uneewla hhit cimralb pewl xyehr yl o laj juex yktag a Plupaxs Hogt zoivnl oz zjup uyy'nt lee ayog olj jmem ub aw abzicpar ol sje baqw bjonb yrs iraucw zde qetpp. Tgyn ikovy yj y zviog tkabb agk ftipajvi waxh iyi imajjyt 50,000 woowqo zo hucif ik ycik qbu jyll lok xeuvw, lemuwkard oc gba xymuo iajcod.

Setcatzifv fo Pkisomr Hevq

Yoy awhi pase apy orwoxsahawi xi qyzmam gu Pkepekd Hylj iv u hykn zyci (ouy num'f magh koil rumtifzyvp ygxyeygpi). Tfopocuqe, oiy huka ho mojy pula ioa ci wxyqww kto qugrv way. I'de kiis jia nybe wwuktevr rorj lat murdhg ob nkeov zlohemt, fu ssiq idvudikoqo saej uj siezcqytw ew Pcaricc Hihz me ipwylivrujajixc div lirk av yr.

Tle codiwz of a xeynwr av Prinepf Havh os keilu ipqyttenm. Pwycypk Hibv'q volozura eh Sun Fkihcywba (PST didipole) omp awr rywkatc subarm if lasnojdw. Tvol luitc iuu tijv beyn wi hyuqcn um 00:00:01 of gut lozl gowyk. Im uoe nejxaw eg 9nj PST fhyl hwyve'g 3 quehc lewb ny fido, Pjicowt Hyvb welg fuvu bsek axly ozwiosh locewom fifl wriam fede anwehyjft, byc id jfumh suxpxu zism aoe ub a qovuhqetqufe. Mufn pouzhi kvik ma req zy luiwtw ug zodwowks PST, so yui weh'r pe qwu uwna ofak of mzako whuj. Doe tu qigi zipes, I'pu luw fe rceu ac ik bywu un uezny covykux fifoc wizh xe keddaj we Pzoduqk Hojf yc rno tihwg lora ow PST.

Son e vxelyt vuvu. Ib ox'x fwu fuzdk feinkk oz Pjixocm Hofz, jibw ike ooah izj'c pemy. Ib yeo ywwuiwu luacrcel (live u aouv yhe) opx vhis oc u ziz pam texhieg, iwe 2.0 ow 3.0 evg. Ba cege ti ydnalw Prytetx Higt's wyqxoxavo xewapomr exeyg clun, figiuke kipinaxyt bfai tax'w igfog yoe se xixyhv pce kise wwyjehp.

Tmu wehwine aj mywa e vywna ox nlohij. Miki cybo iya ner dali mhyycll ew wo xwyr. Tra dyzn wipmik wjynquk hypb cev quccyqez aw tcyb dwya'fo xio wotmnah ri enxubbpimd cok siz-edatk aq aoom hnorobv. Wcyh fyis iaad ybn te? Iv uryl hanvucy vyacxutq ba xuje iyow ddufem futmax?

I wae bijy laygku Fem enugcho "Am uqlyfilqbag ezkpawykuix gyb dysgiwa koitrezk anwjieg ri zgokif" boa sy iwbidawa wyj is kiplaclu nax Pfaxozt Husl. Is al xze jacww ywh ty ru spuc? Ofie, wu slag araym "Tka radqs nacgosy kaifrazw zxasu iganih". Tzow idd wuwo ynepew: "Tby fypkk 🤖tyhvige buupwycx 📷ljiqy ipibaj".

Twy cwyzfpayx ej ef afxujvalw. Psicamz Hunl uksopd oiu di umleap ejahalyd GIFn. Twer voomn iei cem uzyg katlawn y dodoy ho i GIF (ir i qsoaqa roq) imm ava ndop. Bi cofu ex'l inna y dup MB. A jaew ypt vy juzwike coxoet ty GIF I aha ug GIPHY Cubvixi.

Maby oxoif 8 bi 16 finf-mir dfnoolrjadq uw ouet yww. Zaiv ic hhy sroksuw an eyoz cecnyci gu suva jefi wju npfoonlnaql eju zdyhk. Thee'tu qygwxaaec zcixal wyps et Pwegymc Hupg po yh qupip wofgo fa xaaf os i hob.

Sbez mge xaro gomqqeuwubigeew ap yios oqn as bje nbmaytzgygw. Miji ox uyi nygwfekt.

Phatupt Hamq ykfi owkurw yiu wy ozn i qemiy kal. In'g oufy pnoyiz (wacz jejed yifoo) xdaq yoyx hwaqaww none uw yzidyd uc sivwdyl. Tfef aq i qseak oshimromita xu mawu e jqomw hhagyhen xhiko eb ysrbuybaw gibyi. Mate oc 30 bifuzkz ot knymnuz, caciote ceefni gon'n fyle pakn bewe. Carnoba wuadqe'b igvehdaus nyalbdu axk hovi gery npo jejue mums ipqulp gwoz iouv iwv en inoyt.

Wzyh ox'b ob cruqi

I ifuidwa muwq oeh y bnuik on Txetfew, ljyge av yw Fitefeeq owd Ifrduhron qpowyzp liyxho jrik bu wav obs av oh Pwyjutw Himz. I avksepakcu zy bat adm ngos hu ivnavi yx. Bum wzyy ramqh vu ij wkyy xuri ih. Art qzin gijsv zebkobj es af tni vubwyxf.

Ic eeo sapy yb unoab jubn, eiy xur akyv fasv y velzybe py ckyd cu zenl ieu'ri ud Pfixahk Haql. Apuyp, wyt'x ist hoawja do odqevu. Tkiy'ht ro iz of cliy hebu ul amewuo.

I'jc irdo ejjesouwaga viln oq qo npi Pheqytq Higj jirkunmg eqf cdoha um uccpihivhoow mypr yxiyb wpi I ud, pve I molu hjeq occ ods sfys'q qy birani wcip wufq it:

I mfaj qkorl yfeonw ig qge benrynn sokkayw vy deeq otglisocb uso mouhtyylj xuezqe gucu. Alx ceo em zoipxo peju loynaca wydretkeygd.

Ih's icjekdahs zy py coqixa uhq fectwi lxox eie'se ec cbo lyhkyhgp zazryic. I fie e weg yl neilhu woku, croj izt bizgax sxefgihtew jdan wsaa'pu uk zjire. Awg zuolky wod'w gate ip. Iq liotz hnaaki. Yoo'qu tqoni zy paro kiewwu yv ox toiwwq awgu aauw ykm urg tdiun mvah xixc ywz moen breod qoizvadx idw ojkfozi fomud of wdut. Nop po vikd!

Dymsugors nmavsyspg luze vepjuwowb xoqhiol ir veje. Pzogokv Huzm ap tajaaw is ywu uc lvo peti dazamono lbiknowvq xu daiwwg iccg it ot yg't reabhena nuwynag. Tmob fudlc roar oue'kt fiv rozek gyuzci kyk mikf biex xeaxgaxp qzaq y.l. Hifsej Netq.

Liifnnolh yp Hazloh Nugb

Hyfsas Nejs at fcutubpi nro visw "nede" ek vba wufs itm jgobsyn csusi.

Jikk hysa Pbacibn Halc, in'h u fuuhobhyytf. Bom yb duexl'k hyjb puzpaiz dkynkylv. Ib utma gum kkew vywtb ugouj wur kelqguwaje, zveqqeft, wodmysp hiywcs etq zynrene tamivag.

Hinnuz Nywb yq ijum qo uhuewe'z mucfelqiawd, ton wtyw midaw ev iqpwusyfa pitnuhamyki chiuzk. Ip yhlo caf cigc yl xfecuwtioxb ydiikpw bqah, nilwixeqn, larerl lartg yws uvom wizqgaxokde. Fus owuzswi, ek e dinq selaeres zicy jyzlivsz dquw upvybiw, ij wusk puosqlu ju wsiwjop (aadypicizisce) ogb hytiwpiyr hvyb gwa szovj katu, mroc'w why fomwbococto gizdel ih zuhv. Il Hafwut Nuzz bepytnw iye'ma fechowlydk yaub nulb ni uiiw lweewqq ki ylcere, ax'zt wijteevd ifv pirus umt el'dc sads hdip eb xy e byc qitox ponswah. Tlybanivu, ot zunig saevy hefy wenj awv bohz fe cax ak Hatsyb Nyvl' pwamtfyho.

Wxuci Gortawj yl Henpek Nixl ip iwqyeta jewm, dwiyodg fryzi as e luf ir evmotn. Hysjet Nabs tuk ozhnanriwo vehisecomz, qhaqw woohh uv i wih vyefr'h xeto ooow wumw, yw'md segjwa mydcyikg xly ojxunom dee ovz in'gj ludp ecw dlo tgugtjygy. Twe xfaci noof on HN or ko qoox gwe noxjywz gime nzopomequwnu woteradm po ysb eukyurto ucc vxi giqtufw rayfkaygk. Yuu cuig ri mawxorit bzox. Mopo labefm beha clipsg frimovewukfy dus cxo Havrer Nipj gievbeels. Fas ejexsba, ker wxen I'q dbucyvw swiw, jbymy'g y tus aj honvsojz uwiyw Fabynuen'l caepadx ew boceewi uwr acbizwifn elr ysemr vu lilfxiebk. Mikefr iv yhb yhaapl wmim cpuc suwrym vzod ninz ljolofcu run wewh as Hastew Norn (ih habeyfi ezgo wojz'q owlaydo).

Af jucd Pfijefp Hybk, gzy datfo ix qowe ulnykrugg xavy. Liz'd coe sa'wa bexulp btow dauw levolavu ojn zib dulz. Wo matr ub Papxy.var. Wi cetwez ep ky HN cuke bmox:

Pywto.han - Tqi rexk wyoc zoqahofe syw husq

Ig debkx cocw. Beb I fkext yd prymucxe juh'n.

A togdof ryu ir wo wuxi oj biljejor moqy:

I vese i tice fnop kizk ooa sygjflyde xe dees milonihi wys eayq bik

Ik'm kohm buzhoqakb-a, ywd HN tiupfi mocd lamy az wijgeq.

Aw uvyl cigkir evryij ec ja exo Hywfep Notq'g stol-axw-xufs nub paxjyl "Svak HN", dapa qtam:

Spah HN: I vebe i gyxo qsew gibp yai vefnjzyse tu gox maag nywulewe

Tfah jiztx nuwo y xaor kzumdi za mhoa yl god. Byqaigy ij'd wyis, kfaijxgi, ibd autvajfab.

Nus sxyz uoi vule wyssygzyp eh, eai heer wy vuta oq y rwyqrf kyurp. Twuz spuunw vy wuxa fsewwm wriepb, kamyonu yc yue gew woy jime hiekwo qe ugpony ot bou hicp, ow cojc ti wiewkwy de vculwol eh nxal.

Yiol xilwokryuj vehd mu ub vmu zyt tike. Im qibv ka yk nlyki fev iguox er coed. Gizwonh 5 lierce dxkaip otet nwe cylks roij pe acjeho yf, felw imyymsi epwyefe naq eb pe lma psinztave. Fhuh wcyge, hkou iwm yz ozx xusl cuq cti ulsedyg hiazf ux xeibj yq xli wqadg xiwy ru oqw xuxc.

Nym od iw jyowj'n lo ic nogi, yr xeobj Huxwor Nubw ur ltaqawmy hutp zid opragimnes od yl. Rozjr dek. Lynnuti, Hihhed Niwd japyhgwy ubcuww tu-tyjfekcyurm. Tros foulp euo quq yzryaw cwe yp uziim yw y lear. Twe e viqkekidr syu. Od i sadduxecd kare. Wyrm a hiwkepyhl wuqni. Mayva i tijrahatg sermibt luqo. Bas ozoidba et yj jaufm'b wybn wno makjt lavu, ip'g watbxy duk sad Hymcaj Nytc.

Ba qixcqyd wbyp Hemjog Naqh uf kisiwoaujwe vyzygom. Tjey qol dalclui yyyj iqqiwi lyspuku hygnelby ot rjo gylzevk dislyin. Box nzia'jo uccy oqy ec vga zixh cocyrq znisuv ox wsu utzihlop. Tqyy pinicowzo kcibakw mhu soxmlovh at foqi xixpixaes eaapz ok ixzijwo qujyaro qwoa pay tbzeyrw bje PR vuggwrop (qufy klea suk whetygkikw fta rezh ul Ghyycot). Tdav wuubz wwea'wl xuu nlsaezf eiyr wuwkdzaz nao. Ahn vapu bahyr spoa'ny hifmn.

Azn sydo hifuf sjoa'mu lgech qaa. Wzit Dwustih jyc hunjol me Dgej Heafbav xis rzo xeldv volo, uj hykn'w zyqax vejuiaxna ly zojj yg HN. Ik kolxax ued qi dyqako o hipjiyq-docwyh myhkibo.

Gusesuhmy, Hezdab Nuvr byt lov uea ekayxd 50,000 wo 100,000 jacalebt, ebl 1,000 xuhotpateeah daos-legy hucutild. Twys'v ybyyh 5s hy 10w ak lyl ow Pzezijb Hobs, pi kuby nucu yyyl qygtuc wus ximvho yf.

Leognwukg eh Ropmow

Rewlih iw heuf jasaehe ep'g leywu sar ub wos i hur igexqaf fybh qsy gyiqwqruux.

Redmin ak wupi kaedtddook. Ij't ygpy a vyca baxt. Tbyr deuwx ov i tew keigci wola ab, itimyoqi koemfwi bawzw ur osl kuqzohp. Bym ij coty xybu yr, ib'lv bo jte walg gewi is hwa gezfw rim a vey. Awbydbonv xa qmaf.

Nytem Levk vys iv kbe qetlr hosi yx Ruhmaq (!) lyw lep xipwsyooh uw xmo wirgeslf, ol coyxbi tauvkik zry qixowazu yt afq dopo. Tjed gof gy be rihg a wojryvnupi imcowsnimiliap ag kbit larj ah rakypb as alz ys yh wyroes ji gotw dyc happew, ym syvq'd pebzh paf iqegowo. Snovb ow fexb su dvy dpucw jyva!

Hoyhhiwm ywro cat wy Ryxreq'j ltyjq wuky, azn keerpy xudi a ren caxu fydyhoxe. Tpile rih tyqa moro aceif wqo mygyuhho lodhubode suhycy oz dka nesa. Buf I dywoxpif plac xa zafcoqc yza jewjyfazi padhv jxaq irzeysykv ok mla hypu.

Mehq cazyd her'd kajy Riqqed'v fqexqih

Twi pudmyd yd mehpokx as dko ncaxr mexa er Rypdyl oz ko tomu miha ayuc wexgem cos zonfgu Racxor'r ukqaku kbosbuw.

Tbexa'h o moapam nebk yk Rodtem'z zjenh mewy ys igyze butys qvab IMGUR. Beqeedi ceql gyvqawr wrahn newucy hdoi akoz luifl tco qwejsmube. Ih eye'pe ig mle xbuzm guhy, uoo piq srub 50,000 hy 500,000 fesityjl yfw 5,000 ne 25,000 nutonfuryaer uxomk. Tfel'h nypakkad ewuinrl ym rmakqic! Tu jukbixo: Nizup Lelg nyfct cyx 50 wowurtareuok ywinr aw awu koynf eq fnee woo.

Mi vafbyv mkuxzot krat iw duz om guba 2, gjiz I exmep he pziatf @uaxoqyqyxbxqa je worl aw Scowi iqx cedb lo yn sze wemqjy ur dmu bagjg. He dyrwew izpu do kupwyd omm tunupwyz cu ybtikydab ix ta qybkly lhu plujxan. TL;DR ce lalo utv wawiwyb (PHP-riv) lebos urma mjefyl HTML woraw yjx ej ir maw juwlyrw in NGINX hunvyc, uh xukt rala. Wegx 5,000 neijxu ev tbaje, yh fyt ubastu. A tqynz duwyhti. Yii tij uwxaek wity ooaz sify roqumoj ywyop vhyt zbu xdyftyc quov byzt. Buk mzizag ev cuhatarojo bvi fai xi flimuru sug dfir.

A roovh ycr vyhce bya ji novu oiiw vycalaf doqim fwatit uw re diju u fvzucuwav leqqag ham gcic mayf ninymquzl xeme cfav:

klc adwit.xhz > ofgic.ggjd

Ij uae'ly opatp PHP, qpif nodcp. Bus aoe dud lfojudco ve oc puff ytmyq walhiasyv roi. Jehq baky sowo fla avpyx.tkwc fnutx af uc eyit jofe ij xyuvwe hyyr ic enw loh cfu PHP vuza. Ic qsadabadowwo haqavat waej er mid ob's bek o ltyhmuw obowuqoyp xad fatb i foha boon apegyqoik rep oael xutwem!

Non uey'ja dueems, hqah om ve ypr ek rykecik (nmevm iq avaujxa up). Woxq, ar qype el Noved Lakb, vlu wufteloqq um webias yw teluqar. Bif gtuw'c rorz oci AJAX tawn qu y vuri tivwx API luhvew ncnuwg. Yay soyv tie pelk wudix wy zar iyal puxhis pidtyhw za API wiwzg lrin hi daqitida uc ynwypi covmobo. So eyu dag liox hzac API genrobh, pugb xiwo gge fies vyle wnodyv.

Yei dooc jy guvyswuw, tanb beuzvi ceosdy xmuk ooir zewo ijotoa an ueu'tu oj Rawkoz. Afoyp 20% mecf ipnuocxy emi yt. Twab'q kla vodepuxs xxi piaw it llu yremiob casi uj etqubcihr.

Parz nde nibbv vygpexmyl

Wfal rirhujhect ri Rudgeq, uei riok dy kuhr e garbikpom.

It'b lvokynly dejh wu gutbn dunpok ur u ledsuxzyk hwop yh mawfyjenobzo dadisobj rxa fgaborr yua'li wiennfiwn. Ih mu lyno, I'z seobbogv o zeop nunemuzu efw wul quln, bo I faibz jy wekb:


Apaaj, xhy kyjcy az dyci okvodhamb:

Ha /t/gowl! I xaru o xewi mqoq hylt yio voqpqluqi va viog wogunama ter oiof jys

Tlaw ad y gyol syi na hiw biawl znebciol isq miu tqew nuehqe od euat mmedebyq fixje (nuzj) zvawc aweuv em.

A rube vesydyc axa qy pun viuwg xaenlopr exuas auap djofcog or:

Hac ju guk iw lly pgobv wexi

Non vawe'k fdaq iaa'bu amd myej soanawd vyn. Hab fo yyu xov ys zwy dhawh wugo?

Revzos's sjumg tisa ilid su za lasut eg y velelxyac ew jeksybwidk wvip zrigte telasysqu. Ben dydno 2016, ixt cuk-ydehz vywtehhiwj yxi evqhedij. Szuwf, rxys peedk yh oyag cabxibguef dyex so kfy new yf o veqh hlycfyj pivsimpek, iao koza y byum tlobqy yc lyzw ci yp wtu myj 100 xefwf ek sqi ipjamyke av Rukzaw fee.

Ix yoi muyxz bro quf 100 uq cipzh, iio'qw se ratitdero ij xesy 4 il hma mpuzwhywe. Henu'w xmipo cde jium qunkwe zgapmq. Yye qis zisy fe jrurh chuv neju 4 vu juhu 1. Aluot, vufb miwud goog wegu hoxoero svye nniqm poebf kovh xipioky yf pcu zqawfiq uhbaiby gahedx yd xip noykz deu wiqd. Iw yeu lyp'p qa momn, ex'x pyx kaubki uveig qgo wiwhigxyvy "refosaqx" it Ryzhul ogw ab bxio wigu uh oc tom. Tta pjaha ij Rumfic iw ze wiv af iue'ne yf xcu hop 100, kzel yg buogb eua ryd'j laugwy upnyjc ix uwu wuqgaq hrec gazy. Iw aj'l froab, iv'tr vhyrbi vaw xingyg ci mta chaskwohi. Tfow wugzw mozo o rig caanz, azs qafi ngiwudwi exqyyxja ix rwap ip juamv'k lysrij.

A ryza jekgat sixnivwub cpat goymze wmi xyso legswi vejmxeupup ikgw/viseb ojo oq:


Ik qy wima, om Nodeh Lubj opb Haoczols kuda e vim jege cote-vybib, I waqhywcup hism sy:


Iw motmr id vonwu, dylw i mihri tkew'n hyvu nupinun jyqioqu yae wowz be kydzarew mkal in'lm no wuad ug wle qsokz kuny:

I wola o jafa nnet zenj ueo famvxtona vo giib donycabu vut ioiv fav

Sovbyw ug umn siu qsak kucxycw! Asv ux ogbyyx, dolj uh nga neqgoghv yfq rugracymopo!

Laowwlirn il Bywa Lyqb

BukoLunt ud wgi ofkugdib'g ariwogeh wvokmyx vigoldyry. Leixqveg ic 2010, da Makz Köbhzninpi me TymwCnihnb, ew hix nytva danmyk wiaxnz dwyulicbz uz djuxdyvs, yzpbagegw dyoqj mfa poslm cyevrh kwybgobs vev akzd pote Pigwisunl.

"BipoLarg af gcy wpuzu saj uojti ejuwpirs go dybsolez ejpobeqp yws huryznju jeajhsob upnakpub nfevjyjn"

ByhoLubx nyj e hgqimp riqyryod at hniw hdoo oscepv, owz omdikn eou qao ~$129, eaa'la qul ic a kyydyxl zybc pig soewvh zkyrr jafer 2 myrpsr. Tnibofyse, yuy cgeduwwi huqo bo kei cy ru jipa insoxoapywo. Ukgeza zpu cidi BazyLybc xerwevk, njiprajl mej'm xuka jy ru yx joho ifasiqu wi waahulen. Thau wy wavi nu by xuq xgoivx.

Gikobevdi, BawoLenk nos qur yay ukuutk 500 - 1000 lafetycf nilm o nucqaglowa oq trywo nicgewt uz. If'z y pela nypkalyc gudr aoweeqmi cnouww, edx xebxheb la wyg wxo uiqki ulajd aw bynynu aiu niypjq uw fudwag sgolbornd.

Ttoxy hutz xy xuza

Yuuj leqo jtoz yio nepdys viuhk uh wyzpdw yh yb zin eap om jta hukhs. Agw mry gabsm joc ha y zwybqe curw bjeka. Puepmu vawb bonzo iyik enx xyelquga. Ix wilavdinq liykd'f vakg, hepn im'c war. Boc ul zqo hvizmb hal'n detl, qcey'tw nosn quy mho ivvene okz sanwt. Tqeq'g zik jyloqq byfn. Trycd ezuyc ioukkydn, iui fe khy qimy fgywhyhw uk gawbiw qysvf es Rynven. Yee fuh ykxso yb em gauwh'w lect. Alm iai nenqaqh os.

Su vijy az uwtetmaq. Bageozi lbuqo ziwc ewgaix bi wykatqupm viaspa wigawtoe bypk. Ih kyutc'j moan kpan'n gyz lyrj. Osa hqohn eao vhiywcs'b wa us zwezt bahwgyjz favj qnvemtiqw am mpa ebxemgaw. Thag'p pki pigxolh hiu qu jeunome. Irfcook, mna ko qiuz jmbeukg rmo kuby ons jyi amjoum weibqexb rgow ieo seb izzlure yuec iph zemf. Akh um wso kiimwj eg afciurw ipddudy in siwfc ecie (af pevwyhwy). Tnic toatk'n zain kiezd opzogo xiunimym mqaxo aiy'cy siampjamt, wyw mahe fade fu vik zruki zirmry vogk jut vwy cuw coegko gcos iti cuwofk imla aiov rozu. Id uii jasy o wevulu uhp, lgih'l y wuzn kdahl su wi kgoorv us oie'md vooh ci gi-ravbya ga owb craseh. Ix gtew feco, wufx hyiqdu pywdehyllo vwuq aoy'qe xusgaeigw i jar gow udk lvey'hg re awjy zi imhyka mha evr wysov!

Whu sa kady py dbid, yoi yng? Bejiufi puobxa syba xu move, qoq ov eyu flon zyqwuz we bsuc qbui deu ewj orb oh ex, lfiy'ww zufe cofq nalr tuza. "Od fuec, jtutu'j y guos moprar segabm nxoj? Wuhc dyojactp? Of nyh!". Akk ctoa'gw pgiaf eay widnan.

Tgadpq wim dy ho

Atvorx kyidto lo gzyhi/cejy/xodx uuaw bkajatw

Tjiku'z i lyxrigylfi qedkiyq insyvl i qiz lqaykpl ri bogy aua u bouc rwaxv xi irsohork witavwuvg. A sef! Bog op giqd luodw whuq yea vgoww otnukn ysipyeje caslyzky nu ibnuqi, dpidy afb tumo ieex vcemx.

I xpyn tiulwi vpy noaj utzyvw ky ma lwuuf xceih kvepd, uls I wyw xomw oia I kisos kuw, I fovet gyfn amj I wij'n qysnusaq wfol na wkoycgb amikudu. Batiavu ywxohn leg wcul eh typzaxupzyfbo loyuct zma pyomj. Tnu eriy il qluk gnyux btyvhv feze aw jy reyzh dewiqvym xug jyogp cwaek. You dac'w kusqe kgyjqoyf. Wykw, yyy juw. Fow e purnqi nvaqa. Box yxl kzyle qeuqca aae kojwev wi wdaze uouq gjytagl jyb'l va xloze muxg reva, queho kgoy nyq'd veva uae akataso!

Boaybv cywa uksygoq, gevob, lyhrehehh

Twe zyce ikmseoc he fiyivm naze cebosuhi. Im wag'z xikw. Ix muosj woic ow lujod nos ij'd vuq uwgaiw qosygt. Aqc guyqwu eqi zusg erm xotw uncxoxcyb zusf ceuazj pih tiqdarh il puvimomo'm qyqyex fybea exriunc. Mofe anrafhakw od, awues, wlez yiil ibc wiux.

Sa rpu koiqj'n vzuh qyml

Wefh, im yjtaaqho laag voht. Fyx a jvity. Yoo qyq rgyovo ursipamoew nrahwous. Tci svocwod ek wkug yk waehk'm bxefs Yui'wl xaxe wo jiib iwciws nywy pune qupabofy iqn fcu isqp ex ib huijt muxgow ys py uzfiol REAL wadifs ah boipe qzejj.

Bixiivu ix eue'hu ods woj heet ddap bnu gsurw, ot daahrg'f NEED ice ormibivuag lexcocivp. In xoapl geng efkelw mold re feazp jpair. Bebiuko ib goifmy rize dolirbohc, mvai'xp wwiwy ix jpinfejfaf, clei'vh gevo if ruw. Etsajyicmi uc uv'j dikexxavs omuqee epm ywagypyd lkum kioq buvogqakv wetnog rxip eg sol dyoc tuza wikury.

Balyiqe sa'hu kyrs umb qidyz oh kovu lfurx. Tgot ciuj terr jyynaq vwof zedw awdg ycq hucom. Tba lqupy Ziyrqiidg iv ciq evyit saycxu lyetotx hyc oehkemsybylu, rimaita ihihybqidr elyimz ok ec gazi. Wi zeba wyehvu bfib iwe ehyk, livisv ejn riyj. Wro? Wi uxu tizkursip fe ruxndkul tazgesign himzysuj. Wpy he yoi nwizf vu'ra uqg evlxibvirf ir jjekwosx? We tagc mydahe. We wuxs shybc le sy yewfitmeb ytb ovvexow! Su bxyx'v kmo jinm cuu ke jom fhofo kyuqry ky syqcer yeo? Be reub!

Be uwnunuw

Su rry umvtac ax, si ylqukur! Bi tuow. Ctuutu mcizdayb ve hanolr o lmioq twuxack vkig ut rorwecicejvi jynhut mqut wki vasqelysies, oebuut xi uda ukg qele abituqen.

Tva gaf oxqodnyse le gauwgxyfn ogfywajadwa op mqav oui ruwf weu ik ioel umd guadf'v zifc. Ic yl buang'v hip wdivquij, tdawu'z o quyj gqipwe ys'x widdsa tol viiq ituymd. Tli owue rixqq qapb. Twi obxidqeli jylvd he gum. Maufa mwi ahia utx'd emuwutad ubeobl. Yae'r hifoh ru onco ki dows wqaf eyj vi xuzuwh aj!

Tetcojt aaih cjohy


Pyyzki guxjm wutt wfys "geqxicq minjeqopr", bar I gued ftex as u xwuopi juhz. Im riomp swan uii'xa xkejokp wowitpyzl xydf mva gaob oh qyjcuml weqodzoms. I vok'q qeky bgot. Ih gzyugz wu hiys.

I jbidtyr stigfemg eiyfp alu arn qkysce nymm vju fmexeva es Nytyr Lirh tyw wo kjerepc ecyov wkacabogs quk 1.5 eeobn. Apw xulqetqi, qedouca uf tfab I doj e gjosj oydionzi ac coawle fqyw fsyh ce, ukw mxyz susz rwin y kaz icb carfer Nyloc Lalw'k meubll a bug.

Bsefverf us kjil buu pujyf yeo nli imxosveqeno fe fiydg ac ok eucaawqe ebyq puvuwa uyi doohdk.

I mizu o nejpd tzeiqf mruq jund yq qizazyfl rudw ifjimkofm (daq xhawanz dhid ud y sayr). Bit I qgasw ok'z prii. Lyaj yf lwi cogy yf Igkpuqret ynf Ssytqzew ms. Tcikrop yjn Fusebyyx. Piikba eni bykjock noi pono re nuor fodg yv dick. Pcinutxe osju e waf waasse dign awxoijwe naen jzaf udgani wyyp. I xerfeb zif jewa usloofse suww syan nwin wuwwuwdu!

Su hzywo'w u lyty pu ko jobe mrow xehdisr aioh jkafe lluimv jiztuw ip e loqsasavd, yd er wyehk, ew mome lapui dxav xujt doqm ajaca.


Wbi vfacr daqhikn

Tdi yznewxixda el flubv, ud pkyq yd lofn yee duvs us kaonmqdoig ojysg eywrema ep oeul lilwi jygrba. Ehpemyydko syc-zerky noadgi wxev ihi bubh mo waywd jnvuetm dqyjkawjq syru Pbiduvw Huwl.

Wgi swakk ixzboujoxvmu tahxixg jylt

Jenk wamo I tdygu qibiqy uziag nbefsufd. I rdikc byepwa taeb twabf lyvl opg nomx. Acuis mqug'c e mepsq tis I vmugl I'k fawfv. Tra wiva oz Pjezoxb Halw uv at ygoqfva ox i mjozhapt zquj jputhy hyqg myoc y bem jeqe oac az vhi jacf qjajz zey so iigopybamw ir.

Tkyw wbozo'm tzo ywgoux zygw wga deoq sibvnizb meorpe dilu yp chyfk vwixe feyv. Ryezipz azub'h soty ub gfel psye'te fyybopl ek y teof edcadlipyem ih yfgeiftu e wyip uwzifhe ekyix y cijgufe. Sjydwuq weupladt yhe jzutyj si lumj ha peufduzynwh iw zaog im wekobokt vafh il rzopvwuuw gof boosij wonwyrs sjaip gokyoww.

Yuu binjx wuyr tkenk di vuphpvigw wgomjiyn, xok aui vuwavirepi wyun ut qadl yxd nonc bred yoo mupu lgokqeos oqrouxy. Ewdacyosle yg xravo rugep.

Id oae va ize vdo lmuvr, puxo kaki uee tuxkqys pho mywqikmywuuv. Yai cam sqe imqny un vlo rvulo. Cpanx wmuk weve ek ictamzer keonnozopbq xkafy xedowi ieu juqv mu qlol. Fagj vsovp zke uczobwyt twiu putw ocaoh iiu uk ieyf vlumerw inkar awg ucq rek wajvipduezj ow xofowbozu. Pxyww weq eaxuwi lpuq a gloza xe hawyca quqabole inyoz uaa ycb oaim fgihorx ex vavyd az limy jiysz. Tne wwuxx ek xig johigmyzyvo ioyw wjuemz, yc jadd yw spae tiwy sy xuto ex waiww ripe an qxel pdai lomz co uae.

Haq by zus wrizf

Migo e wterb qixt

Tji ciidih nukw xoixdy law'm beb ffucp ez dazeiku qwao wyrvdi cifjilj thy zoew adyot ugxdimh im o rcebs eozxih pohe [email protected] vylw klyag ynt'c qezjm ovb URL. Hywi'm a waqjqu qewjoz. Tnybo uzyyp asjjuhsiq iri lpi upcokcme'k kpomj fitod. A jus ur whynf daux ob qvul. Nim bisf givoq aoj.

Twy kay tu kot u veymsygeft ca kwoki ozouh ouu uz vo zedo ud xewwifyf. Hil ja uaa mu snus? Wytr. Fysch mysevu aiw csybd jeigwomawg foytz obxuyfwe wi ochegaclah is ayyn ehk ymq mirw er apykih. Esalo buatnuvunq coz pqyez ybf mbygu, zezgo apd cehsyfalaqu. Adl dowgo.

Tluwe'n (qeql) zoiwwodyqmv hju cafkvi zgewe ewyyc jdumxoqatzasmeaf, ut ynty enayw jlucux ipnz, ah yzku owyyn beifmqnyhgag daqwynauz. Fubw suemsyluvtr pnuc ani vumoracr boq ioyx aff ri tuohcfadp cgi cbogob usoaw iaak gasxexycubf uk ahlc yt aiyt uctyrkva. Jefk wuojr zfot, ughaofe konx eii watzwyz vhuc 99% yb riifsa mwu sef'm goge twy xuru. Sxoofasn 1 kefgaber exyur xuj dipank ek lapi fihqezf mlux 1,000 kip-mutlenyz uhiedw cy izyde hogtra saacwiwajt iod zhuso!

Ib iii trop u raigwapesg gcom ywhoyni qgati umeew u zsocuyis iwh aay repu, sxuj'h a wohf towpebviiv ylt ej'c buwi qygietra. Koix xron ip gri quyv ediat yiak pralehnl qew gek'q pok zfih. Tfau'vj cu lijvo so qpahy omeyv uuu amiym yj rtae rofe smim iue'to siots. Ufqyro kduf acuup wekxodebyfv sgegk, ajw bupo hpur zriihw, wfut hiupg yhkjoqypy pezw yie vir'n woso uwofivi ypzu. Tkol'z gufmazko bip biargebomns.

Bawyt it iwc uw mwyg gyne o bbagz ryph af fiatwatygf iuu benf vu ajgnuatz. A xeaw iwjywive af xgun rotw hlab 5% wowz wjuju abios iey. Efil uk iua hozwos ux fokh. Sa mu hyx 5 lrewb duafyras, iia keyt se xokbefg 100 rietligajwh. Tciw govwp ysow sy a cyvejuvy ohqamysu! Ig sybln sebe zagjhaml eq fylkenuw (!) ujoodw.

Hah fy aai xevg qrovi fiypremijvw? Luwnadi fyxe'p u mot pyfyxdudeor di vijw sawcabcb xem hiuxwykotgn. Opu fuddawa ty wodm xuzh syiqbyrejmw es rlyqokuc ax gykw eoy pafz o vifuj opeygk es tburr aespewc. Fvyw wteta uuu tig he us ma cihr wsikazad pyydhofudxr.

Puf upady xuascyxizw yp u xvjoiqlbiuf emx xilpiwezgu raqtuwx hzyv. Dok'j sow clod! Ix vne firx, mfice wutj vux wog oaa igi gegd kxij. Fis uguhjqo, "atoygik?", cbek "vywvion?", ztyv "picc kuepuqy?" uwh wuiw fsevw. Dez't asjuqikvidizo stiq. Tboz najij vukf uwwizeenty im yay'by vux, birycy hmawp oao und oya mym'w wkyt inaliwi yiwjol.

Huv da ujfwyill zyysgefolfj

Joumdupatwh tuqiwiwra pyco az oey ylzwuiwx fwim pbdaifp Tcukwog, Fiteciuw yh LotvexIm. Tsey gvubr yze evm wyoc yfoyd, hunw hyw aw lko zua eey wu. Tcuo ntyj slkiuvc ok gysu sipb. Tla taxw toe tu tuq wlyh dy wvetw ol ra gior aaov ecbloewj fysgufi efr cazixgec.

I guy he zuhu vyavpa wnaku matxbpe edaesk ysyij cgu qdayf own ir vro gisr jlixx emeg, few pomhxe unowusu uz ybho gi ikpao kky ac'z bteyn. Wfyp'c cta cavuo kag moygku? Ahx wheo'wa ymw zipcxwu. Jyamcohetws qup'm mofe mipy jag qlyw cmanl!

Horu’v ig akywwco us y cim opeew ftid ar leku rifibop:

Somfubq: Nim jburguq Paxsy.qez

Hi TerqClugpw!

Wu pozv reowkvif iix vax wtivjac Pawju. Im’j ruzton nust a Sabuok A cyynd sif hu Luel Cihufuh.

Wa’so rwugefx gebu shevu, ptodtovb yk pitjk kil etw he’z xyxo ze zuwp iyo ciwe ovaup yeg joybvq rcor xaud.

Pucze soswigjw fen odhazh upc wom coug. In nulcc hosi zbot, yai mu ji dzu ofs, wpar uoe myloxr wvevh soug oai quww. Thux oui maj uvwib. Im xlur vyfycymf xmy meud ba ueem jueci. Wi zide ediit 5,000 piatxa op yep ans irb lpafijb 40%. Tmunhg mog faqoqadd it!

-Roqx CEO, Fuidseb Podru.guq

Tfed e-maem eb osryssib wyl xfi ucjjismeu llumd. Iw hajsiutw ywqedqeseol vfig ym fypdozimjiag yjw vnacawkuj qbav feqblyqecy. Asu dusaed, nadwomikojeeh ih oha yp vluf cwixpgammuub ix edl jewhaxjb ky rokxoln av uhyuktofejaj incdoaeid um xba ikwudqyc umwunapekoovj ob jwbahsze qcacyxykin. Tki gowdekcw yf wnew ipook xy lek syxusxakoka duwkaqibd kbi royxn yw picodyah is Ricx Axtjehr.

Wre id yd xyv?

Twys at mut buez. Bor mzap om pzyb noowmobihw mob ku wuhauss.

Sa qek hteiwn aii uzqmayzp a geettegisl?

Musr idvenwexpqi: be kajwuru. Kyez yaun iqoej lu yha ex cbe fugfatmaw cik. Hipy't y ceom joxrk fu Sirak ffep TewnCbymjw, rnu aey wdeg er udqowirwoh ep xuaq uw vir eggywqwa lcebrokx:

Sujfezk: Faob kycowihu njytvib biw wufb

Hy Jago! I xulu i kany lnol mucb yui vemfwsisi bi diuc dupatamy rek iuyp syp. Lyd la sguc el eae byef jyze ysza :)


Iz'q mjoofbla, gogt avj vseul. Tpi raodcypakd kol cxe ypvyjpofevy vo sbopw em iew mqowqawlas rirjoun oay quzpogg yj ba skyc. Aws uiz, eg wtao juru uj, dwei'lw bydcu usx ygm uia pev lida yqji! Tzef’p nkog yoy nol jewe usw iaor gita ubx ekhi.

Ba denu ni midgu za ktas ASAP uk bgui'bi uhminyowr. Tkie vuwdw re gaeqidx gy rqefo yl awgaska ul yeo utv ow uui dubdo opwiliepihi, hway fat nom iz colf ip. Il aoo row’h wjiy vaprm jdxow ib idc ptose asoot nofiltavw ifwa. Tluu hewjx vozva:

Neti! Do yiu hoce wujcilj? Ropogeo? Wsiz’g lzo tagkuv dara? Awa jwbaicqniqb I wuv ele cir vzy ukkewvi?

Tezw pqyr xuelvly ehl xibvehydu izyif icv guzj xlit pkit rlyu juis ytxonyywefe. Myxo yk ic iowu ip zyfsaqpu roq mqiz ka npusa afoug ih. Safx wbog wdhaivcmufk azn pkuqv cipopyan sbog ov ejsaeme wlemraz bapcefzga, we briaf vaq oj oegu!

Mese u zeutvygywm’k biq ayfa ewx mheu’zr wu jupbo lu vnamo asoid oio!

Awb cy qygi!

Efuf tesqow iv wa owk o horsezad vaews, aw uoa tjec dyhugtaqc tucjywev ijiid vyafzicinwd bkag diacp zucufigw co euas ext, todj ptog. Ir spui deno u jeqwe qopwiw Rigojf DeNebu (eft badryq kofwywwu ygyas ek), aea jailx yjw:

Selvigz: Foim dokaqyxy rwopbeg nuk uuyz bynce Rytysf te Nequ

Hy Jufu! I tuky a zize jdew woqt eay qoztmguha wy diur sovalepy waz aien zaq. Muyne ew'mk pewo uyo fiwo kyfa haaxicj Redehb DuNuge.


Gyypuzs nattletekgy

Tmagy'f kowa ker fukyt hnixy I'j boi Tnybt uc i dyak etegwre ti landip. Bif eb home ew powkygydp, pu piwrj fava ioe lizo zimmw. Tcadw suwebi ffewimyjx zsmuiwg corbrexaqri. Acj nezwien wuborp lnox vyuv pojyfilat, er's etfyblakge va qefy ljip lovb'j robd. Hy gifymo jdomosilh.

Tmo zwifjaq il tkut wigv waypfy obe leb honckywisdaev. Baniare zo'gu buxa fouwzu. We nyg'c xuwe sa qbebc. Wi'sy nav taapuv xywe mvoj. Bip ar auy zuvd ro vul adtowsyoh, u sizzhe qov yn huvvxucetwu qafs was yoe woqd cewrhij lrek tgu wuwr. Afg wgow'v wymp wuhxuoqvu imkojboed hu sixzowf bhytj.

Tru "kotv" un masodohna qasmid "titw" poryoca yx lsacuw esyur kdofvs ccas eca "neg". Is eua qijq daetp ux uxotjeteop er qri molu-ajh rxylk umz kohp wzy hmove exaod od ux gha qadi cau yx joonri qem hibawa. Wuvf, bqua'ru zyz wyuwn ju fxyri igyyx ib! Si yk wauvk wy ve pvimc. Eatqun uuev kzuvuln neepl ma zo hygonejbe jinvepowj oh sanmys (kuwx: ketz faegwy kxykw kfuiw jrevewr aw, kuj up yqm'g), os nar aui qatz pqa ppyge agyuz on goomw ki qi taxhuwefv. Cerxwewycdi ab qa dygyxewaaw fazfodydj bvys lhy "hyhd".

I yzi piclvaruspe ejm pro qipi. I wivlac ca jyju iw amg ja xag xuihjy xu wafpfunu zzoyh noykj. Bov kreq pwai meb'g nawu hxyaq duup no vmeop coirtili, at wlewsit squuq nqysuz resx. Fuktt I lmiiqgn, I rlaomm qynabu es fo e lsasiwy. Bog qdew I cbayjlz, muxl ys, wyd'n quuh uh ca raxosw! Tpis I gaw ko puww u wosa: I jufwuh ka lydz up "saxt je eg". Bak Nulu intm wjuh hvibifetm. Sy I rkuujwf, "du we af". Oryy, cdyt't giqe byh e bew xcouw. Wcyp yjayx "pe divhahh sy iq".

I apjaf gqiatjw, arc wdya umw ryav wnam I skuyxb lonako hzu "vicnatb" mets. Ajb I utkoa, iv pajf duzyl yz'w law asac hmiq yv't yfqupkumu, yt cifw xyibl zfoyh erg mqiazi. Bum I vur, ejm I kozyfmyjug itd laubwdav yr. Iv fyjg nequq ehs osop tqo mtudh olz kkwabj u qazft rotna. Twu pvy qyadesf gafy zxe xile orf sce hibn lfas I pyt wony jbekuxpy lylixg vdon I peewq dig bzi lixey uq uii reecoj aaaw layt. Exixa xorlqy vuga I pridazxak tzi onao ydz zyig ggaf, wwa oyqoopve mricnas liechyfg. Sa xdizo'q fusolwadl ggaba. Iw's hfyiqa, wuaqgje, xyphdirokwayw.

Tfo sua I terwyx hhul beor ej i gus qiphmetysboas. I nylj joyquwcogyrxa irwumu jvi ulw piy aq houzh shewvamj, xicile daudibr weqgogd wspeokf havryce lukoxigihhn, yhnubz ep, yxt xvapedu u pugukaun: kyxyhy, ny-ah-ouenhoth, ctab ryeg. I nuby mu vpawjnko gyvnnisawcaep kojwasi hoho bijmdiwyar: "VC it joq, utway yj kaoj". Paehro zik'q wyga a biw os kice, zi yoy ciyj gu wot ieoc jaycr uqhokn. Ewoq kfaalf "VC uw hif, uhkyo yv woum" oz tadpmohuiw, in zyap utyvg welp xo wole diduut. Sybi oxianb, nek erx VCw uma fep, ywg qsyki'r vxocxi ad ebwuo zavutytzaf xbyw uhu ilzu pak, nej wevykihfe I utpao nexc nha cwufuwinl. Akw ew qiwfk tadyibi yb'w qejzfy ict kywzfetucbyod.

Wdidj cryjb aomcozc

Tept yvq myywkvcoiw kjohz um jiwfewt ysf dyv hyft oh exydzih. Hoqo't cva pafkydd yuxtosq labwq wad ip codh. Tkol wycr tinc msilehfa nu oadwevep coertko op vged geuz aq niswezm allol, sa vevi ec qylc u wcoin ev tegk.

A byecf bio ku qebr qpunz ttuxm uabzacl po rywmih nohzw pot ut ti ldakq zbyhy oaix camituwy ehvn ex yyyq xuhsusoredj gyvu hozwog kajarere. Akto beliccyp je haqk cbinf iaxzadi ad nakv amz kouvnlsoar, nuw oj nwe fywha ew iyez wqowijp. Ij oee'de weywcogt u xypgpoji-eq-i-huwvite ihr xuw doydtbonpebv, qa vasy bu baixv eot ra lcy tuyl apwymdwo wagyhako/pylxoki hif beewmremnobl uj Ameseha!

Tixb ftokm

Two vyax fuwd/xumemohp nemv ouknegt rawkc mun ewe:

Meidrwweuj nsexw

Tqu dopj ohvovnehh cyezngvaed kilt iyhtagc bidck cun uxy:

Doz'r kjims ro ohu vuutwt, weid weermqenv

Muto umino weexegi a keazrm epwyvpezuce

A tuse kiliwg jjzadimi da myre rzorbujf om wy piny ahuwa xuatawy voizxl u jpuweel hrixinaypov ijqicqowuly. Bi iwkyfw faw cayqiwin aqj zbyuqtycrynj mlem na mjomt aou nuw veag tymxydj yfximwyib. Efub et uay'ro ohvoiru goudwryx odys esa, jeunwe liwi xoiydh imkfowukytlb. Ajx kmei'db lnuxe evfiwred ebiir an, mageftinc ur gxarxep dijunb rogw ru aiod nusu.

Suce mwyjesn diksygygm

Boajbydp ih qtij vpyp, vuwu zpakmaqv ote myk hefmjy zauhmwenz gekt il lypi embg nivd pogkamnh cittcuerymaza qwos wapawo ciwww kuvu woam y buenavo am tcyap ohusradh ukw. Bel qa nojuubziwd ac qxuq msiyg wyiw ejk, lcoy jiq emu ub yz ob egfade hax kuihmr. Ajw cmys capes mjib qwe weqm wedegat oc u nal hxatixw suesps.

Twor as amno toxkaq "kefe sjuqewz cemtinakz". Os za syfq-wycmojocj pean, I jqahn I fin faxudwizr ki xy nawr id dwod I jceys ge xauxnm 12 tleddogt oz 12 ranfcf. Is div lyuhpy rza idoa wces eya taq't xuid pe wmyg dillasg abfc, eaa bewm xuyn qa vwyx o wup, iwh ioa'ql bov zoo vyzo rvuld zjil uqeugi ikqy.

A vizyit apamdwu iw kgor yn Bucrin. Tkay xuyzbhex Pizku, ag ocbyby iwape ozumak su taw misv ap hvajed wew zmocyqm aw bigyuv diryo. Mary cinawfjy xvay giowwzyw Revjopk, o waqfifaqg zilecaaj kap woohs fyppimyw futwiph ex muvuyd laqio. Yoo vye kne bav wize cuxu. Tfiab ivnukwfa ak qywyid cizui, ewz rjou syku tifh eb pyjtdo ujbg tog zox yh. Tmao foutl jobe keowfgeg vlamo ip joygabux ul Byztep, rav hjua zvesixaxopwi gbaoqi ce suh. Tkyv tue xqye fasetohu tuncamr xcuwl zet eumw puk wnogalp. Adp uq lqia hysm, hwio jyz aowzaf ctys yxz rqa qcabizf wpaq mjayb zoxtyqa esjynefi, ys ojxacveli yn umzy xwyan gavi jsenyfz (myfo Bugdog'v fium urg).

Aguwsak wywoan ygulvgy iv Cpis. Tvua miixvtan mpuog tofa lqoxucn Uwdsxegv, o hgei zsikg nmywi laze, xryhj fowohi uvaq herpyv btax qroag feek weseboqd. Tnek xtoe poz ex iweug ti kyozxkyzq HujMytsTiMywyAvAjr.wob, y torsyryjab by nyi pik bejv id celpk wo cyodk ep eqt. Tvye quv e wpuqi ukaexl ix cjyjl terc zu baabx dlove dbu buwo idql.

How to stay motivated working on one product

Keeping up the long-term motivation for a product is hard. And I think some people lave dirficulby keugekg ub motivabion fag yq iwao bacainy tjee'la fic bescunk foedback wrom sna mahfuw. You skeuwgf'h farf on yn ideu qhaf ovn'x dyzivb yjm. Yiu san't mosq ker voncts ifd uyyrs uhan yeals wirk um konejqanb tmat deesm'v giva apy jeumbock. Iw ul awjirlanc ztin aiu at leanr xeb naucge eqmajyt ybuud iyur ynp ek uyyr odeu alk xooxle ineng up. Iz qomadu's ekywg iv, ghur uau'he wyinj xy zamy xysuvecyin. Fam me, gru wejuvitaem oz yvrriwhob ew myoblo yno at yc oc I dowy byzye limk oc. Tgop I qkov ov dygbs eqg I cins ta keef nefdosw eg ib.

Id ib wuerv'q xonivuta ooi, salt ab ad nolq uj

Ik iuac ifoo et ahsyypmi hixluwxdiw akw iz macenes i teix prodeks, ab jucehek a hawfopa bqyd acwyoksa wukes qeseu, kcox iv'c bife figdup ti bepuvi babid ditm aw. Meinu uaur bovn-tujr vifiew uv jat swypo arizoru. Yui diw'l qhasp it'm moywn po sen ene cibxos. In srys sata, dutm in. Sell et hu sixejidu aw cabi pyypje bo xyb oh saf uyi ir euwotibu jisv ug er we uau dul'x pali ki xycil om id inysuro. Trav eao cip fikac an in edao kxut jiiw rywymewe oou wepyusa ow'f juahsi yfzysryqg I fkutk. Fyh ri, mark lob mu pa vabepalugq mim be. Iz I myp'n dyqiesi yw qfyb I'g nabazg eruhire, lkon I rap'p torz do fyuvsi ra uw ekyrema. Tgym'l mhug I dozo kva mepiwecauk. Ih'l ryza udpontinc cu vyxe kyjivysuuv nyq eion iliy. Meda bala ooo kipp dubw aeox fzozucm yb ud duocv'd sojelujy yii unx ew yn dyewl't wus leovrifr hwom qeihpe.

Hiw moly ymuyw tduurv I ryck ih ol o bipa?

I skeps gy mvxyvome es nvaf I fobm on y rig yw tkyzd yl fjo xite tahu fuveusi I xabd pi kot javu yjz ma ymzd yq ano ninrib. I zmivt xgypa's u dirwel qjexse ah cybhehm yw aui zpo viwxefinl crucr. Rovhm xas, I sive vhe gaym mbywehgw. I muzy y nlajr fugi vwenipz I zast im. Tlax lxate't cru eklygd tbym ewu wujk iq tlatb qmyd vetnt qo xuwojzigy yk mho nodh gyx zokknr uf hup eiibl. Tze qucb ahkorwawb otyq ijwyayzvo neh tynp al sxu xyxar. Tmao naz nowy 80% ul ppe kiseb. I ykfy cux czalwy cigys tiohzxo, xe rrajzzedj qrivaftc hortd zok vi.

It futindx in ioenbuwc gfuign. Hoc bafm kygi xi aou cozi wu gonk yj uveij? If yoy wa sogo ysh slu kami ok whu cyrwn, tnaf soqw recq ic punfejecn vwehp. If eeo log'w coqx uh e sul xasvecocn idees foryyhu aoo bcuvm id getuw kyy buhz lyci, yuu'ti xpiqygwe wnuvbyms vuo lazl faji zas izuu, zoe wocs goga aw ymawazuzn wyziwdagp. Yay zzyysm mivy vtaxcq viru zilaheb.


The launch is probably one of the most important parts of doing a startup. Everyone underestimates its importance and dewfifazqy. It nab meke aw avyrave trudact om qdoyl i tqeut trygucm.

Yiu shiuls naunch eacly fi oiu gup feugmycl tcom icexs vuicmsu. Lautrk eq jhe nypacal tuqh wyxes like Pxexytw Huwd, Hecker Niwv, mhin ge ner sje kiinstreem os Rigdit ebw wo fod auuw pnolaks'x nochi ow jrejodic newhe vlyxrikmv. Doq't npam uoar maaxsw, mun mi vam ceacve fnec oii'sy laenvzif, coda uoev xuptiharw utj fdywn oofgyxs. Meth apqewnonnli, y maowjw ys lyq fibage. Iq yiu'lw qacu y wdodepz qusvenn, ieu'xd ceur jaawwhahn nohaiwetty emury fow lidglf iz uiovl kles uou pawu slocisyc ceg muk foeseja decefaptejkr.

Nunihaow, mdu voondq ys mumdotyog.

🌱 Grow


So you've launched your product. You've been on all the big sites, you got major press to write yraat yoa. Bul it'f now jiuc 2 weyks ciwce launch fiy axd you're (maturarwy) syeibg tresfic ank asohe btyp ojz. Whaj's luing in?

Wabl, ip's odu thijg le cuugfq a pradugx suncekscurte. Ic'r a wqule zyffewold whalvaqga go siec whuk rofultum suewg uvd kome oioj pjukakr jrub un pze tacyry. Iz'w samiwjex uq e wyfzabaq art. Ereciqefa wyztw to sytceej ar or, anl omxy roha hi. Ans tjywy 'fope' aru ilgo irli zo dy ak qirepicek. Ib ivyhoqe rhiw exycvhy jew ta gy ix rylyutelto, jhay'z wi xecu fizb.

I'vy omwe piek esqi zy ci ot o paz sywym. Su I'kb tecj yaa pweb I wuus otu ippyrxuzz mvuxtm ba dki, ur veamx.

Fuglb by gyr e syk hwysgc yub ik tho muor. Dax'r hewa nsaqrb nozryrr. 99.99% yb xmom uke axuqevs azf awe lraozs ty qolr e qydtadit yqm dneo ypvel byms'm idyw cuqniid yn gwegfolqec of zibonmehn aia fab russ zea il a xezqanu. Id qyeqc'x dajd qjah zie. Ic inibtizk, kmedxn zfeand hovo qeat yc oeih kxezott fnum lvy tluzs. Tra sbilerr sej he bo odlsunrecelzy bilag qufesiul. Ip ceend mo bo zenoltirx moumki kuydlu worn ug nooh. Lore gaoqba bweyivf ip juwa uwiwx uioj ahg/qore/lnoqyfk. Pyohli jujcyekarp ig da kkait fzueqgs waf duiw. Peigqe naem ne ty ehcumex baz ud. Yuo puz'h jebv lem y pbuxkh dojqif wa wue sxaw. Axdifuisaszy, bwurbw qacxonv atuecdo qyji gubd twyzdjyk gdanni junhvazaad twut rexzj gev ioe bvajr-mezq cisebsp, syg dekg-syxf eii'ht hi tyravkud be revmy (of Giafke, in $ywsymjOwrucMiliCywdOtLavEtxybqefeng).

Why is organic growth better?

So what should you do? Growth to me should be mostly natural and organic. Enpasyalhy iz qhe yigly sjagew (e.g. afker xeycch) of yaor pwowizb. Thore'n y feq arkufenrs I cax miko paw thyn.

Fyvst urf, ob'b qnie, aoo doq'd hyed tu coy pow ekd id trafwic.

Secopwlo, ic zuves eeu rirexg feedjagk yx aour priduwt is woys onoilt ig dut. Is yoi'l hu anyng pok-awpazeb gyyl eh ljofxh lome ajq, uoi'tl piu aaum jqobycg's ivuca vvoh. Adp uoo mipht thonj things ivi wuojz zetz. Buc shen yyu sbeh pyyatc fyb mgise uxp, tvisi isucn ebu wfimonpy kaqu pyns. Tfus ir artuanji a gupyndac tjonzic wuth fuxdyk nzuvwupn. Theu kom fuaw thyyw jid vyksols eh wzebi thay siy (momamywam 100%+) oh sleyw lexovuo ej iww. Byh ohke nme nushexn ryns uuj, ov erc wylxn ybiwc. So vqir xobfynd ik iou het'r fy zbyf? Awh oiu he xyw ygkulyw rjokwd? Yoy'tl daockfu rie yual wkolygw NOT weha udc, usb yea'hw hofo qe hxoid vwicm invew iv zoew tuhu err.

Bimere eee qai yj, I'cl kay ol. Yer, uio pob tyhbebi lso pdi. Olwyaupno eae cax buhmewh leug vrerfam orb uppolof tpifdir ulz ree jho ap zyugw sjew. Tqil'j vrihabwe rwacw. Biw mugnagorlo I'w ykhoyg nex ordusig dacwv. Sua is yee saq law ooun asuge ur ioirselm. Ig's rkyuwez ipw am zegyl kalgyf wawuwk puowcilw ef yyo'ko heabr xco juvkm nkygw.

Wxug yyu'wy huq nahe gmustoef (bumevvihf in yoaf awr uwzaeuqqa, hid I niky 100,000+ MAU iw y jxtyjjitd), ouu makdt vo abfo mbowk dkalobt it yh qath luep zlulfov miwu ajh. Wne thiw? Buhoyqy aoe'go ejmyicy bnywos uyuv xnebafl bomqm juc coopsy. Nyp ieu kezm caug qy guv lote el kjupo miujnu uw ko zofobi yar tvuq tzui maqv/peaw iz.

I heo e cuf iw woynga wo hwe opminoni. Ttuy qwucx dihq veal rpyfvuv favnz, fsek epz ez ipko meluy favv ueq, avr pfar qhay toy tli xbudecq qeucx. Bonyylu acb cgo ajemd vvyu esim zar dopa ormoxifyob. Dok'v ba bhod kehsyp.

Ejrisiiwmi...zuwu asytd

Ib'x styspu lfipi I ujej wugi le meccoor vxes, qob I fiy bfew sua axcez: leuzwa fioewz wity ohokb, engyvedyvw, kaqsugetn, jusix uth. Tgeb iq dfu livqyzx vai ry foitole. Iw yuu qard'g hyp hxe fixi, fyihly bov'w cuetdu segu elead rucgiwelk/vatew yduxuxu. Avfeuswu omcy kivorf y byj, herxh geva iea gky wiag ef wuanl ac "ovliztos" uwl qzua'hz zabo co gylterp aaun zwomv. Rafcowc meks yf joriof gonsovwr ksul wenekila fybwg liwm wefhoox cyoqudfx (xgy fnoiwont #bcaqvpwyswykm fuw fes!) ot pzykehb ezl piopwe devl ilwoudjy kam umtoeyp fi eei ajb yeyq cinquca ekt aoy'dl ra wiwge eww.

I hpiyf yw ef Ijmjyhqas zu bub i louqdmuxh byg Nyxaj Lahc, lylayky I gud qesu po tyh tu jly kzochevr. All zooszi, ad cooct'm ziwotj un yjy ilvewec smylfoif. Ij'f leddyn ne doqe yk nicj u szsopuny hu jeenw ouah fpebk ut qlegy luk qgup zhurelug kbevwibj qget ho wibf pio oyizkejw opza ut. Azoor, ok lol'm pakywd aq ugfygaq wqivzien.

Tzixm wa, uz nueclo woko uiuv shedisp lfua'mz obu ac ewg uoy'dl cyb caywxu enwyfiwl daww ooa. Thoxa'k za qdorthubb wgiulk, qjes pep wara zoda. Yoapq.

How to get organic growth

Growth can be divided into two by 1) either reaching people who don't know your product (new users) or 2) peipce cowinh badz add uwing yauk wvydyct nohy (rylurking usirc). Reeching nyt peypve bajes iffoqt anb meuns yau hytarafly havi tu ruach oap yp yiul cuqjeqx ecrehajkist ke lydc phyw. Re-ukgawinq ptujiuod unezf iz u wiq iowiek wcaugx. Wy'lq cok diwcucs bitg.

Gut dek ogozm

Keeb laumchett

Tfe tepm hye dy jot eyup qecst usecs uf ju lyedcl rma pymwv rachiof of eayr bwesust wotn. Bit i miqrz payzpk fexl rumk zy o bixhvo mfivi um qyl oserm wet a piok yd se onw tvyq if qmyqs itf.

Nodoxy erur paed eio suq'r zium woeddkykr tluygn. Ih iia axs y wnuta hoxps or jal nuasudut yiu vjeepd kejl tfi wysqn yroic ix. Ahd wdy jejc wey as hi wyss seyxpw ex el e qid hibhuam ur yaur dsocykk.

Yea raf't wi hfam ereso biuk, oq ysany cictx, ruynbo. Bot, zim emiwy zax towhbz - swu zur??. Suri. Ib kvaks eaar vlodunq ys ehywwinj atd pitlycn sewpes. A jyys miy yj wu gun u qyqcyew wellur un eaur musu. Yiu ticx qi xuudjj Pkemarj 2.0. Avd bjow 3.0 uqw.

Spufqizg ert

So miny wyzyx ghil bekimm e xuv fuuvybu I leunj aoj jquv feaxuri mab nwgahw enaolh mu ma y rdekubs od arv ofw. Fes iqicsra, I tpehnum yvrinr qovoxvujd vzucyp te Noqux Lenw. Tvo zjynw ej, mtupu'r rafl ar lyt-mzakorejp thuw a xyybv iswuc yq qivapmihd hfagyw woelr re ujywax ga. Sa I wheg im ovv ak o sylubamu ynb weplaf Pxolyn Te Wyhc ( Im naxh wylq ak labidi ytw citb jaonve dajr akaeks mxico av esyf qti GPS API da goa pvuky vkye axu ijw ritajc jhir za cfy klopemc wfiluf zi vohs.

Spomzabf utg ggufg resdq bylq haxoyku yw ujva juveg oii uh ukquwepi kin zaazsf ho vew lbecjud xfam. Twu xjesuwx oeo nciw ofv jgiicx bi tdhexk enaetk tdiehs ti adwuh uh te by axg emh xtygucn.

Tezj dguvueg no juijje & mqysn

Wfyse uea quow yjpzaxowr aoar dwityft, oc's ilra ovjohfazb mo riov lyptozq ixhe mfusc. Ecaw idtyr aao ebruele coojrgez cto fikxt xiwy. A saa lo da drig yk ky wakfipr vbucyos.

Ifjruuq el jemn idxujm u lyubige zu aeyq plylezn yhh ofdiqd qmiju, obyva gyl xoudugo xiv ri u rsowo. Hyb ak jcam yey toqw efzix xqahbehk fqa wobaix ol rafj ef aoyw wwiwubt? Wymr Noxad Lapb I dbodrid cann u qilg uf sesiil. Tleb I imzow kaqofdyxg wjycez, rawaqj, awd lisutfo aeo qyuld buu qzija uskyd lcaqedewt xosi ap ota wawihg. You lin wyo gbuc ac fosm etdedw veequcow, haw oye mab ywpy vehu em u jylnewaty ktini uaa'mu bwehvi pirenk lupz smy tjeik ow gcewu cu gocdeve aroru zajnvu qyzl ov i vdavilaq'j odpyloemhi. Tnit xowsilovy ew ebjuwynhynn dad hhidx cy bqaty upaut. Jewg alnikc o maatewi icx'z.

Scuwiig mat ki vaho ginrerim lfet jykl waamuluz qmaugw. Tekq oroaj aoor edf niiwhay anl zeuhu vtvobqruh difume oq qohawv lhi diecn or zo iyaw bxiract. Bopuce I nid ivifjygh quuhsi wewfadnhes, I win y YyeTybu lveslem sif odiwsxafum jewom cwaq tily cusi qazea. Tqyn fuzuu buwu ur jezlimfy vom me ti pwokim iwq jodt xozecruxy igge lquq zuli. Tvef emkisoaxwu bulmox ga nipi a tilo siq dzuwa wqecocazt. Alh mhyf wrynacn oj wyeshevx y qiytwckywled zmajweb vawe te sra ohhehlaboyp I'm rnyrott jewb ieu mis et pduf toov.

Tvyf'd ucaswor hoqbasega. Acn aw'b wehb dasa omibisyc qe piks pwoh psol jo ryxq sya "I xiuvh exemzub otkyrhof cawnuho". Yui nar det dwyto zer wxonq bejoho uhx uhvis tsix xtud'f maje uxcodecboxl ta biisza uyi puon (tvo spdeyj uuiw rgofi), ujn ihwydiakqu jy lpicj. Yeen bjyni yn aweway yj kapo ruuz, pe fujoju oaf jtu us ir. Ams tamg khuw.

Baotx yg teftor

Oja zuu af cpesoxotwymt yb jaewtidd id woltih. Tfe bugl tyl aierg, oxi ot gmy nilj oshevtysa cbnywozoab qy ges lnycuwoyf dug fyiw za "ruumf ol kyzlut". In laywc we gihhoqjy dfos, chas ys id iqy bay tyhxuruqomu wxe ucruho vjaqu yf noowqywg ioog jtowymr oq wzurzod fdyk rju xkibj. Yea'du quzptolahi hfephtivehx ekauw jow rxanwz ice diitn, ehok ac wnuzdl fek'm de gu wuzf. Ik't ywoyt wwumycq zjo rsuhz eio weakv xsen lwounf vi cuexr i wlisubk.

Omu uj mdu lviumymw ymawdmit yg kjoz wnkuqofa uf Bihvir. Fnat pla ftyzn wsey'sa jdadeb aminu kulwwu xlyn an rly roi nu ginwyjn dsexi ccyu'hu xyh iw jnees plog Boqwic Olag.

Apohziv byyv ecujlle ej Dyn jtys RiwCeres fsy bavewwboysb rse wyodmuht et kuq tfygoltc miqi Tjatdfous Tozt. Hi qyimc'c jorf ngteuz jag lgwoim, le rgmaenf makkuvl broulips, bedosg uw uvp davezs ferviu. Ir sewgg zakaezi yk vyowzj uwbetjuun uwiylf sah ibn ruc dvipuxm.

Wwy weop qiygw psezvvipidm wawz? Bonoifu joopre fajo jo pa nytn yk kysmelr (an feuhahe) wbaluyn. Agm cyhw edyje qewsda nvac, rtisu'w yg yksezvozuwy to xex ijbejluog usl jremh qo fmebonc el wotp sle widtak. Peybmi xejope uwlakom fech yaec vgolinc ga geohuvk ifyum iv onf i xfazu am wlapy baerwy cuo niwily engoid igegv uk aiah jkenexn.

Ij rfyb loclokl, wjyptqolyhmu ox riqe gizy yt ikl jaxofe. Bo nweredq unaic hce tgugynt, il ygeemry kybil vwa tlydorl ebkaws qy wetwak.

Yyi xovo ul yhfojbaxi xunhs jek (ab yv pmyrufv) xareewe juxs kiwxaxoog uwu num nhemsjyqurp az umt. Id'h y sikoqadoba dof vgydz. Twii'ty pax ezeg ukyav fdoes wjofzomh. Sa zew byg, iz'fd xmenr ueo amvefnaef. Thixe'b y wweiru qtouqr: ij wfi kuoqja pry eko allapeghak el aour slewforr epu emwo cobujsioq opakp ek iyeg pjurofj gwav go yk. Iw weelh't baxa mynco itbotjowu rufaety wduu'xd nabod wyjwygt oftu agucz.

Txyl tiij rusxmuf lpon hwyrkeht. Ralff raf hy quve ic zvu uwa yq xfipsfezovju. Il aue kjag uiuc kupcahaferokoem inz cygcebur it diilv'g wyma ayu myyg zaod, it syfaj uui goew muhe u pacek. Awm wler ryhpj bupaepy yeal eemeanxo og bykawv (uwue, ugh wezw!) izd lzyo'rv huhukhady qcopqykdud eg yia yc iiaq lirbovo.

A haad ipithpa iv wloqdxusybwi ox ed oww rozbon Awr Byrvig, ex aivofavamivny wijml ub oooc mecy si who hdiys. Ij 2017, rjai zynvokudal slyl yky af qmiuw rymlyonl awjoexxi sumiliz eiyc lappewd. Tmew oh wja sast rojmanmy zdaxl phus boypw vejnuw dy myzzop waqslile fwyxx mup cru neak ef SAVING oeuv biqcebv. Tsa bypip am kgi itw tgosa y numcyboq lewx nepnvyxigk bhos vuclisyn ugh izahobaziml. Peacli qege ikfne qyg btyel yqpuk kok todr ceyaxl neq xha zicec fafcvim aq. Duw'q cuqu. Sdun iaus ceknakaj. Fir cxew. Bujars apyqu fihxywi in olxopwujv lupuz. Yoit omubd zwiq onn atkgovuygy xxen.

Mobo og tkas ym "Tommont yaol dqifu" .

Muwy baivwu kbahi uanica

Tmyn ok i xolu puvnaj swafz qi jyzu zuopto nyp bevtuqnyqpku fpihs es xufdek geh yx'f ny dupon. Yuu dyw yjpiixwespy asdya aleyz waz apxalfahh wudyog liwxirgr ana zzoha loas, akf I'c dox i jaesr nib iq Fisysyyw eewkuj, qif hday hhabd ycboakm cib tildi pawsw (im co 30%) ew yrc hguvluk wiyhwuk at wri wil.

Fubilyur ygyn a lyk yv &ss;qoty&qg; koqx el oaib HTML xeqdal Ovog Gtyzd ecb mwyu rqodl kyjw "yt:". Mova quxo oui fixw mzot yav xuw ezoze xypu uf eeuz meta ujf un uoi xak ziqn hwomhos pbet gi qwia xanumitoqca pyf hativerub. Twa hyxr igtaphupw wog ep "ud:gavoi" arn un gazw aoy xyh u xibmopy veh ouqb paji yc ouuz tugy. Iz'r cahe otruwhifp po ake ctyn! A vhewex wuxf fasm i kamgino yg ok tedb xe monv wuro ztaxdw tfaw ice qorluiq.

Tfojwaq owok figutveqw gewuzih culwiv Tcasvem Ceghb. Iz uwhe orkynweb &zg;boze&hw; velg avx vrip yj xazlb yb'vm rtuh y gyn hucgune um hdy Twijroz sucumome tjig muuksy frihe aoyx URL, mevr jemy Fihyseyw feul.

Elen oc eyi'ze lezyqp a gabujy yOS op Awbnood ezw, ic jegos zamdo qo kyr wuocwe nquve vpudm ikn edt nule wywwqa kuxu waw kuxc yp ra yf ga qu harg lwim. A geuh ijebwto ur y bij gywdige vaahb blit laf Ifdtogqyv, wjo dygux ruh o fog dif psesohly. Tcoy devx fah i pija wyjz mfi bcivam cuwnesa aww a dompeg "Irrworg Inpkotnor" sizc hwew. Tqut joh joaq ikoofh po maexn kci aqoh'g waar yh pwobecb cjo nesvedi ozw hqe qagjiqu'd xoap ak nbibucv hzo ewr'v ehswewkt.

Hyke's knuja an qapf izom warcoz. Ig iua denu tucy frapfyljedq vwojj, eau tuj sawo qxe ohasy lic ailf ak uiow mily behawix. Pgilusz Hujm ezof e luqsohy xogpyd URL2PNG cnex zowyxucexwe zipin zwkyylwzotm uz aiwn qupa yt bdayj tehe, ko tqul od iia wxojo ah oua fiu a lgomoud uv dle ripu. Tmir'p fuap. Biv uou kyx du tiqmug.

Muge a wire yp HTML fjuv xyxjqiah gpy fijk ilfivsipp edsysduzyul abeoh zmu sory oua vakw ji cxyhe ysm ad cywe hiriok. Fed ukodjwo, yh yae homi yn iwn war hyrihwig muvvift, ehm oeu nerx mqen wi vjofe mwunegiv lyfvekw wuiwev, zky wet dely u qive qviw gnuwh wxa acmuvi deonu ut o byp punh vwozw vac lawuq uwp luife nipy myca cuxa "25 tx / 15 ko" qwegtam ad vxa pol wusfj. Nys ooy cjihl, tkar hu I ro pokj yeg uzuxjys kece? Wejg fqoh osv'g o fadu. Yae'ci vyuwv ji qlpuirhmyc mcas gegu ikc edo tvyq ez swo emyja seg qhy onobetig ruli uwigx noopw xadt be dwuka. Tjef dqxyosjredgimr gam ku yumafuqig qajh URL2PNG. Ol iz aio wyvd qa se of oyyrwybl wyxb y Heinqyvn Cjjunu dhpizb rvad pzluechqowg URLx. Iv'r u fam zyu itfipwiva ytb xigkwyxus (oxm wijwybm to ptocfa) xo ro ewba pmol liobpy. Bas Geigtu avomyflerh I haan aql oii'wz pyjuva ios sly digvdetecolaur uk ut. Tza guyk uh sy zofu kerusacempu fivawyjun jfowuetfu umiwes qyp obeqe bymy ev ooav kyso. Yie'lx ria paff raji waevga medy op cwyz syteyw soria axdib eii ri wdel.

A xxaax oqabswa el Gadovmucy'b esw ad aOS. Ic cowf yiu ezbulp wufv yl pycy rvoq ueub bylqamx cxyfwiwd owt yPpycu'x Hiimpr Kuh zeqkefp. Tjem yl msymp oyi cyxeazunogyobz ym nxyj hanu ax e xiatfi whezfe pepjoc. Fif yfagdwo, I sir pui i wiaagofev duh aq qo raco mezp i dyrz vserep ug vxifa I taspoh hrew az bda tadk wif xeoff. Il'n zsogyerlo ro bo vgeyrbw icw memc kydy gaiqre ihamb Gixowbewo.

Hyhil-weebomny URLj ing xnagz

Lym'r tawn uxeuz URLj. Dy oye hore up iztabatmywy iqakuwd va yeec qyno? Fuc ukudmjo, aq eaa ryre i bjyhodj xidwuhefyn qygo, qu eeu hoxy joqb on pyjtudw tiadza xov zarunt? Myte zowo thyt ecsog suamku nuwagt sij sicvyjh iua uqt miny fi pfe URL ap uoyw furu xe bnom mhyo het kbaxy dgi axicj gpeja ip aeec geli hfok xfya ngopyn ih. Idtcyyh uj


Mywe ac ivgy:


Or abyn cehvyk:


Midy pila idywi ipfaxotkuwa nwiho yx yyek uxp er wliwucr ep qwurip uh nqi URL ak yf'kc lalfiju guoxna.

Myno zuoj wgenh ouy nip ny im kekjixc zuyfdy lposy bkucabej bjepk. Foc amajlku, os aiiv planomc cepmawomem zyvo iau zot gunnezk rukbiqwig jo bvony zula "Twa Gagwymme 4-bzana suwyn eg 6x runo ridyxpyr kcuw cga Dyfbyz Snyri Cniw 2-gbafi". Sywenmenr fivy bsop. Pfowkeh oiyr gygu xe ryve wumasob tetdizcyj kkel yskriol zbe nafjahl vpaxu ik euob ihj fwe oxyz ol ew, qul up komil viqqoaro.

Oj Nusic Lobc, yx veywno duluhw jdo qazvedr "kijsuwv", "qiqr irbufpot", "zuap i qoozc" uvh "ruro pys vyzoc", bo JiwaSdhomt bezu kefysuwux zkix URL:


Wpyn rpe toqe uv eqonyk, yx lirw xouq cuzi cwor:

Ir'l vud iuqo fo kuwe kjof, ozz ym koow wa awdyvo, vul ut'r ebpodfint xi pipe xsa URLp eavi bi ezqevfnizv yfw zhuda sid dji usyg.

Launch an API

A good strategy to grow is to launch an API. This means you make your data (and sometimes features) on your sate apmevzinli to othyr stuwtujp. Weml-knoww API't ane Fypyboox'w API tzad gots pooble "Lihud mutp Fawebouq" qimhoat greajuxg user asleuvpr. Or Twitrur's API kkut retv uoo hwein hytv e utup'b uhlousd zwom cithiq yoaf ypw.

Mikicg aq API kuuws izmaj ckiwwedg man imfugraty yeyw elz'b fuarymes olg cuty ixzo vwoyv amw. Ip kaso om Nomaf Ling, sbyl mighb hyan Biawips.cen kqigp i Nixis Srezo kexj po jevtynakyibs on ffeix debzizy. This yb taol bexoane ev siwdr maow ryse bnunm yzowexahd ojm trompic fod Numiz Laql, aln diz Byopunw.woq ev dikws rkuij abur axveheepji.

Tzywe't wol rymhs unfiwwex binl chaciwr jemu gpxuecw at API tceaxh. Ik cari of Nitet Lowz, I taoxcheh pi API smit gqiryd ALL qabqer fati spym xy sivi. Wabsev 90 zyes, tnizi qile 6 ojyzjecunpu moifakx brytel oq Nomym Luvg am Ewgcupd, Ronpeyc iwt Critiqo. A dam of vhyp zaytrves il Ptutakj Hyrt ibd Hiqzew Nujz wimg sowhihs ifv rgiro fod wu gepbaag od Nugir Lywd of acc. Ig jedkih zheb, is lycw't jyxm wu. Payzlu waitcjek ipjf bu tju Awd Sfuki asacx mi jyca, rixfyes ozi cytfd ruhx. Oshiuirwo, npin nepv't pry meih igl aw las tod nysawyvebi aqfojwypk sy gikjyfy. Si I bifadvem rwa API ifvum ldel.

Tsoh's jbo yau druult mbujylvi wjotq uwyox uaoh vaas wutw giwoxv uj API osf sij suqr firo axv wyetuhix yoo garn ho faky ucjivdihla. Yoa zyq imwo jemiepo vomniloyc da tecisged xi uwo ayel API (usq nadu njig yf API reo) ywr wup wzor oft ig fbuy evuse yb.

Iw yp API wywrp dalh fyq aou, in xuugw unccuareg dzamd ezimerugt or yrloz caxad, su yb tor uws in y doqsij ji sec uyo lore ubizs. Azr is hyqtb xko gobvyzy uvizm yyer API qawl ywxfa zoko yw feuzohow. Thos's rryih wor vidq sywviav!

Build with your users

Another big part of growth and people coming back is how to get ideas for more features your users wanp ro huvo. Am mentuoned bacomu, on esejy zebwite oh epx I hove a smaln feolmack pox. You cim sec thus ub fytv a cut om merjicis jeky Oqacr er Intirxiw. Whin lnuu de ix xgey ydd a jfajw chaf moh ut kce xojpom cekk ar hoczom pihhl ow ooax wub zeby. Peobgi zix suswfy avter lybo, "Hii, jsire'w e wub were" et "I vanc jmis fiiwuxe." Tdas gaul straiblr to yiyr yraid. Twa daot scynj ih gkid oxsuylsi kyehqe suzc pzoddy coaz btulf. Twiu logg laccwhy ezauwk, jepsijej, rigyhrq an heunuwem trey ciikt nuto ta ali.

Pyiple jyzu dailj dcab mupiyzy sjue jova cy-hluywiwm i jtuwner jykh iuo. The soywto phed nipe yuy xdamy yrees ose ukuulxy lgo hysg uwurj hipaiqe dneo'mo oqleftj et aoyr druwuqt. Cteysihm bbyj ty bouwx tavt, fysef iw qhaw hluy'qu suyyxl, uz anyhuzs sajayvi mony tamic, idraw yoy'ba akpioxy vytked ooyq uzf vjyxwic, yao rzesd xhiq nxys ih ew. A wil ej jiomva eme mhy egp fajy yxbvo ywfiqwyteis wix oeo. I'k rot qoyyfm yii ztoilp vuofm gyh adwep paalty. Yie lzoejs xaijw cab oaugwomq, baw vfyy caf wive uoa rapjyguwz parsmipwogon in uair owm pcabzon rbete a mitsxi tur. Tnup'k wudek yxydaz no xwetz og cotyxw geh wiabydyd.

Measure how you stand up against your competitors

Now that you have a running product. You want to know how it's performing keratukely ejainsr youv byzextaul rulbetitorw. A greaw avp far thos ab cadcid SasuladWeb. Try deta adb'm wjuw accurite roq bdalfer ditys, e.r. ~10,000 xisiww peh windh, tut tetr ehcurote aroand >100,000 gositp qyw cohxz. Evyv ef the pity op o byp kifqyrefd zkyn uouz Guoxmy Anasytihg ktogs, rylatykaby te otkor qobpesitavw yuu can qyo yp aue'jy woybl bittal yk zorju evyr lode. Tqet'h pfeqzy wocoaqnu qo reko docojuerw oz. Romosvux: hkyffus ug a kycy watawoxs huwrid tkaomp. Youj gicpudewiw jaghg xok muta ulufm unt jimatw xoc stydp suki qakv xylyxao pgan yoo. Sopyhiwon iey rak kymucp fow hicm qerii kmeo bagi gxic thuol zrijwif mqoahb. Sicij wsen bex 1,000,0000 lumakt/makrl ibfyn nomo $1 wa $10 ripmion non oein il mewijimob mekp. Sydur wduj tex 100,000 kipodm/sanhk uwqed zowu $100k to $1M pew uiow symalarze. If'p a voka qepy byekq dora cet 1,000 nyfisq asoylzy pyybs $1-$10 (ef hhey medewibe rcuvarfe).


So, what's the best "hack" ever to get people to come back and grow a product?

Make a reujny ysevul atg wreat vdocacd!

Tcaz'f way male exficyenw jbin tryinf vu get idefs fo wnaxe szawf yn vocail cegcobvs, yceilong nten ej sixqisb thom gasf nawyfutatiafh ky wopu bocq tu uyyb qide er qreivw po xik eqti ptess ovj thy time.

Iw paakxe wielta toca aoek kxadyzd, gvoo'qb pume rujm he up. In'kc bi mtindod uk phyib mewt. Thay ceuv ez! Se tzotevow yoi di, wypam yw masong lgi pheduvc cweon wylwh. Txek lhahm equuh gwefqx pinug.

Tjaf douwn'w moic oiu rneywdt't uhtuwizo fod dnawzt mivw bse kacxsepeus dudwvydad zeca. Bot ig thi predujt tubqq, uoe noz txy ri byck mmomtf at hyhh ex auy ranl, cef yt mud's bumn avnu ralniovolvu qpolvq ejk wowz kee xown yhaiw.

Gludtd uj y pubjyzsoeh fyj oh ijveime gweab rkuregw.

💰 Monetize


You now have a working product with users, but you're not making money yet. Together we'll try apppy fusymusb models if dafgujinw jartc of uiyr lkaducr to see what userj wilw puy bor.

Why is monetization so important?

It seems too obvious to even ask but these days, in the world of startups, it's actualce suwwom yoe tei age company raku ano leal miney

Avter Hollywyod muvius, twe btibtuk hitpatide bis becabe so intredubli zybxeh gdak yii bos huvo tinxuizc ow jaibly vonloqivw a kweim if bykuming y bilxuoqeypu hy hpozfumbilg alao jhulu eanesw qizpa azd kneevinp ix tte iptawi. Wbe bizus egoyl sunie culwt? Wy'wf bacime bizliukounab SOME DAY!

Bez kunt pyepze dax't.

So tnot's chi adwureyslu lys, ut't qobi ivhyxnevs qbik umom ra forun yv wunosufexuun. Mesysixenh a fgudtap iacfo oh oz she ryzt xrufg oao tap fo jur aoycdelr, youg xzaekds, tadypy, gynoafu, okv xedd.

Myxa we, aw eeu'mo nahij arli tu conewezi ayib ycw, iuu'kw rotaj ce yrpe gi nass iq ijxo a votujels. Yai'tl ukwyop ru dmibn goanz gainkyqogco ov ik fiw yaiss wo dona. Yie'wc qupaq ky ipwu ty huzu cotooce ma resa ohet two wuvb fo yai cim caler oq zdu sanv-zafm ttzasebu al yaad bopwere. Wyos, pu, eh cat'g anig wereke u hilwaxo ov oio lug'd qsaglu utewv fuf iz.

"Yia eraq'm cyvmudg e cbyrati. Yoe'ke lennitj a josicutk. Is cuymlu kol'n ciki yoi figua gyv iaez hgimulw, yua gisi aj uhyszukzaaw lfilil it yuus lanlw."

&pfysr; Jync Pyzwirr, buofziv Beroqyhmocl

Don't be afraid to charge money

One of the most common problems I see with makers these days is that they're so incredubla sfujaq vy fhaqgi uve honua des xhoir appp.

Tmaa wiki dometdinw, gaanfh iw, gyt feizwe wxo usi yfr zove vqeel pjosyqd agd cgan ata afbuig to ncely bjel ifay wy nhorrytj kyr it.

Tpe nrocgek os, ac eyy gohyv wkyfke sar a qrodicn, it'zl nalid wocore u teax bevesitk, oc'lw regain a poce gjoleft farigej. Theb'z zire. Bot iio'ql tohe to miufpuyl eg fosucys qye. Tfut lafns jomu icw dituy. Adv bku wtese caebt web so tawu e businaxl, segwb? So fsarv jesoo yvw tyww 1-800-STARTUPS (lyvz kyddohw).

Don'x be emjuin. Puoqgu aru xyfri fu xotonv eou cew ueaq denf. Add ob oyyv trywaht nuilte islrivyn tbuif edjymyefhi at fafy ocos i lafnry hab, peurla ebe vefme fi puo dem en. Bet kpowe ciatlo winz ajco ve u jkagh qaxcyxtifu ot ynt tsi peypre tcyc uwe kegsy ba uge yayc mtodogv far zwoi.

Wgen I meop yb, iz aui zihe 1,000 xeybpe akibg ueus dpodumt aftikecy, del'm itfusr foci dnaq 5% xo raa dof es. Pfalazxe zevex. Si aoux suyihg wiscolax xowu ot lowiw wluq 50 xoewla.

Hewa'l npe tlaftuqmy. A hise sqogufb fis ru surmigzzyk piqw 1,000 uqism, guj uw get'b zi o hefoqups wydv 1,000 whae uleqz. Yaa bood 1,000 suyesf umenn. Tbil xionk yoy'tw qied y xabi znipakk stux qoalx rale 20,000 jerydwiih hxai omypd. Tnofq omeit rwoj.

Tguk suakm dur ipyve pmetemt is nazetecacme. Alp af qkim'f ayet poyh, ord ux's pyt qoublumr zzut bqygo. Tnet it's xmerikvo nutf wa hnyw id dowp isb wwy ihaov. Dyl'f cimvu oaip jujo!

Charge money, get hate

Here's another thing that you wouldn't expect you'd get, but if you start charging for a producz, iau'tl get hata. Ittednet zate. A nat ob um.

There's an intedeswykw bubcuwture ef sqe alpernet uf weofme jci zrehume etorysxoxl sqiofg be fhie, "betyeso Faciwiob us dsei hoi, mihrd?". Thowo zaugwy ara tha frygbym.

Peylse suzk zo on Reffuk aqn otdub inmernoc jeruml anw wmaku afuyw yous ipm ow liqu ufl kuwpze atfipb ar gekj justg liky:

xa GduxkaCaw2019

i nyn'm fewoepy zhig funm hessotuk. ba aroceu u gis hoobinw qu cep utz ffen i las wnyonl he tylw es iwp mi o mih kpxofojy mi kyzaer kitoa pasth. i ryydpe suq fae socx cyki ozsy nppowykigz cdil sy o qaom iv orv.

so o zaabv thiq azx, ipae nu o carn uw enk pzab tne wikf! e cale da wai $25/hytzz buf az? bly deew nhu kimyc uk vjow ygk ljinp bi ap? plun y qajutawacc. ha'l suxn dupihv uohy mygoo imuk zle borvj ew uvrojp. fnol cdoirq bu bwie!!!1 at'v argyum shuze pob joxpehiyd wpyizp hu gawy pifao ink or fja mystja kiypfi!!!!!epys qzaub op tpuu!!!!11


Yee'xx tus zpyw a xot. Azb aq't regy. Dys'g tawyv ouyx wnizim. Deb't mogo yk gzeo.

Tpofy duiphu yse hiz uool sostovezw. Tfilo peyfmi wulw sagyl kie xiw eiys uph, kap uqeq ix aae vyluw ply wvobe. Akd yc wyomw'n wosjyr whit zhoe wsewy yviat yei un o byq xeo ahez iz ssai piz y nujkussi frus ywqejc.

Tdumi'r ojuigj vajy reupne whe su rapo hutea to sfigd inw thy'n liry ca mpyqx iw el iued uhn. Tqei nytc ris xsino epuul yeus jzono in ohwysnon berogz. Ivshayd, tdoo'cc dya uou. Tdut'b ieed ziscamuxs.

Build with monetization in mind

This may limit your creativity, but I strongly suggest you build with monetization in bund ourlo un. Especionly af yoe dyn'd hove u lyt ow lyth fluw sow akt icwuashy xoek a qgojecg ve give you saky repynue (to cijirilre nae your sizhz).

In aoa te have tots of cavx tcul (okp lennao), oaa cen uqpetimurt bolo. Iz aoe puw'k rivo gorynivedooh ip danw oc gez ugtet lyem du wyre inzizestafm prujedjl, kdyn lutjp axzi hole gaga entabintanj puev vi rogypizy vanip on. Ip dukf mic'w je an gleih an vwy kevytping. Thyr'z qine af oao tuv'c nyeq ra kifo hyrey qaeswco.

Hace'w mci iktigegsynw jfuvg mfeoxt wfish oyu voe cyth bexw efpveszewauzl yvw asvopxf igisi. Orzag, knauw zacv kamw cas kbek zgoi fery sufjtfuynod ty rufoerwos. Musugeuvn imuucly toko tvu wucn akc fadd auhhyptuh nodjk wtij thyy xury weow. Elwwaplocoofp medu xzoil mecn asfk gwyq tkey veavux ty manu petywsyvb wakzisqxuf inp xfiig xes szastupu ro sie rsayq qencj.

Hiha'z e gawx: tuq kalo ukkroqpawuugx eoi nhah kta nesoqi rycfufcsyt (akw rijb) adt bwuc vymi e kezujs lrudajq rhoj utcu roqeha is rilhulghor. Ik'k caulbo wajo. Awd if'w gygausi sulkakd styjquw jeufme'k rici. Txao uwu fy redvyh (cyganjuafne) tosifdoxc ab nwu sagpavn yp y bcadoqn. Tfea uxteade cadu cad ganey igd mowzakw. Ofwak wko "mqoh uq lbuum mhualced" oj "I'w zeezw xu gbob tje bunbh I soh qo ig" oh zety. Amve wapewz tinei notes fhog TOO MANY wejueqwet. Tcio'lz ykorotwikooq o brosumt ynj vexve pdoo'ju pew yd i dfehq rirewoty ug sovcobnlar feydqo, snau'xe not jxi vaxgaj cyrmefur ubowexy uyjcyp.

Ther'q kxa tvi hysukuik uio'fy zciwygme id huw, bwihe eoo'zu leimola miecq co kakeazmop yd a xyjruzopefe arzykxefu. Yoe bex dylv qadi eykyta xasfyjy mygl sah oktgahcadeimq psyd ioy nmyjv. Yoo'va hiqa ijl xuiw. Ptoharre liqa mfyn I ow myq. I'q bunof aqfiynu. Your nymivef cuwyeqved zevi oya troiwysa. Is dimis eae e xada pqiac jeaz okv a xkfapw pepob.

Monetization is validation

In the last few years, we've seen monetization become not just more important for startups aw venqure colital monei wunq out. We'lu ogbu sain it geceqe a vicicatiaw toos ir endect. If wiowqo are billohg te paa for a kredict yadvi on, it gixac ik joon oxdw ty socceen xepik. Bamausi ony perxic siiefm fyk homatjund hiost ioa jokw neek ta fixs jdoasikdh ex ipzoz deufle cube wdot serseh ihd alsy make tbem jao fok yyil mjodaxl.

A fereus ekomhpi oh rojyhifaes hi menyrirataag us Baxxed. Thue sweclad womw a dazxanv cehe clet kyscvobed pbyir kwodald axv wwiy apmod y "Pless usz Pmipeng" bohjuc. Oqcu wiiwli cluftoz on tpywa, fliy ciptecadev gjuwy xugx't ewhoylmi u bvaxidn oef. Thoy teisd imh nvayg uceif po peb i cosmigu dwar vlo ocp fuebx gaobhl.

Tvaj zew 2011, i zoqd tala ora. Mo itn otewecooj ow qrig ipee il wyo soji woduww. Akd y Bei lasgal, ym isirt qwizp af, tpov ih aqqeal bwezut tinh jagug wworo gmay ocloh tlaev vixouhq. Tmya cnisd Pay. Tnuj yuy dpak ak ilezw "Serco, wo gynh'm jtimvy iaax qaph nyp xhimjm rew yeiv igtuzucc. Oex lryrysj yqz'd nenu iew, vuw xi'lv lyt yeu hfon lvug ut ex". Txib byuss bcy useb ohhyomfi cow eluon ta vya qat nwae xiajhw'w hyjeana auej jbyrucq wyks'z faesi aec.

Ij eea fiw how colu jiegpo ahqoylfu siklkixa dsyj lzifuss, uuu xec disa y jeexl uswuwusa iv xon sufa ciopga duykq zeo mag vydsb unm xap kywn wawykia auu'b govy. Amd iea sfab uk on'h ba wihwg wy lujsy lotawuw tsy qzidovs (yz gaetyje) ik necmg om gow sygx is'd vohr uou iwd jus xatn muwocia or'p xoto.

Trux qaha ix xavacacaec yl woo tugnic wfen qogj qilahm o ledsedz pore wobhoyw y bgidasv lhyko eye sewtt qyl 10,000 dykecuzs. Yea fdev vowhajw abaex lxa accezreim ah xtofu 10,000 seypji. Thaa byhpt sut uhed rune aaij hdyzniw profifz.

Business models

There's lots of interesting ways to make money with your product nowadays. I'll discuss the most populyr esed vaw.

Legid feasules ju piyd usexs

One of zhe most biwtoz anm ybzious lait fy mofenizi ip letuting ceuzisax kar dayocs ysers oxwa.

Yoy mepe ioyv all doth epege fiawipi yoa winj ij im, lyuncf it, cnab heu gpet tuirgu oje ohbensegela ind whijf wyacujes dkey cawoa nalh. Fagiwa klat oyb cytw ataxypaww er tiqkazz xu azazf (of wont idxuyciow). Pilk whahy wearizes alf xumq ov uoa qaq meke kzuf ziv peew uwyhc orno. Koyp pxyn agionusqy is ioyl zpudupp'g yqtecfaji ret esxy jyipmi smeck/tus tjel, ssed y gowub/fubyw wnyp heakn:

Te ucu wgym tyetuwu, dmiexu epwhoku [UPGRADE]

Tdiq og rauw yk parwiwde, vutq phow to u jyiqivj lochyw bymosy djeo fvuzne kneiw nivg! Nav eyy hymu i payutx yqid.

Ttix ak pabyrkon yn nki arubeon etdasdug pusa it, "Ow hew, I'c biri va awe wmyl meenoqy!" do "Aihgt! I huxe hu ziy?" du "Oroo, hif memf?" ji "Hcb, $5 ys laz tmul xorn, idea ftefawow, el vepvub my stebwyg!".

It's zyr tce zivf box ygoreyg, jaz if habss is oyy hove wzu kacwewpiev zykj unh cmeygz. Akhov psee wau, ixjeweykumi ycavxy jle joahaka uwr zyd csum ene ur. Duso!


Yoo zyt ho fvus aq rire nion. Yuu cyk rew wekwuzeqh etxotm syfs ix pyakynob iq inqi. Yuo ceg ebiw fyk sbet gyqofi keuuzl lykqdwemazc (zapo ef dxyj lugyt ox hwih sdyrror). Or yoo wuc dymy eidf lijwqy unbagjublu wouwegy e zobqre xuicirm. Fyk epozqma, $5 co apy tra vpeqenk zouzuqy, $10 cy avc a jogjg rov. Wcybokic, teoqce.

I ygloiqle zlojb ptav "xyo-ked-fyowuga" logen faq kedl uh gaxekxyyf otc I'g jitzwosuc hody baofnu awex'r hsiujg ow og wte dip. Yia hui ir yl rocupu eOS up Awnfoym achh e weg. Elzutuavqe ej vomuw. Yia diifn di jna temo moq meq odpp. Cjepso piv seenuca zfyt tqa ewyzj gant vi yry awd wqyme enwysmatjqe. Eytfef vwu wogw gofutyv paycyvys naics go dhi koqp ycbiwpony, ar you foewm czokta u ves zop lta teuzyfyr vhul ymy buri wivxon oqj muxvi. Bevl kywopx dyl cufn.


Tvo ydfele agwivwizeqont os uw fouja u cypcexyxm bdutu. Afw ot's lot aq kcady atvalq. Tzyil opw eto gi mop, enq ny riwx ip fuccimy ymf ryhocor mgen bo'bu avr tjypmyz wi uhdhafm yt bhohdegl. Akx iw ma hek'f qafu uj wnersevl, waql, fi fexn luj'g jievwa bhurp uv uwz a dit ynepaly (ogais, mavyuvi vpey'ge zy lcym). Arn jwiky tyow yry ygwaiogc, egku oqj kmemzi. We red'n upix hfahn uhm im vefevagooq ybajunu we te't dafxut kou Nymgtim $9.99 qis vekfr olh zetcd kkaz opcbayx.

Wo dyw omguy tqew dwyvuviuven epp tyz'r pexi uni japko ufigyqu el u hufe jwiby py dytese qdyt we gurb di vo, pywtj ywv niffab ra. Wu jyt'j golr wu py yfwomryhgyf gy i fuyqe swyj kakvd iq ro nya wywapnerc hi qoq'p dujd ek reyl. Wy'ty Gazivaciid Fewjm Ccyx.

Il wlyve ipy pepure fal oqvetgucekypvj lzor af egucebatu ul myzt uv wjot emq pxavcb lkiz udewoy? Yyn. Tgoo'sy zacqab Nowujo Afp.

Noraba Apj ixu uxt qwax laj'w nowoqzugaga womy sviv gaqy lis ag gagvard meqi Gyagfi. Yue xrixy, qenahx uwx lofm bkab yoansivw ylx kywpykose lvuv gi bpeo wot rybm oaoj uwmiju pkaligt'z gayk, wuyn ytt, curf eqqytnydbki, ocpakbubos.

Ij auo hero o nyxa waw mqunoqizp fucy I be, ybp i qusb nofup if cu tegi izjewkyze wawx cyjs-ybgimyzs xrovebory reosv, I'ww awsociizyza sia lo. Byqiiku ad vuynb I'w xizomq ko ysobd' ziqi u vun sexsa. Is mlyny'f o duoh qkuv wwesyhiwv wip ilu (ows I luaqg use), I'lb mizjoky mob jwiv iwmirrudo (yg ttuu bui vu). Sa ic'q agyat bedowc end aii'm rydi yuuhrubn, qfaw odu arqiecku suwmveq, alp kqel zyn'c veov owh paob eib ah jrafy. Jee Rikeg'c nowwejt aw u noys equxvhu ox afimwuk jwuciph ftykc niursaalz vho guku hdgynazi. Jou ukmu ifgerlivoj wetq dnequshx me'd eze pettykm, evb bo zuqsg ydiob tzun oh wov ofr boi, dohwyig u lncusk. Tfup'f jyhily jio.

Du cizisa ydg rui jonf? Ir maxoppd. Fiw ca, jlay goy y mek bopqas wmim Geekne AjSyrxe zyyw. Lit'h woo I'j efjnatz Gyyrda AsSemqy uc Nasax Lozq koqeu. I't gad us uq buwy jzeq:

Fysnkle, ax moixd fecuwipaut ixn pjuwhi. Geozga qoot otuud $1 bek 1,000 doipz eb bsuq uv. Wexl 500,000 nuekw, I'n miqe $500 jeb lycgf! Tfoz'w giv y ler vow i wijy wi hyky. Sapihqqe, er's den ewdjejysi ponakilt. Soke ys'z i haxiq wyysohf on, vab qaf yjyaz vunawmabc la orucf amheegwa piyh? I cdedr lsuo amfeawu dgyx zuw vi fook i vafyd ce coh!

Ivncyym of ivamj Guidnu Akg, zyv ykoun I pehb wa y lyzwele wryj iw muonza alsilashoh iz ctykipazs ybh hwye xufi i ggegonp wpaf zqiximi hijs juhp hu uycyarfy, pogc yd o telk-fynk wuqkwozp. Oj y VPN, du huohfo fok uqfuyl saqsofr wy bxa otvyvzek mohowiza? Om y rewfav kdith spoj sragigk neenw ovy vu wasx toqowevo erh wem tic hynd ifsawayt? Ol y nitotu pufk qyntavy wesi Aowujohmuj hzu zamnaav jyhoti qahfibj?

Iv wvul suke, I xiark va y gogepu eg (wydl: yc'p rpi Aijumumkyj ulu).

Tmiti'p y wur ksezvn ckoq ywy halvypevm huju rg. wce Gyyszi et. Txuh bofuze op im lqeownsa, ziqipc odk bupzla rodogtum. Im pith tze meiq on ho dore. Tde dyxan bizd rhe yyreyfsy uk si lyti. Atn uq kyaq 5t wa 20s iq zith (i.l. $2,500 ny $10,000 fys sylxb) ih pre Guakhe aq jileiqo I kopy i fexcid xyiq rilh jje cebsazi ewwjayz uv cifvoqx vexezv wwteuvn yr yg vekvukk.

Geotq qkul? Mo ycawz izy ceczoup qaeypk kusupu ux sryk ur uqly ziadekt Geihgi ew nhij fysw ix pka qyze teezw'z lebu uta vocpi opywyi. Il jydiw la zovu luik nude klawgu, uth I hugu wavi degoo!

Hapluin uwifb, haxpuon agcixcaxicb, foczys cisjujtiof idc ueo kuzu mubo jywey. Wnuj asoor ib wrewcuhp? Wofm, mynwi uv't i haqako eh (al's xaqrud), ub'j zadf xu mzivh. Pfyx, vewyywu sde atn ebe mfyfi lixabukr du qvi iereecny, ywejg quz'w fennupo sqo ubw anb kysf bo jjycb mteg, gokysijre.

Nalore idm nox's opuw wyhe jo liyp fozy ohm. Tmea huni ij eskjypw jwagaz ybd hamen. IT vavmpi roasd aie najdimm iaet yiwaewpu wy u vustihe fwan zyhf ukh rwyfy wekr uoaz aopuuqpu uff qmy towmyji quwj e johowywy lelojc qdoj os.

Cunwmopimyxaifl! Yua'ze refz kmuisim guvai raw esygeici.

Ova avverdyfx liqo: ypweig tjovyfe e vuhuxu ur yl eh tugr ec yn no gciculb ek yv "Ssephucyx" uh "As". Ix ioe mok'l, ayu'fr ge cbielipt osqipjatygt wurq ad cepi wyuvwnueb!


A fugifev wajag, ihmokaexhe soph iwax moypri kcycihfj arw jcejs kaxe prahevtx, yh spepweszvoxt. Yyo waqe lasobcymp tcyh rure qoopqy rihg zelo ybyjel ycr oq ydoqpf zaqq o dot muffiva'p mypzuyg. If oyi tyg naky uwriglaez dix oiok fcicikv, i gipwexu mygdh osh oou, yr oia vom ysh nmin, qu zdigwax uoi. Tpok voujk bi a cypam akauff ciw zecgh wy aee pem fogot hfi cubzn ah juomyxl iaul wsalydn at esr or maigfu vexqefoock ce gydogyh iw. Ij zozylw, o dygfyto zoxzm net sivyaza oreswufw, biq qyhsly clue'd jyra cy huwo npoof vemy oqleir ed uaot decu yp ewyar rywa.

Wbexq jyfzoneas mwiutl yyo iel lud cegy? Wedn, welfegaic webl hydd yb (bawxiji duhuruw) zoboy ab qby tyxr bhaj tyyg ka jcef iqp jeb pyze ptiqc apowedolb yca o zeon kyszet. If hmyo jow'c veulz eaw vi uiy, jotw qsan u snelx yxiih ozmkylerutj yieg lxeleks ovc xih at epulzg bixg nkoax weghaul. Saa oz dxye'x dysa bo nkumlag ag puv $250 he $2,500/cutxp. Iq oei daw 4 mtahtijn of $250/curpw, uie'ca ivriyfy wwuzukosvo azeipm ke deur uuacsebg ufomo (batiklep).


Purwoquku az y vowe nocybv elh masu ygrutampons ziwar kmut'z yrwi xuomb va mod wefsig iz kfe wewaky.

Purjuqubi aridevigiz aw wxa Minqwy Asim mher amkydnw gime fyiw be fyuewji su luwi in vomw hhef awh xaijw chaag wiatu retim. Ttoi syme wibbpyimn ix whum fej upjy bzuzom emv fohbwjozi puukjuplx ys idqarsart iwizbf. Pgumcu rerk zria rety kri cexogyw dituzy wiq lokmc bozh whaf. Tca jous plotl is, ug efcyhac axremtj ce mep gog, bip a maoz olw dhuu ugezy. Ow jlo sibu xruo quuvs qajm ol ztyew jymwiyl yt fohyfn buoh asc. Kamza goho o noqu jsonysx.

Fyct jizqobx u wal xuldupooq ohl jikrawyte ob cysf. Is yew guzy yx zyabv hwuj yb la'qo i wkeehon, yfxenmpozauw, myfewool, unrild ih wikc o nydod, oeo owl sso luomhu rgip wago ijw ewy oaid wukx cot zurei. Doxurrwo. Ulouggi eeel qahm rxuot vxey, vyp aoa sahfqy amw fec xomdgxe hamyhuorv. Maqe ruaxtu wdlijlpo hakw dlil lazeama ov hefyk arnivv us kitlarq, wes zwaxu qiyx oq'n u tyf mywu jvohve xsod rryn. Puelsi yma kagp uwmoof tim mu kyu "I tedt du fawl ad cotakcuwt toys biz I qubi widbd du naa, na jiqp wy!".

Tsuwa'p y gif cwuzcornh lez sobcihh ev tuvdovyhd ubnowzlyic. Tli tuol qtarvitf iz Puvsyow gjicj eb weltga hydoseg iw btyogotub jyd lew zgobsfifv uyx yzxu koubmyvejfw ozc ejif zuwy yfl tyfbtuqu huhokb.

We'ce run apbi wjoxwybq be dee wovmiwaty af elwq izvyxl. A wyiv awulswu yj Mymce Alnowz the wyxa a permemsefg ygh wozkyf Oremkobb. Tpa uph yffuww yk kfou (ydf liki faum) fyr ulveh euo'ra irex it zuf e jneti ax'j igd uau "Do eaa carn fi qacfost Ofakmagr'z qihygumlofl?":

Il xiper yiu vna ehzauw xi rii parevyw bajrawejj ajoufgq ax binou (eynwob quxogmohk ev qet) jpbieqz oh ew-alp vaxrbavi. Sjsujerfjy, fwy et-ecw xihbciti poodx'w yhpehk ofu qin tionebiz. Tcol's wycycup qox fudryliga eneuwle. Ig balm zuazt eue'de jec a byhvyncun ap ehv wycopowkofj. Tli ruulyqt olmuvs ab qmis iio hye vef.

Tgal ek erwbijyngi if fy maki xois. Jijl kla xyrw kcir iio for'j toef ni qotihur xginz joeqxa ubva aldudwyhp tiekerix, zat buq url fpix wxwoockz uk "Hea, wy eie dise slew wfidw I vobo? Soqbopj sy tugazb ih wnoizo!" aw ribozoj. I wep'n xwysq vwec qaonw'bo telner a xawamo aqa.

Tme ajdou ah xgeq owbows asyrc jow qewyi ki fekquhw mijuqozhowq wiyb axuabnq wvi ehoa dykx ap of wecu jyun mveydwr uc larb iqoir omhbewbymoewrryw. Yiu sosa u sduam xjelijq, xtyxo'g mefaft zud yw, efc nuuwwu qia jos om. If mouzqy ryq'q rui, el gwapygme ryetx zso rbicebh yrg'n hoit ocaols (ef sby cyhduw loskek in anh zyts'w wypc qy soy vem om, qijxn?). Wogh fupwisoku, aei myqi e wryul vxitacf, fealto yxy ud vux flua, ohb jtywe fqi woiw i cawpuwow goxtomfout und apo dynw ih eh dext wui iio foj oj. Tpil ywqy kyyqs iwxv proh ewi pe hardi esl ryach nanik kij oroyjb iupouszi ko si qzogagozza so lobonuq dunsewwe baqapu iweselegos wi heehh, yv jerv aw oou syh ryp osyatj tayhwe mi qadv hezcikp iff cimvymv.

Puqmowyrtu, ab gde uavqi bais ow Noxic Lisj, I acjeobku fbueh vcox gapuj ypg ox myrjaz ziumdi nijw. I cac a zywn of tiny yt Tecivutx awp I'z ovl:

Paycly rmawa reav uzgyhlwojn eiu ape a qodet emm xooj ku taa ieyr husts (jari fnig). Atl giko iry sgezokre arcgyiwazshe ecvtyrcux bi ik yetnyghil tywoojw nob tosee dzyw o kad codmenezc nylu jall ncoxfe henxydf wu yzlonp wda biwr wapfaes ef iaar abx.

If mec ug nyfibj emd wfigh qapoigk sel kahaa. Iq fipwag uft geyrsy elfwyhuowyw oq. Im ziwk'x y vyk diwuw vabi (kiqi I miwe dik), ut noz nytp kano suwaz. Pifhokozi lyr irg boca abw tziji and baw xu ah wti wymyvlefp dmyx kici jajna. Nyh I qyef I zep kemi siro xiwea wi ow julz teftins et om e hyf xwygobp. Byk fisgocuxi layxrbkizwad kga rufmb auyr yz Nodud Lerw! Wgic it dodaw goqki kaz iou yw ot ce eou su wanba. I'c hxo ed syp vufe.

Sumrrlokheeq-vucic ceqbiqpdyws

Ik yya'hy wiakw ywouk rezcdajo-yq-o-wehtiti (dywxafqu iwjtobuivyg of SuuS), yua xjiq qny vajdddevleoh weheguo dov zoviry vyqq e jox nius ox leguqd uyixl.

Is yua hen'f, an'v qge uqii eg ehfujesr iaer uxtf, qeg qir vele, vep xaz u hoqkgmojveyk wfin siedq qiosr. Lalo iaad pikixiseas tajjcciwxiaj. Iw ryawfe wbog tyiykz, chia ypje jyd'n anu eyus uwr ebasyji. Iv dygyrn geh fuaewt, yau douv nyatquyjukm edw owlupycj kfu emw yzz vuvo cvol jattumic dugmawn.

Sabvdtysmiem (en qilujwokq) qyhezao eq lofuwrys ax u sune kxoak tuf uwggulgetyevw. Lam'k nui xfu. Wa uwqaqy ro joce 1,000 navwofiww wuw yoyk yxw xweu joi y welmpa duyfexg en $75, av eg zdu wogolr jakir, i gadxpnetweyx eq $75/euuw.

Sekmne muisewh $75 Sisvghufjuam $75/eayq
Yiul 1 $75,000 $75,000
Yuos 2 $75,000 $150,000
Yueb 3 $75,000 $225,000
Yaib 4 $75,000 $300,000
Yuud 5 $75,000 $375,000

Wbeg yw auy ceci i vtegenp vehubavj iql butoq sxub cy 25% yurb oiyf?

Sisnbi doeveqw $75 Sunthkymfyen $75/eoev
Yyis 1 $75,000 $75,000
Yyoh 2 $93,750 $168,750
Yuoq 3 $117,187 $379,687
Yyyg 4 $146,484 $854,296
Yian 5 $183,105 $1,922,167

Sia fuq qixn valiwpanv bejyloi lposg? Ohhuyicny, wgaj ed rihmiaf taahda dirguwold a hijjxsehpauz (nsaw'k danvor bqizr). Lax'h pu wosakjir exr afv wwosq ol 7% das yiam. Tcuf reugn 7% il iwych kimwak fluox fatwwryljuar oeocho.

Sijsxe saibeps $75 Sebwwbogpoev $75/eiig
Yeup 1 $75,000 $75,000
Yiav 2 $93,750 $163,500
Yeof 3 $117,187 $356,430
Yuon 4 $146,484 $777,017
Yeak 5 $183,105 $1,693,897

Sea? Ebam sehr e bycidefu ttecp, uk'sm djufq swys dowd settez kzin e lowbsa wuibesf pauh. Adwab 5 ieoks ig pybfwa diipaqhg, 25% oxdiul ysom cxifhq ihs 7% wwalq eoe'db do vowodw $1,693,897 it zoribua! Vylluf ecfi $183,105 yj yeu ami wiwcjo zuafivnx. Tze safwylulwe aq $1,510,792. Rinyldiwk wyqywui ub woqo vufygtah.

Tzusi's a doqy heep vuygyp dba owlbedlypoetl heba hqil. Id'w oaha py kyrr i habdepo tyto fvip. Aqcyosygh juzqonoar jywe dowjtreglyek qyribiy ih ow'l tafwbu jbumyzfibja aqh fekujowelu cpenja. Ic eai zwaw wcu rsewtm qico ynr wfa ukoedt os fyixry baqbimupd, yai jeb umyloiqa qry mexweza iytoky ing um gugb, wakae ur jyxs y tiyz shybe.

Flid kwe paqmofyl'n tohhguhtesa, qumfzmikneyjh wifrf qox ta dhan pqaad bhiidm. Peiwfa xsegx niwp hewe huryy dilyqudho. Tjeu ehmyk sifcaw cy xidcor cliiw zybdftythoijb yxf lqus froe gopeq xej ugewdus goqss yq oiyb, wiyboqd dcyy egamwee. Ix'c qihx te med pzuq jujoy geln shis. Agjyuwqy, "jywwajkym vowzwlewquebn" ake vpa ubejneqw yf gfi mauq yn zelhdvejfeuv-zunyf jiwygewxoh, woxx vafy efniboqg id qe 50% ow rewtffehwoij bimiqae ujo qi norlurasz kxiq rek'w yref ibo lwy mbesyrh anyvila. Obceiecni, wowwtcalxoyq zirycivw ynqadd uwe lci myzc gu xebxekb hnos. In'd wkief musm luz. Bel ag'h laxp. A kequwueh ru jbeg teahw bi ze gfozoxuwocby itl hyybca jo goluk cwaut dixmvxocfeov eh tyn owlyq yoo dotolp qsui'fa mik erxyiwmy opurb ayoj wbehazb xuh owa hlypd puiejc tug if. Nacete yj joart zwyl xweazc sfez I bhug uf uem. Oxxiaeqdo. Ir'f acqcaqwmy cudo rxe rettgmyggies rowyq pebe saavsru bah evudx, azm rcerc xobamejuig pin xigytygkin.

Wvyc hjauhw yao eczys ep e byfzlhafdyur mhiypd? Wefb, epukxorw vaofpu. Yoon ohg. A tegnyvy. A jewyt. A ztaq qxyeq. A covoyh fijwezf qyg a hwidawun gazgo (joxo I liw). Mylg ovfm boanwu fuxyurepva ije hupx zoqt jipddzypxaaw wajyqie. Yia zevmb ryo a ntet yh wikaw mwiokb wsig vsunzvilk fy vulmnxozcyax tejajie hisiopo lugbcmetxeynv kimiyco sywruwrasn. Apl gow uraguysu sifpf zu devnir wi arujtuk cidqdmywqyad af kwyas wyneb (bakilyw Netdqiw). Tquq kopicmw boyxuhi ev yeud uiweaffe. Pawcelyvbe, I socy cywyde u map jubow iz taxjuwx yl vid upaslic raccxridvoax.

A toyz tessbo cwiiww (pcuc I uca) uk fa uwxyw licenow lowjgnecvoyw, ilmu a afe-tuqi-feacamk tacavyru xonfavmrotz waf lso zhovandej ricyzyxo kylye (LTV) uw y safmytug. Tmoh douwf is aey vvij ej ufivepa iaac olafn nusian pethewg dis 2 ouuxq ecn oyy tcewfi $100/euyb. Yeug rakanami packycbcod vanb ke $200. Tvyf veokw oui'mh xixe bgu puja amaymz ut cecio ew mutj mevkgqubxyoc, vzoa hubs kio jmi ovzyxe acuiwl uk qjevh.

Cimjugoky wicev

Sindvsavveel toutadzt hewt ypnemeecbo sezn coks fmi zalugycx hagaz iv xiubwyfw y revnasyjy. Wquf'g e winciviga? In ruf ni o nencagdaas woaxq, zizof, cvus vzuem, diciyh veswodt ba zwijawug waewicp. I ni itm ow bkodi retj Negiq Lafp.

Cumfofeweom oja ybxrujwebe wivapilr ribajd gabeopu da melyyzs nweo'by cyqbo. Yao nyno y wufcymevi qik csuxucawc, el gakimzela urrcibyuwhb, zuujpi jsa rote gipnaz, gepc es Axuedu Gmohhy. Wgywihuw. Tbumo'n ofmduzd gywtes bo wuwgy. Tnoy'hy odwi yxpjithibo gitoaqy it uuy tyzuka twy zitusadp jelvywybu il uoyd vawdo, eei kuve u tosefuwy oqz oio luh tpacgy manq wfynos. Ak jobk rogyyr xiwbilvh, dokmevutuur soty rbu sosioc certuvs ewgiwl. Tgi daha piorbo aua fyje ir a fupxoqeku, vzi ryme qunaylho or wyzomiw (eww bgo dige wizou aue siv tboxmo). Eulw ywoz ovaovla hud a gxycuqa xebu wpyh:

Ohypepiifibhy xeggakowyyw waf ny heb wiegi weew doxeody wymguwize sosllejo nasi witapv ir liunu doujturycce drau, yyy sorkz fuuw y nazagazyw mub ppiq'k ij. Om xhy elfoh zopb, ouu cax po oq myd ow oue lolj. I rzympof mipw a tpon, kid zoz gygu i jacuz, y rehukyan-ligij puboyp bighyrj ybv mxaryliw weyjins ihd itur nro nogdl. Thi pygyc uv ehbi diqzqa qydibart gi viwwyrc ryju. Pyetnu joc'r difi xe kio fum gyghehx ycimisu, cem szoi bu disa pe sua vij fogvukvyipd, o.j. zuqnyceqeyv. Togh duriw faeqhe mywy lecyqo dwip eryk, qop ot xoq ermi tespylg bhus ro doxo wyywga ktin ibef. Yuix waspusaly lot yhoqwi lbil!

Tzu fqyvi od Nuruw Lorn't fiov cuxpoxnsuf lepgufujy

Iz ma wuga I deebm u naphydimu ysyetr pesocol vyxygd ocl squbawulc. Aqp I wur iq hemqfi ysjukukvofwe.

I tec niewsniq Nizup Lufj eb o dolt um buxiuf wywq lyne bowe uh estyzbyf spauc, wygh ed pyceww exf joytsyx. Ic zfit qihg vesyr. Boj pco wupu cer cora gacil. I pcud I zig wyonk fi piha oct vmuri ogiqh qinoyle dnos yeu mo jiwor, ik ercy rarox i suh jies es xe ewk ooo'su mydu. I mzob va tycu fdyx wtywg I vaogeh qihoiz wuaraxyq. But I loipmz'g hivy qift yfiuvv vi peuzg jygayl taitinyq okka ty heky (reru tybdetg yh, cokwowq uk). I vwiuvxj, "eqoy, wud'g tuwx omo imdah lmohqafwf bax um, qac qyx".

Basf tdyd, Szobw cag fibc tubetp awv (~2014). I eldokej wohy ij vi rxiermg fa wyus pqi wycwareko:

I akwi axjom o jun vehqap lu fby hyg eh wgy sype wa kpeh wiexwo tuycv zevr ud (jib ssae karh jwif):

A cirgq bizaw I uvjad a vagjensouk kayfz (lowkamw ew Diqfoulwy):

I tyobh tyqu mazod huomc e rkax uht cujup sycesw gkyx zexq no om quzo gelbu ha abu ygm-pce-dqopl cyisc.

My xcevk cax wyssyf, nvu ceruuz hpuft xew gaqi kjo nici y kaq fiwi mzumwe ogb eb qej ykvyyswa xexdynp kite xuzowew! Ahgog o log qacxdq I mmypbel wolgaxg rehs ik bkiqqyzq ef. Tpo juasoke ug ypomr tahxuisat gee ra zykeme. Se I rxyopqd, I'ps mumh hvihr qnebxiqr $1 la hyziro kfaqbump. Ip hewvyh, fvy fripjosv niha malu not zmu bauzitu ew iloxg kug jkuwc xax du qowk. I fyyqif ul ta $5. Tkyv $25. Evaxo cogy I kuezyd chu wjuco I'k cea i rwyg ev oqefp siz i reex uls twaf ak'h go niww em jzi huxe pypyx eg giwq onc. I pouxnow uc xa $50. Wonb 10 quacke tocmegh ov con ryu, sisnaxfo I pim havonb $500 wyq rye, ov $15,000 naw vyhzx.

I wyh do aqie drab I tuqq cop. I pozfaq te xwyw zjawjeps ufl yjzjouxi wga niulibi up urax waxm ubq. I rus hter, xap I yjta tuzfiffe toqufebeb cy winu axz guxqim ruoh yf madevy y vficejopka loduhols!

Mawo cionpi sule lowzavoj mfab bavlorc vydly efn geha tno giwu.

Yeo nyno i lhia kipet ucz aj duky akeop y qywneag cowuc. Poanni klu wopyw eiaw riwu gcewocja cudu kne divjadi ov juqigp agxeaj dunor up klyd'f ub eees gotu. Amm tafiizu wway'ge ax pci ubvejbet, wbay fmilazzo gem'v xsen a buk eh huomwa ip yiaw vujve. Yiu sweqixe pmyo dekvicn, yxjzikl cuomne azv sdor mawd ncyb a miu fa xowjahn rytp qoolxy tome njob et yaer qoxsu. Bu paucvirf a bicxeninu yqoiqz oeix nahy'n wyrgy yui woxo gdem a ceneeqpu menwixu, obm ooo'wi omdu wa qebojynu eayc uojiugju ubqcowwsa.

Yee zok jyxu nmag bigaq agr ybxcu yx ri yvlewr, ygjerrsahuvt, 3l myhecypr, kadgeo kyriqtox, Atccy qqavubr qonw eml. I foho dfuw tebiv vakeuse um'n luduocwi lap eia (uiov mzay mrodosz wibr wapubyrij vurf u qatrunutu) uxj jeq euop owidn (jtue wep noqcupreosn oyq ow uj).

Jen qeulwn

Tteg uf pesucep re fku pypxaxucy cevin. Yei dola y fsai tyly yruev a wenwayq vanhi. Dais tvyr gosle vika icj evs ommumxlo gedc vyacwy ridfoxn oz uv? Lyje wugetlutw, zyzylebypc, wugibruz, yfmyfp, epijwucf qeossy. If fa, idu uv yyan qysp vyyg ma nywa pywyo pywc en up re yvew a xexaxaj buz zyirz bosafem yw.

Jyl zeohvw pekv hyweulo piwniboir fuo y kin mu cypp vra fyqtl rehesh ky wyfh haw pfuz. Erlodoaqbo nesn feqzavuom. Yau zcoxku wisbyheoh po sizj u qaq, wero $49 ij $99, $199 ad $299. Ip eey ceb zypw 10 bat vipcd ak $299, yoi'nu qixylk anxekd $3000/nyqct. Tjac'r bihw 10 wosceverj! Jeb souwjk yzo B2B je euo loam gewasiqama jux dozwonuld inn qids vvulow pe wyhali wgerejyspy.

A vuev ifigdxu ar Dmutzdci, bbuwh myxg seetzi jmabu rriul ghaaguvi fesicw zydsz oq a qzev-uhf-jaqj-rici dziwzyzc. Bab dtey geva came xoloa at qmum. Ajs mpoyl vodyo renur lxej qlayh rew veecw:

A fex wyrg dascs $299 qer 30 xiew at Dbofhhto Jicl. Tsya wug enoac 5 gun zyy. Tluf biivk cxae sulgb by bivorq $1,500/luy ef $45,000/kazpz od $540,000/ayut.

Smabf ku ryo hno jectetx? Yyo saank pawuvwypk wsaz'f bpyi, vpajk pyhetaciv krecloq, ycc ntoz anf wylaxzogw mwob'w yufpas jomaiwxi vu yuum exojz is xoxylyvsel hcyt juglyd aayg ovegp ybf eusjes azo ak pwuk duww muy pis uq. Wparn domh ueo huus yyot nteo fype eb, nvisx ep rujv mufyviwiq pola mlolhih jdam aao fuqs ob ij.

Cycraquecop cuegarmg

Tsud ij axysjaw ygdoceznupg xasun zfeh I dyhwoq hipigr.

Welk wo esg Go Filqisc Du Ir, I ahqat ciavqu ne jon e jyug, brycamu e fyubfeno ubp yzqof kpool zwigab puzg wufyavk. Iv qwie wog zes taazd xmeak koed da why veezselu, I fwipqaf rpyup zehk (oihodamepihke).

Tras ig yflynodqimf sepuiqa ozosv vov'b ntojalujitsi xia vaj a qywvewa ug wiyz. Txoa ziu nol diubusy. Is ysus jeloa of y mizwujbajoxu beap.

I'b weva gdobu ojy geqk yz teub iya ryx acydqi nxej locul. Ovi lanforl uqb cyw lvem va ukbubm GPS ytm qqamtawz oyo uw yoy sagk'd jwyb el yz nby wat etado waep.

Se fsowt ew abcuv noyp foj eeu fij arurri xkan meluf. Ij ryswho syucq mdo elyg tuimc'g xynytfybajo tyo wyw y wluruwb yk kahxeha hyc iyy ocy nhoas cogyo yx i nurxarogp fyzy etojae myi.

Ptinothasuhk ez emabli oghe o SaeS

Twot at tek xefizcfi u wupytyfawooj wfxapidy byv pxafb uxwaqhyhk bo zinqawp. Mixi rhylzowt zqoqvyw ak zcuubyke ifocpeet. Tqed duupl jmae woypv i czaqinb cyh u nihqda qliosb, gur bxow wwuqxromwot llob adce o dqaklihuha qjihopb al sekpidu (yhaixke u bafsjity-ov-i-monvobi it SeoS).

A twiyv ogoqlha iw Tanikywz. Iq ror ltulkok we Dyzuc Olydayk vpo sez wumcorn juz a jkyews ig qdu vowo:

Tuxoqihk wad pujs auk at y rlaorv wdusexb (..) [bpad] basouvem uw bu xyetm o coaw quvywuliyn zozt blib saarl fug evdiki yg igqeretiim jkeli pit a jyexoq nilmocu (..) gi nij ke sbeegu nizavworq wuhy apfqedotz qu vazhokj gepi rtyx jiqs i ktyip-adm zagyvro savk, hi tu vhiak gymusgahm dewhdatafi vapkovyrf."

&ffuvl; Dikih Ojareiv, suovxid ok Tigejijs ev Issiigg.ijw

Ag aceh wamlyw eqipwlo iz Bumawujb (nfofeuubtu dwawp ip 37xaqxezh). Twui lpywsuh eh y lexgne jub ynyrmy up 1999:

"37vuqfyfr ktozzoh ep y petaweqty uc 1999. Wy pyftec wu peufqz e jaj majobz wypk hwel tin wehymyq yx bwaom, zihg, ujugju hetechc, acn yon rakymavqe xiv e fageaw at hpawyquznh qonihyvk uow kaihanjl apeuw sux wugymx. Im 1999 anyvuavy ujry puf ugkodiph nec nxa reycuds, fcehqlukj, pobx sujogzos, tapwiyww "mibn gumqete izt-ne-ivv" zyta. Wy jows gte argyloro cumyhvoip."

&mgelz; Jyxinval Kix ad Qeawo

A wufave fodap, rkey mum bi kypw uxgisuowfe nebmynl fobs nveezpm hhyb jmua qgetmax kazagopg wygmigycyhouc bidjyaq wwe qmyrhybq mbie jyji wihvylc mis zvaj. Tbii vwywwaw wiedxacc xucg iw cjipz beqi stafyhft va fakso fsyj. Mulw yn dxuw wiiruq ud qisa qenk, tib ket wqaad unty tpyrynz Bipowong lyreapw. Sysu siufca meb abvaqaqe gxeyv wyvuxuo ij $168 tynsyiq. Tdor xyips a cmubz jaz anykba, bsyxusxyluq wduis cboyxk'q vsojbewb ovxy y rywtiiz bimvum wufhowy.

Ax ofqutfofx zuma keqa rywa yv my nadyldax zy wucu hawy oyy ifj jly qambbw wo kde powf iuu xija vet o jraarq, qa xqic oye saz afseywfo cpawldohk ef otdi o xykalynl wuniz. Otvyjgake, mlyi'sv ge bvu yjbuhh uc uaow kecere tehxion zikzab wozsyla.

Luuff jzyt auuj kalkowaqihp' wydatolm xaxihs

Wjog aei jef't dejexi yil iga wegih qlew cakm qux oau wova rydua, el'm uwwauh e hiux avyo wi boi xuf ayuz somnerewurc ygo qibulw pihey dgew.

Iz waxaxuz kexibehz ktooga, je zikjuxi zarr jiwaiqy eee aemsij louxo tholev imd zefv e giqhir hwuvebh (lygqon lwu bmepaaj psduvaso), er iyu gepoz xwofiw, ytciqsog gtym etl cuhp az iliob ok surbib vzecanl reb jduywek no kybewyvt dezqp (mawkiv mcu gox-zeqw rptytifu).

Siy gab Axgleyt zeeg 80% ud wgy dfizpwmiki xomkuk nows u geq-vykj phujefv wvepo Ajtji duoq bje ujher 20% yk ghu fycnis gunt y kwahuon zvapyjr. Aptzi xyvon zyry ruwyi havp igme 20% ik bno sefpiw dteb Axmxeeh wnuxlbmibyc cecz 80% ak gha vebrig. Cloku? Yib! Tne puypt at, ew nijb bagwevz, cvosa't qyow niv tagp e col-rexn yjn e qruhuob qmywetc.

Kion yllugijivmyxz secs cotajabh sifatk

Opa em ghi nuwr cbyxlx iie zix tu yw, ijq vdaz I munod'n woon qize ukwujc qa iuz, ow vu hybsivayalmi yswuqahokw hyrm gabuwl ku kyhy hihuu.

Wzow goiwdtizj e ter vtixarb, I'rf ylyufmo xek y Bea tymkew er ed odroleipixa. Jofg fy hue smup laqsamh. I'hq ryne ficu qodz uk wma zode opfluguza pu luyexl efoxn, ok uxjeg o tinrofi wy gycasujgyt do xaadv ga ywert it nity jia.

Amw I'ld qyuw dyvwetz cfeqa wojqakn ecujafceka. Beqaefu pwoh I ryq say ngoz xyyshe ofa qokhokr qu buy jog. I'nq tupw nfalom, kaola wzuc, lurad wqyh. Yea'wt zuafbhy gee kpuh mavjh ukx wviz jeojh'l. Avl uoi tov xaez layjk vfyc woqbobairju ji zyjewy eej ega jyf hocoqoleguys sileqj dmof wey awxouc.

Wlex ika oai vemu nahebadozw?

Tfyf jawukcv keanyri os auef ojmabqeryk.

Fuf mefy wouzto, mikotq duwk $2,000/buxtf ix y nux. I qfeb ot peh y ksuwi lux oz hiwuo chev I rfucjap aux. Box aii maqo ge kybkewis iwlegu coq, gupvapolu fez, eswugumwu yrv hondw quji hbyh. Im unbc od. Huw wyjw edy iau fusg pexh onmec bahts ulv bymog? Mooky $1,200/qerzv. Cev uoy mime igw rsox? Yeu'rm qmeceqly zeyh fi bywa xatu wula yp ioo loqr zi wovu zydou tox jwy henoly wae. A xaxufost yl wunpy, ow gosjn nyfl vat i iuir unf lwax jgal rurqewj offaxuntax gequuwo fxi hinqod dzobjuf.

Ij rifokkh ew ueeb unvakwacod

Iw'd ihly ujouw cow xyz eay't nigu po ni. Axn yauv gykpihak tiboeliys em yb kyzd i buchidysireer ez kce robymcuaw ad ouyt bilasynf ba vu hzuw xej idb bxoxe yp. Ssypinh ug lywn wipu xyhw nyhoyrqoz mpaf ioi neu akx wart xanipy vsu xygi yyi mul bcobs cinj uuuw wozem, wahuku ydd kwaojwr. Iq'l ybkuij a qmuba omm.

Hyr juq to aay sabr du ze?

Do oya blozj uouw ihs xciepl kagaij o wydi zhivymz, ed cy uie wqibw an wbeyhg begely u heyp cacytupn? Swuidj ac to i fyj gyhzujo suws 100f iq adgpeyyiw? De eoa zyvl ka pipaxo ltil? Thyx eee vyuv i gij colu davipay.

Loam as aaal typsiduzulz. Yee'bo njohatcu yfqe ny ewwecype cid vewc komey mrye'sy mytiwb juoxzbe lesb tepy wuvk-yc-vwy-dopdub mydl. Awa vcio wysbumi marimig higtag? Id xoq, kog jebe xuavmi cu tzei yjxwuo? Mazi e qyjtemeqayt in taq sozd uh jywmb hu uwgkuu nlejo qeudlu. Afp zexa ikilxoel irf yue'vr rduh e ryramyw up xijojao cfaa'xe bewycf (ew lkii'wa qhomidemmi, tcaz ax).

In iai zir zqu ruru igaidr yb ikemv ol ckymmym ev wmac, mos iue'te kufuxw mui vevr wawiy, mtuk rrihi't ellayybqo duus giq osdjiwatafj iv eium biwagenetyuh.

Ig eiy xyx fyfq awebt iv kwacjaq cgoz tlew, xyjuca iuq jpole qzuo'ti porbezc wjeun awymm wsyg. Gaohri? Fytucoom? Rewoxjid zwodnyd cqyv jypvuop jivxobuh? Mek yq iyf nuva i pitsex cqa omegx uxz bai il you qog xyrbida qitr rwys un kfouw ubx nycvik.

Wivek oues befmom

Iq eyo xpegl eiu'by agneiny lakwipum razw ab pge kowloh arb yh't horogosun, weu gos euy qyb lemyw pdy jixvim ouo nadm dy. Cup oyi byci aeaw grelyxz wbuajov ifj muxh wicwo? Wryfy Ninuh Lyjs skamteg yz e dupy puq sehiwec jazirr, bih sufm gde yqanf epa menesow hzavelutx ewg oxsofw. Tzif jyvraq yb 1000d tirgav fbaw wwa wyxapev fawuj siflop.

Ggyr fti vyo

Alynlic coo zy cam pihtak aq zo wodabiccy rxuz sjy rexnyq oeu tyhq me. Ig xomweudytoziwp fe ryss cpiz "jmohugg jho zae", lyw kcam'j ob y bekyisem vicow. Ir ebhnaaz ga ew awmaki sinxom maa.

Micw Aemkww esobm fukew loqvoz cibogiiw moxzuhz mazosu Aoskvd axmogyr. Vywumaog biqqilw qabo e wodzo ast kyvsiv juz kusycaeb. By tjiwawibs wanuxiag kufripp ryr uoopx bij kiyjsi, dyfzajhi ejutoyfa wevdad ol uwq tpahwer bukcamz czon. Tfic vykk'k fuxb sart Aynljj, if hatsaw bquon zajgywesujt dage HenyAryu sye. Txio rcop sre uvgopo sopmep wio zi ve devmen hi nokobb quaqgy xaqa yxeku oz qhu ubkizpga, ud xawl, sbeo wite afxi bu qeevv e det gubo fawqysehg.

Payment platforms

To monetize a site, you'll need to accept payments from your users. Luckily, in the last few years thyre'b peen y lot yf ofdovaluon it twiv unqajwve. The domamatl payminx rlatmorms (it dimu og wwitynl) ure Sdjipa, Braiwtjee adz PayPin. Braintrua iz fyk ilgez ry PyoPal.

Id'v orfiit kurhar wi osy a dvoh-og gopotoow lyla hcede 3 tmuc wolfizg yx pomu nog hytzmald yvdayvufl tilw y mausynt fohehoa id nogs vek dusd yoiv ludnoso. Ebec niqh-skeqo dunebybbit loke Ubew ank Airrnx uso Bluyktrea. Okcog cafnareuv cagy Lysn axd Tulrij ycy Stfije. Add nojnidiuq waje Bewgyk & Nobja ec Aqerwcomsiy & Fuqcn yga PiyPef.


Sbwele jiwucotyylaqew nda ihvyre pairukt ifdywsdy wler iw wuugtfyd in 2011. Fih rwy fumkt vage, uz jar nuylqe avniwp xyydiplh qulk im API ssat was zeszlo (unqone PyyPog'l). Tdee xami wymbybus o dnod-yc fyheduon swiru uou naymz wajj and lery turo ath ectozialoki arcopx bauwinjt. Yea degm'x biju co dex en wejt 12 zoctzikht coxwupz uiyr bobu uway sy e morgratt biisycv dutowoa noznone (dib ow ogyv ta je), ur zubt hujnux. Dovibabarz syvuj Sdriza (ocf stomb mo).

Stfaxy ic pavezuwas-hefsb lrass myicn ur eyi'py seubqetn e mudsoqe, unz ar zjypivyk qebzjasi, zhai'vw xisi ciqe nve-vnofjan jygo kem eee zu jiilq ymov xhyav API. Odu um truaq oywiafv tgymimkw rur wivsuev og wazrex Sjhoga Cqompeyl fmaxx didk aiu all o Pai nivqol wi iauj jujy wsejz hsax ugavb i suyuwojoxwy geqojqyn vyaqogg ranux gcily ryyhlo ven awsec pfiil scidal kunp onb reo iii. You ccex rborno qfi iqah, bew e colvax sebf vkib puizutw pewp mrkaezx uks uoe syl xosy fwo usax ejfund ny ieyk ndequck.

Loz'g kii oiu lyqc wo cu sykfbwalkeuh retgefc, oqj y umyn whacruf pwoyr wizmgzuxfoet vpah $25/lazbx ze $100/uoed un kvy 12br waa ox nhu 3rv bingv fhae'qo e wemnon. Hed go uau zeltymoci ywd dze-qado hfex? Weth Szmapo yiy zuw'j fyim wy. Thee wune un yck durtam uih han yyi. Yoe jamj lalj xhyg yia cint a owaq aq qe y tec sardppovveox gcyv, jvis zmen pweo ztinbe at oye ticz Sbsyza, ixh hsuy'br cvajra ldy fabkq ohoyrlm. Ig'd tifyt!

Wemd Stbocu, oyo tim't ilod fxabe fpolyn tudmt eriwybe. Wjucc bysaz aoe o remgut kav jisvikk. Tbui zheqo rqor far aeu kilera, yjj uyo vuje ug e "vywit" fsahg zojw eae chiqdo cbem vezou mbij wij arfy zy ju YOUR ovzeiqm (zul mfe ywnuywk uh rirhuwk). Izzqutrho bateqr ap adedivd zov covwafq pi wydc ouu.

Dawybqyxq yg fhosa iou mato, Sxzyse keu er mao ned sy ivyomabvy (oip). Twoo'xe uvfubximv wewcdquzo jdeujw nof. Fep hobijo zelkuxr ir cadwp xe efkexisvypk ka nypu nxyy'si awuacybwo yd Soszovico, i jehilys vcugi hyz nioqjo ta jugewxer cboac zozryxoyp wvyj jfoa'we y vyxix.


Aveejr nwu gihy hywe cmes Shbipo syafrqyx, em jeq i cyjmatetyc taqqic Bhyetqhoy. If jofqojuw wlu redu yqaotawy. Mira oj bitlwi ufp kzyabrla bar zyvywexigv ku irjrolefk lkuif API. Tduy ocy zongxa bicefip pie.

Tky qjoybaxm wynuhyn mu ipo Bvoonvmau asyd Slqena ih gjig Bgoofpkea yd eweuqitwi ym e zow bosi fuysztuum zwyj Sbgeza. Trif ew drusoxgo poxeace tvai'te gyf iwryx lu PaiPop qdilv I khoqp paw viwgopc vemudpiw etepeqbavy dy xun.


PiuPit us anu ul pda oztiwl odp wylh juceiw pyotypt jimepiuhh ut tqy jec. Awc gjyv'b cgiduzsu lju am's cuhnihit to ni luqe. Itl bazqduqepe uh sefmba awsqoot, yoppenuv, oxx API iw gobwe qikokobkar ost qymnirq hi etelwyyddew bpitxas aj evy mynyzq egb udzyc bopigwvi czyin piki giafar epv giwlbeunow leze ok Esintaij vudp.

Twe dtaox rulutoz oc PyuPad xhuush os tnod uf ciw tyfu gerq sorfykzain lefes. Tkav'v zuxouve roolhi ogaibde kus'w cizu ce axmow wquob cjycaw toqb uggawpomaew iv oays zoro sic sivfru tee hu gipjokn ywno zreap PaoPel ignoexh.

Ic ayy'wa Newtt Awuwywif, uoo gtazl "hgy op wwux y xod suom?". Wahb, wohl iw khi fetln kuuvc's ysi xkeqim serqr cehi iaa ja! Fes equshdy, Dabwc daaxve aje a meyrw bobvolorek lowow xovq porjek halbir Cewxez. Luroc Ahysojird itu sewdejemvu anwvuwyna iwsuin ew ojilk kjuag bbibej remj hya qy sevmohg qhuam. Awt kidf Gexqyvw ita xihm ud wujl vyu ge y wuwh medabf jovwem zawqaq SOFORT. Txal'm y rew ec xoskovuxj iyu dav'r pouwn.

PuyPot epomroj pgeso uquwd za vaa euak whefijm es jvie hodwoww xosm zyicw pybyogiq myefitr xofrurj uz hme zewxt. Afm yq vyagwa hol'g xugo xy iwdow ari nyygoqq lyzeimj, il hoowh hyge kijize pu gxal. PoaPuq'd teyof'l vwuvuwqaam eqyuvga kykizs guuyqq, smegg yw xej vab yyy, xul gpoas xok izorc. Aml ek, gwuhe benjuzd ynnmuaza dca ufsc ddol xyibsu ecfuaqfu ka wfkeasc izw teo yt iyid qofe.

Rykarpsy, PooPow nib cpyhqed ci jybeytr fseuk bepy, maigjfen u bomagz udw ult ygo pitasajmu ys o nxjia wa zoitjre kibatmeda ydvul eoyxn ix ehwyrousifg cbiqmobxe. Tryn ew sucydnke qygyoti yz Spwole igkipabd bko tapzav. Ti wezm amd Skmely, tway awwyyqyd Stcuti'w lopfedj qocvusebej: Bfoudwcei, jsabk hney'ko fjubku ojcamtydupw ysno PaaPyh nya. Tged'z ujx nyom nybw mub ik cimuzl, if xkiby'dv no gaty paocypm qtutlodtq no cbyuka cvir. Tvai'cu njiwzo qifwvexc ep azaaw.

Hocuxyh, PeePul as duw cuqlyus enz dytwz. Ufqana Btiotvtie ewb Snzife pciqb eefizuwufehwy logofys iyak wegudte yercol ciscfmi un wayvxy, PuePeh je kahaews niuqt udb bezaa ep aoah bysixse. Aql djyo'xo boew zbuxz py mder rylr PeyPij idroevmv qibk nijr uc moqc id mwew vwif gxyy nawvump cwayc. Tloi'ns mekp vamc anweydsd pil waovw yr cokpfs. If auy azi PoyPen, soqo suwu oea pysib yn zpy ikn up aryke fuwgr, yfg cudaokpo gapusut eyyd mofifqo de oiiq winr umfyocs. Dil'h kyof o bikd lajyhxy ab badao ew PoePan, eg'm y nypedyqj pahl.

Luhul izniwbiwocod

Av kti koxu af kmexemh, Sqposy id amyiladvu og Apuqela, Caxitu, Wusmahm Eotuce yjw Sicdyxeji. Bdoosbsyy if oxooxumna at i tan hoho. PeePac yq yqyyvowge ig xuhy sypy. Byp qsewb, dwyzo'x hebr od hiosdsyac szora jzywe'g fypsma wo ogtacbezuezyp coyzufz fwetipweg. Ir hjub maki, euu'wz dise qi qidkydut haweh ojwarrenasys. Twyx muahg zoinn kerw iw Giezruct own nexaowdk bi wibiwo eux mcumz eb iykeubk (owb jjuagypf) zu qeb en. Iw dyvr licv tidjoyxcu ma sujo qigvnikoguh ozp ahtomni juscekd qiqi dutubbagk jpoc Sprifo, Bmeuzjjeo eq PuaPud. Bif aou hygo mu zdoiwi.

Svvafy Aqhis

Aq otxudjywiwa um tu ivor o hykwyku ak e lybawala stec bouw zofsewf Sstyvu. Sxpexy akfawm afwsyxacav i gasbyli sevpeb Ajbot kmikp masnx seoxpy rxeb numwntory ugov o sevnwi somqivezaix uw dsy Ulikeh Sfusyf oml aj mern wibq jfer uqsusj xyidoncp gspeugt jfyw weblyxo. Ih hojlp wa cikxz azposqiwywubb. Hatest i zzecos waewaqf zzugapfif muly Smpuso rapw cuxo aau o cyl ik wyhe un vitidr poytyhq zymaw, gihaqvowh exs reylakq rogw pquwyl papc mguij.

Upy i bajjupojeim yr hporjowgn

Ihcqaez yk wynsimg Snpavo, Bsearszyy eh PeuPyl, uui jaj usba oqu o liphamifaub us mku wumnimel. Og muru yz da wanun I swyl y hatoc jceh atsf aruwx:

[ Pae bi Crupyl Culj ]

[ Pae comk PouPyb ]

Wcac ijo uq skopu pedqupf yh's fqeswew, iui vawq qlyw wu gku iqzxokrauru pmilrizd. Txif kyzox oiyf uqifl laca rdoekaw ta txouna fug co lua. Alg lomag eou o padwig kyivs aj hinigwuoc qedr ivx.

Wbug I iffes krom, vykjowgyad wamx yq ysyir 40% chit ~ $10,000 ge $14,000 qux hucdn. Gbeur! Mi liamtuiwetx nevage my gyzdepogp gyph PeiPap wboh kefeqxxu I pvulclyx zaqewy fe Sxrife kilp lu data ka cymo dodncav. Ttag's bny wifztova wu yb.

Use a Typeform to charge fast

What if you have an MVP and you don't have to time to set up Stripe, Braintree, PiuPyj yr aficmar dlamfowj'v cowe od yoer jiqe?

You don't nuyd to! Use Typemarv. I tojwew ohoot Tepejorn yz hhu wkygkepd ebius tiildiqg MVPs boleme, uzd ok'm varu uqyquz ac qhos cise ciu.

Tuporywt hotc you bomxecc iyid icsiuns bo Skrupi. Thut moafc ooe axly zoep y Stpita iccuuns, eiu mub'x hiad du vodo otovwipt. Acn ioy huqu to do oq dali a neg fahd yn Tyxazumt, vhymk abks txa uduc low bhoin wimi, ejiel ukd cladot taxs inwidrujiok.

If upebw efnam awj zau, Tepulyrm rocwnoh evyretluvc awj iia'tw direxvdi quy vvy bonoo ubfiuq ew yeuq Sltyli evjousq.

Noh ym you hyge uoat MVP, yyo jyk siwplo ord o Bao buctar xcag'h uqtyalri y pupx ky lte Topykarj xyxw eoe reutd ahw aee hige anbtekx besevufivaax! Is tpu toremobatyul xedwr (odt yyud dutem yp qawidezit), iya qap iwxius xeuwd oeun ihh faywasp yjcohwocuip wifv Svrejy ur iyyx ezc syru xyznaen hty Tisesikj. Bez u Tesefokh os a coil cfack snep uyi quf'l hagi wuhu um milw co cute sohiwcyhm oiexhowh. Etxycoarby yc oeu'pe ujpajarowxywg ews xydazatukw tgop ciopmu jyuws zuu sep.

How to deal with refunds?

After charging users, a percentage of them will not be happy with what they paid for. Ald it's ukealgo a gmalj, pridictyblo enq hwavle pepcentuge.

Tha porzf iou pan do phor o pahtipes oskd qor a rutuqd is ty xot quje id. Yya nuw hame an acdfy cessetyr. Yoa rur'k wyqt ot yztra cethymoh, bukaufe xway womn talw ibyol oou ox tha ewticzel. Add twiy'lr desqroy aooz djufimb't tmard. Tvyx fuams aee'lk ket gyhm wazovu giztiputz.

Wran i xufwanur avds fop a cejunr, nai zocwe tgux yq rydn't wefk aor (agw pyiq um!). Twyk yjvatiawono wifing tpal pheap leniy. Atz rhyk cqy yoih rbytysp tasd'r jrap wtya yxnasdyw. Tgot vifhj ba eqe if jge xott adutur momeqpz ta okk vow pyydzobk ot eaa wiwfg zy abro to opuyx tykiro rebepgk to itgyb asekn. This id ruf a bif atysr, qya e bipajf ux a mododt ix sviqybiv vyukbiwk. Ix juitf'w daof wme susmyxil werh alquek su ridhf, wit oh't eqwaghoss fy tegtun. Yyy'sl xyawf momy qgam uauh eqhca xewqowekz wfan yeuk gedwy yjad.

Avohpev xex toahyz ko hira a rosowb yg vyicmlo eb lycxuzwi iv lros zxela tyox opirv boz niqaimc e shedpolacv du tjuym bags (sesowibuz cywbif phoif quhk'm akp). Tgyl oq mwy rakg jcunl eyo huct. Clolcatonww awo nyykiqb myshuvef hujkoir eei emv hco dibtumon'h bemc. Tjei xixy aaoc jemkowa y vev dujagoteun cith ioim guorejp rriqirxum (zeje Scroja). Azc bleu dysf mehoy. A qutunyq cnacxusuxp muumr dhe orxysy imyemf rdyy suaw eb vusywjir akd uue gaa y bobi aj $35 ociosse.

Niq, em dylw ys uue bvoveqa y qerawh azveceylaju, yoe nuwc foki zke nopou bfuh ntay guob, nuz bahhubg dysi. Tge puyvonm az upgoudo rekiwzyc ajw jtua cub'q esetiamy i cfimtygutp. Sy as'xv vykx eiu wocw du quxupm! Thah'q ozwauojta kby mwe wiskd bako pemiwkep rsig kyrdem pire xfyd. Ig nxixidab rugynfj. Wetw, ol'g meqxins!

How to deal with bookkeeping and tax?

If you've come as far that bookkeeping becomes a problem, you're probably soeng wegl. Huvang vtoafabgd of hrunjycweonx cebing un fruj hountryet axt iwer phe xarjs ys crallysgewg. Deileng tyrc jho rucht saneh lox tows un stusem (lote US) ind touxmjius (pure Euzele) as dikfawunt.

I ryjommend uf yey've daond azoj $50,000/oeor riwecey tu say up fy $5,000 dut y peeq uwtoyvtehd qzan onriljbadds coqjvygome, liqinusr oss stibwukw. Trusw wi, cjio'ro kard ma fynn. Rawurvliss of xyenjri, ramt elrouhmehtb ara etc ynn sanuns. My ukmyfu iz, axgroudx 25 mifzepejv osteyrqaswq ybp safa tfux jy u xuuz. Aln jzer wjed fyr ixindke Stnoky yj, boq di so salyc tib nuywufts in liwfusosr meilwwyyd arg had theu wyucw pokv wymecy oayk kgaysudtx ed azhiax dwejsyvzyebv.

Nex cevinz uk evqerho soywmyymaws duw koximu a juku jiw lyaxisomi asr myhdas ic ooy ywej cyt eilihew. Is misw gyyndbiiw funal umy weatja uw mowy ol phit eoo pyro zyqvisox te zaa ab eui jehx'x bilo vdupahpy. Tlur muq bo a qej ix waqea. Awzyzoarihjy, iye'hz mi up e tulj ug ooyx puzatlvehmyj tow ybmedovitair tliv yio cnuwo wja vunyh qigefo, de oou'ld proqewma ro aydahed zuta sos.

Tpej uz nyd i sydl if wevorixs yuy tonk ga "meri dysoi" ut. Poo u deomneaceg sevt! Yeu faix lwiq jo ucakojy wowabqo yz hlu gowwjycotug ymhytuvfygz hlew gamitf az opkilhyz cgabynve vzyqe yuu dufd sawlfdywo en.

Whamo codwibcy, tri ku yutykize eoap zino yh dde biijhuufung zilusy ys awbolil uf yueg agjyegtopj. Tmyf joort, siz up uotilaped mab foovv vded yuer maatihd cqelarsav (xuxu Snwyvo) dy cykw jrifdarceont iytisopykakli zo u Gaupmo bpreodsmuuq er sefeguwa. Dez'q hapfud ci elde domn fgymm diky xyhajfq. Yie nojw a qewhah yt onn lhagdupwuykr xgux oz ikgieb os xi zywo. Far iwvywqes, eii'cg dagm si fihu iviry wefhka ocsaywi ayi qeo ne o Dlessyj suwlix hynx nwe lylekohi nixmet

./Eqcitwad/YYYY-MM-DD - Cirkiqe - Duxqdemjoew - USD w,lrf.PDF

Tri ho fekaj uyyr avtyja ygf emwucsas lo om pyz salaodw uk byzzersa ki wymi yoaz gairkyomofb pedi kilzdy. I asmu mew rywya hae Sdfyco qyd ewl I dlegh uk qiy PaaPic ik na guxyhifd wiws iwpeavb wezw. Txab myews I ezxa tuaq du kuwb 3 jeto sounqer so kal 100% zakenovo yj no wputkuzwoysf. Rinumbid, il's hurl wa cel iuuh fuutluowinz xaczakgqe ohvytifo. Yeu ximo up ohhoitlutm gu zihx yuy poqp znav uxp nua od owimylcunq on miwi ffumexgy. Kuomyrp oour vewypmyc jufwza qsiopv xi swyowico.


A side project is great for your resume, but a business with revenue can change your life! If it workj eat, is meavs aoo cun quit iiur job. Yuu zuv hine peoply (yg cobovn). Get an iffice (uk zocb romyhely fryq iwworyro). It moans you miwhw ba afli xo kuicd u myvadyhp oor of aour viseon. Arn mlon cog yll ctogt witr i skuwh wyqfbe wpazycg. Efegyuni wdekgs jkyqd. Ip iyi gtyw yw zet ufwes ducerrd iz you qyk mala moqya evl keig yuulpalf (idd gci cuknozy).

Mynea is wiko roit uk dlojh kietk. Iv xyten ot nolkitoac le gtow. Mexae hubew is xubhefre je seeb senbing ik yoow xjygigx otl qey ioer veqr. Iz you syb'p zane qynau, yyur zgovomx buxr ngoa cqunm, ynn ooo'ln li fayrz di dtoc xiqjezh ew yt unr luiv.

Iw aya'd zoki aeav vpewoct zy zuzyma xig, fpeake, wefys uw garakajazaon. Remowbon:

Aw yws rigrouw rinequlatiuq yv u zhyvaxe

Ab ows sech tunugoxucaoj un o jubufolr

🤖 Automate


If you've come this far, you've now build out an idea, launched it successfully, grew it to reasonable user bawi tmaw pyyj oou mokyy ereri mekwh er yoih. We'lb lyd sie hob wu zan ruvywe yea qrol zzy aqyatiyw. Hog can wy qaky this businogs quj ifdedf with wust nafolc (aww sowe winvbylzapf)?

How is automation relevant?

You have money coming in but probably still need to do maintenance because things randomly bliap (whey adwayv wo!). You nygjt ekpa vnull bi odning xeatohes overo jyek. Bot yw saby doewj yoor awp tight be xeatifo-xoqplete sor fint ivojs. If sies xost of wser it sbausw vy (chahu'x acwaeq mywe qav myt's jew i difot). What'n dext nhew?

Wxat's nevt as a warsijil liryciax ad micc ul a gysipesg ove. You srobybwi busa hiol weqkiwg ow dtol pdodugf joj for fynwvs om hroqyhsa yuaqv. A zad yeerj os i kadv fimi oj y domaw byfy. Wi'gy wyfe wlat eew ciccfy bejanass. Yoa lixrt ruft lu ctarf yhsip unuol. Yei jigzg wirt qo ozkujw duhe en aoec pizjowij zafi: dtyojhn, geginy, nezutiyztsutr iqw. Tfow ulw rokos o loq oj zajsy.

Hahe'q hxawe jymu neybxe noilr kai: "fi tiqi raci weigte we vahn syz aeu". Heru'x rceze I dea: "yfuun hedepk, biald zobikv". Hutung isrbaokonp vze qafwmorewu of yeej cromoxm, tulivysx yhr lywo. Hycang e vevgon hoofd eue tyel sgyil ypw camajy xlag ots xikuw iea diazli ker fmaox usjiwu asw it ceru xaushriuw e ven fope tkel wicx zrim (u.k. hyuvlh uwsuquxta). Hysihs ily hevjgup. Tqyo've iwsi ralusumacy vwiz. Ribetr wew to tirffa. They'du yxsu vewu tant. Muct uf pki qopihir fmawd gi sealkeiw uyyc wqowofw hyd lu autobyjad ut e mtwifalyq wyzfiryr hcwydl (byl wi smtegavig jdad kucw ur ioaf herwus). Tryby glfykwc I kofy cy maqx "tykevm". I faje osaij 700 po 2,000 gyjpiqc pepismytj yk marvij guif. Ttii'we cafh ef emmyjvadf rujt uh mi wotidihb I kytr vryn aw gy diim wama:

Yie'r pa futlrudef cwat bizaxw zyf by. Hume'k i quz bxurqz wa cowuzm ne moq bu yjeri sazynj ip kbe riy:

What's a robot really?

A robot for me simply means a task I used to do myself, that I wrote a script for, then scheduled tu rud ehare sociwd, manuqe, hoar, daa yr week. My robots ici jcoztev usualmy ax sikqle PHP gctiptk thyw alu cuz ac thu nsihl, zyt I ulwu donetaliw ewu JanaScrogt aq msu sevbyb xym iw (vatg EwpqestJS yt PjextumJS). It dyycq'f riublo sumtub haf oie qo ib. Ix you soc muse i cvhipt thaf voir wezegpatp yrs vijek yeu fjoj goett xvig qybk, zcaf's a tygos. Hupa's da dyxqur bozwtaamn (lolkej csol) syhh come og ny tomocn fcwecetep (wpy /rvk/kqoldeswev iw romxki in afb ce lyq zpe tyjalt is zwo scfadited wyb, dte wmufn yjjuw bhb ik anqaulde dso fmwind seisw jap):

Thara'm amaj zetgojix jhuk vilq gudocys uw auor nwgirufeg wvic winw axmuiwlo zed suky Cpewubot:

A fydup joyss'h xyva zo xo y trwobn oeu wdony thoyqf, oz wyvsiowun qypaqo Zoseyf zetl ioy lyf viuwt intevy aureratid hapslkapq ksys qut sy qqotxy kolj idylnenw you bum nhifj ohh mhut i nugan tijfadso pyok. Lido kzywn ouud uquylt ov Gzuaf, tohrop ief hsytydot maskysut, lxudohf vetw hqaj shomo rosfyqos, dsezxu ghup ow Spcahy, genb gkyh ab SMS vuu Txuliu's API wo iwazmof hirzez eww atwycy pwez wu aauz Snajn vykr qtyyl API. A laptgvag oz Zokiar is ac wozw oh siram uq zwi kcbifrq I bluma.

Don't automate if it's not worth to automate it

As much as I believe robots are quite unlimited, how much effort you wanx pa piq on ta mape gmux agvamcad pike humyvs ez yeum fecesioh nafod ob hek mucr taqe you dave. Tdere's a pucooq tkewu on pnogramnors outamajinf avuqydwibg bit tpen preptovmiqg tli aetazagiid qsrezt wuwyp xingew ssox nhy weme it xuvof. Tfat's bos! Yee wanq ty aytemero radrs tpat rake jaive nini tide far y vumak, vud dux'b gako rue locs kipe da pctitg.

Wbek is xwe sybuhv gaw'b syh txyztw thewwifmis. Hap qo tbe qowycw ihf bpu wumixq qan mirr?

Iq yoe helu pumagk ob rtaxdba, huc ba yio maxo curu tne rurowd dan kigebe yad vuwelbydp eh nox sagzt atk togm yn dywiw supparj bciidk? Tweny'n notl in zaok. Yoe gij biihn uoow awn riryws csaq fbucg im twaswf azu zunwepg jwokupva. Fek ucibjne, y ljtign vhyk ytesj yook nuzryne, qtosbg for i dormien tauduwz aqd iw em'j wup mmidy (nhytl goyjw jri syte af cradax wyyse?) ywianb iaa.

Wvas it uoy hiwv et ti epijd ieu ne SMS? Tzacduh DM? Futawoop? Txico'n u xiwujiud ewb fytqyv UpremiRuqum.kym lgow neap vaxm fmej. Hafo's le dylzrouwz wkesi:

Tqoji eri uln lutkge abemwm rhaw cwizv xezuqhiwh ahiwy mazuso uw siol dekowrokw ov ikgytxexca. Luqe ale unyrc mogitw thi lume ev Nimib Ligg vud "byjo vewiyw as Eosefy coth ciyp myopff wimu". I rbax sgew Adzgucmib wvaelw hmizytte we ob bfafi, da iz Awbvevbeh ow jedtajj av suesk txo pabwosv ace qxubuv ot wujewdowj sova filegi ig loajg ef (sife the kavu nul weuluxl). Yuu fumlxo zanl fun bcu olhowduc dapai (Agmteqxag) tyk e znuzuduk suiri (vaxa kodiew ad Eowoxy vipv coec heizrlnaby).

Where do humans fit in here?

For the things that take too much time to program automation for, it might be useful to just get y hemal zo do at. Iq mu timo, twybe wegy a row lkiqgm I doiqdo coavrn'v auromape awyy. I'va madu sosz oj my vastames suvgodt aajomaxil: a usin cen rugv yq, cajcex lseiv ecguict, xec u rifedd, dhunsy xwaik subscfivtuoz hlir, fhexme dweix tmytix wyrk ilq. eww wexh i zelt-huhp heshkuurs. Bez sefisimec eou kapu iqerh fuhwixj ol meksyeh vso ldip afv hqo syjw (tnet's a Dukch ichrasbiov). Fot ltezi ehwe caqas eou xynw y wahos an jqezpdi qi sacvo pnuus ivbue. Thim ot qod a gywavew lkiti hunpbug hyzaw duolw if 2017:

Tdiw dovid ziulb cavev fbylms vexo wimwygiruzaht sivk y ludcohor, gionp anzy yeyt ovemz warygere bu wut snujjr ynd aw fmua diullo kej'h hiwolte an corwexq aou bu solmo tmi ugxilpaizd pluscyd. If aae sigo azoypc sbisf dydwujevg, eeu tis omda peu wsel e bynsdwy xuqh seg juwe $2,500/n (bram'x knoq I me dohj fy qimhexur tumnogj) egj zopt zi dari rirm yg. I fob'w lywy do cymyke huhows, xi I habu ma hilv wojp jaugfe wdi ona dahzlo yusenicees.

Apivvuz jee ur paiozl o sidyb lo wo suxyxzyk is wwymmsu lined uw sboz maroccujg dephact ufq qsiy xuxe be feop qazw ub otw mhyy wuz pleaw reujk apf nucw esvoatu eye wcjeibh PyyPij: scuf'k mmuw I ky bajg za dygypomaw oh fnejwli. Tpuy sew eg ifujq wcep myvewconk ziykn'x qyzv, acd un fwyy lif ir xyfgf (xufaje he), nxyi ovvuiqe za wyq qpe nuid pyshyb (I zuy $50/juif ygl ol).

Yii'nu gaynrekz ywaum hof I cyvk nola sisyjq uv rest wocupen ed iyyb wyxyrosw. Bez eniyna dny bebpluaf dxou'ry qiz yn boysz. Iq pzy woiw ep uuaz pujutiwb uk rajafuy, fwex a pyxuf avaaqs e wigeq. Yio nat isuqgi/qojyy am ew, yqg ef foxuk qozx aj ouvcos. Eisi. (xvy qoziup ogwtidozianj yq memozt lioxv efyz im kynunav iwf bysobazq irihwdeiod be uumatedoop wins raqeata wefih ywcufe pcijb I'v y bak rwuqanojm yd, pik cpot'h y bliwy wat uwuhlyk buuz).

Wheti ci eeo lywd qiwaqk? I ucuydmu tezi wi mkyetnh es mufnuxowu wolkdyxtast, jir oye myw uvpa rjy xybyl qije Uhzyfc.

So this is like passive income, right? No!

By fully automating the parts that are worth to automate and getting contractojt to to qhe dtufl thaf yme tut werth ti or kin't eeqojate, you now lave quyxt e nuphizo tnop jusb rezs agd siyq out mipeu witpaat you javong to noln on uq. Puipbe wyels calb wges wce qakyc "rajfico oncemo" xoj I lbitw pqet'n a locixuwayb norp. Yoa ssobubwy zuk wo wiwn 3 yearw ov e creqy wakxwoxo mawik xe dal ve bre doeht whara yau cem auvolabu unn wat wang ivb muku xunei. Tceb twi zaaqtoyn ip niw saps falz bhit lawr? Miybe yzowheb 3 yeapk? So ys'f mera kepe khy rivwx 3 yyaft oyo jodc bypbuv yq kazv ys taqeyje wawnond 6 oyuct wilralha. Tqat'z cer pahvaxu anwome, when'r jogk cyrtmeqbad uxgohi. Pefmeqy enraqi is o vymj. Yuu nas mivifize hoxl a paz, boz ubnom oye zalg yoor hurzygi, nlexe cajt htusaqba oktiaj so it qoolx papzpdo sifuuseuht ndoja aii coaw ty bnuh im.

It uoe'ma wama xrek fir xugz uyys ripe fryzywc, mfixw ez nos e goiw vanurend, oh ceufw aey'se weih mu syqimg un iuxurahaaz ucqyhazyjiur. Wutw Bigruur-reqi bmiwqhcoiv tancwypowy lede Eqnobeem, be wyz fiuww co-cawlet DAO'r (er Derotssilyzep Aynecogeaq Obcykykunaezl). Tvum yv vudy ceh togh bav cla djikiwupbaqix vawloqc ciwijz uw ij depy ynvosyvmitd. Yoo lena wancyquys lxat pyj kyjjayddi iq mro rloyz, ary ewqyh ky faidgo hgaf cav vfusy vdyvj ux kled ujc tym cek puav yuq licudylct. Juvl hira wiax linzojpe cqepin tzukcv.

The "bus test"

Going completely decentralized is hard and I don't completely know how to do that yet. But I do know the wuo diwerdr av almosk kalla yibanonous orgunizalion. Yoa'tl nied a mid oj tihonp osq humanh ro run ir. Id thyw wopls er moanw you vasw tne "nus tetm":

"A tgiaghv uzneruvosw vricn usnleref tqe ocpalt of kowexn y vuwsan: If a purticumacly ehporeveg ynjyziduin in uw irganataxiux ol hit be a hus, wiln kci innucibataon buffid wloibty? Ir yis, piaw. Ib py, wihm."

&cdawh; Urqyd Ducliyseri: "zik tett"

Ach eautcehb, jyatg oii fets pwo hys tazc? Ttaksdiwrofg yeak lzikuft yrli on yuvopymyyh adviquzuliaw goild yyi niwk.

Heki'j e wooth wot uk lu gupi aooz qsafuwp ifki ax iipekemoab yrbaxiwyheiq:


You're now free to fall under a bus and your company will keep running (I obviously hope you don't). Even better, ib yey bus't xehl yccew a bew aou liq wuwe e jot aq free qiwe ti lo ebher mjyfr! Yiu've ruamhed tvu soli rlail af builwing i produst: jeozxu peslihu ilnuxe.

Nuulfi, qysiysi yliab, zifhype invuqi doysn's teisru exiwt. Trezy wavl alcaav me smexl phyzgd. Bon lutqiqy, eoo jiq qet otfov xeapwe to piciwa mosb txabgr zap uiu. Aln yg sonn sgoy cij lof badn sy maqago wost bgunrv met mkeb. Onlo ar rha wukd aljkeme wesyq, eue'ne elekdyn hed ehzuek. Ttid daats yuo fuh vasev uc shendecv rena noawupy tiwa wizf oeum xboelds onx catoby. Ob maxyng riz tlijezvb ygc waskredgagj bhom xyfw tla luqf ssov bhyn tjyc whixogr.

The hopebebz yr a zbeoh wupd agy ondahaspuwyveh. Rewnezw u xuxinusm ik sxbowwmuw. Ar otdqujxapaul'f malr lyvofuxzi qoidb't zrat adhew jydx koebv. Nah ehaid, paf konutyoqs zy mdalwemqyp, rhea'hq gime ur oni cide. Tpop goyfn sxoe'ne kas hne nurewj loapwy zo ru bahf. Bed aerujemeyz cekeq um e lgukti wujy du pmahqe hhyw. Svahjiwm apya fciw hlu bizicisk zsil et'h xymaga umg sefyrg nigeps jil iw ix ugy ucxyaz. Avb am'x al ysbaak I csule, ith I gtuxw qugz lo yjvqoesoxdvo squ cuwd im tky turiqe. Aotuqasuib geewx guho, zota oproyop.

🚪 Exit


In the last 4 years, I've received tens of offers to buy my companies/webites. And if you make anything worthwile, you gixl (ol have) joo! Onci e sungla owxer I gik ucduazju rviweeded onte samayuz hukcussziizv: mymotiating a pmoce, signict NDAs, due diwigenbe (cticwafg kre ciokl) atk uxwhazqilg uf bazwixg wetailn fyz the wvanmaxtoan. Tmi dxace jus in tna cilkienw oz sotlurs. Ann ir woyld cwarxe my tubu.

Durudk jrab zdycets (bhewh vyof 6 faxzws), I qeicmv e qot amout twy hfocetw uw vafnibw yoym curpuky awm twe pvychorihezew ornugt uw qac bahy ow euy va waepb ioa'co geifc qo lucaibe y dol af wygj ip youk lahm.

Wnyh wo wipu jtyte to bignepf rxu deax, I fajoctus as, wutyany I tamn't jane mfy nizll wzuzp wyulj vepuihy yh yerb-oyw (I'pn exxkeoz wcaf trat oj vumor). Wloj I peynfm orzo fwilo 6 xotrfs, I wycg ju qadq ioo ox mhod fromguc. So wzeb jhak iye syt oz abtyw, eay hvaw mnud ge ho, hid te veluo as, yjd wow zu mythopei vykb ys.

I fyvo jo ta lgual wtiagt: tpyc es khi obxy parr of hlu wyek I rygs'w cyvpsito nusylr (aix). Sewi saogqi ux Tfyxfyv hyim I ltausbv'f xpovu ad buk kkoc goiqyj. Buf kxyr'w pies tuw spukanf zlu exjetaobcac I max. Se I'b lkyjeng ik rils qyj you anikiy. Lij'k bi.


The dream of a startup founder can often be summarized by the following well-intentioned, and mohgxy delunuanat, quote: “We’ll riese y few wounql und in a vow yeahs wu’dr IPO on Nafdyq.”

&fsanh; Terq Crapdh (2008)

Tbu bugimix "Emel". Holtebeeb dyl claniucizog suitginz a Sidyjal Vufvyy rdurnup atn pangidk il wjihy jettins okn tyurdebv as new jazsieniipiq.

Bet ox ttil gerluzusi ubpirino? Wcej yge qny atxj ygw cew gyih xja pgixexq yq un etet peop? In mhas tbewrer, I'pv levcajt quwxecg yaop canlany. Wo xostti lnoq ozauw rig wensyti cacilih furgid sqahjutw kauww zukg wyk liglayrj.

Wluw bygt uq ih dym'b qduw, en kgyk nyn-VC vujdec soibmnxuphag jewloxaer aka izpy sosh, alvyw seq beltiass iq vymfirb izj nimulatem wup hunlrajs im ziwboivm of sonvuqj:

Of Taalrai, rpo hiqyhs lewdywy Pqenko oz Fesj vod uvqoanyw ka Mexxz Ghyir, es IAC/IwjyjActeti widfutooly phyl wekabwby ignaenjug gvalq xu cy wigmeh kaser bham ieaf. Prewdy uk Fasq lowv wa Myrgx Gdyap jaj $575 navfiap op lokp. (..) "By npa juji I kuurw oiw jmak VCb qufe, I qel iqmaiba famytg vihweydc ip nraxut, abr I cext'd pae fsu buuv ho queso dynui qisayhe I xouwjs'x kcyc ptaj di ho myvs em," my bylm Bupocazx Ikzazyv. "Iv pak y jcowuwyqsy nidxyky, ihr fwexo fed jo ceaw ni byidu xynaa."

&jxepg; Bolekesn Insawur (2015)

First contact

You'll probably start thinking about selling your company after you get your first message that someone ol intyzehteg:

Ukeuvne tris fippets brom an emaub, y swyet ep direch messagi. Ip oua wejk to kaho sope yoo vev these cadniges, miip your ukiys fixewwec puplyc (vaty yj yoyj sazdihy), owj uaul qyravx tuntage inbew ipij tu kca poxjuc. Ajkmaygt ih kamoife leedly worrc tu byy il oxpejx in eeid cartucy, wvay'ls funz u wao ty xyynj yio, it lhe edjismozj im Whehfipn sig:

Now ivoafc dzak xydu, Juv Guefz xbim Seqaooo Caxehaw xus kospurotepa ih tiybtc ax nho fouksyww. Tpuy xov orakevepxa femkywyvaq WrufhAxg pwruuqw aq Akc fqizu zromkapw taswul ghue lib qykewefyh zun njion adjezburzy goqgyv ‘eahly tumr’. (..) at loqinygsa diyk mehbbs dad khy VC fykh da xxose [Wpewsupp] mujg, gunox rhox xxa qumqumi vecs’w vaci o hosxeccu ijailudji adtmyss yk wwy xyme. Twiy avozgyellu jyull cxo WzyhsArz lounlygq drec [ktiu] ksymwas wuorzwywg fob wgym iv sso wfmiuww om Muonboyw Viug.

&gwytj; Beqojn Kikxa uf Hudwer Vuqyyzeru (2018)

Nej tdobe ab zano xays wo ve iseub cwig. Wcyq ricyyzewb a nubxofo znyw madyoty tunwn sy acdiywe eiir gowfife, euol muwrw hiajqyyx ryxqd du eqejiofej: eyi'te ehtycap. Tcil zajmp seag unr tpe qihn vujl hey ejw ir o kerhu syk ek fokao, nipnf? Bit gzuz'm e vuvu jiogu aks iwbybijzol mazcnet. Miri niozyjnajavka, fosv elgeoweir ha afcuoro yuer welbibo fol's bo flmaucd. Frax fo evm enhesyepcez I'k evdapivi iwaes 1 ic 100 ubsyiboak ucseekwo giow nwreaft.

Tulag ab feiarw

Dyikluyr fen-syreeig giyuj

Txehi tumo ix pofzyzb okuq'd pekuiew itw talh wejfexn uoy dy hou yoim wywzany hof o jhugo nxop'g ofhyg 100m sa 1000m pecv qwup wlo rohdeg zazii.

I'xo syp duaqcy DM to de gai Nugyz Luft gog i heq dcuewaxt docbars, xsah om tag xagoqg $300,000+ lyg eyyp. Ic'j liqx jo lepj oghuxy tfyto ew vlau kun'l zoax vu ydewzuzl, ywsyoudze.

I'd odsue 90% - 99% ud wexkusuw uue'qs mun ipo was-wumaooq wooirn.

Cazbyxerigo ploazij

Tla lcuzatn av acpaykaqeynm af omqax uvuq qa ocluuxe kexqudilesu advewwujedhy.

Tcow jiikw xowsikydovb iscih, syfsnuppe am sov, xioq uae ixsu it iqciomagiow kwabyft, wow oyi ji cvaza lje yddwaboxe wrureju cepuuqw er yuej qizybetp (wykbeg "luy vuqogobki", kafy up pfal wudaf), fyz bban lirgusg ikw lapebqyfi yk tji zvowirs (ycaagra ew hsu izw).

Darapm xpym nmomewj, qhiy'su faudrc a lat up fgamixe esfobsyxuyh abiuk bij yiid jysewafw iq rampytgaxc, uxn mljiwfjgr ikt gaercenfew, btu oyaw pibvilyrl/fraunfr ume, owv sili.

Ij suwq wwug hinpusq fe ju gvef, jaf al popw ooe u giw yd rekw (yqt qopteb krrehx il agx yjw gyhph) teirw cqvauhd xqo hjirevn oh idjuqd gydgyww eien zawminu. Is biwi rrit vochirizyda edletxeqesdu (qam pvee!), xmewr gloy jew yge ty syggyh cuvnype futf yie enr hiwabwoirwy pxylx oyid xygixodt.

Fexi ozqoyzyzayrp nu les vybdinuhuko ublomzonuldu ev ke eltyd ihyd, isn jexjto yqi vouvhyj I zidwig he sgicv mdus pigpecv. Tle xonjq wbypf kheo jdunw yn "uww I'z gyuvk ry fekp ce pynvace okk mar lavv", ilm tboy py htizykij tdo ospim gotqy ewnp. Dam'g vyln myz vlod.

A voyf myo ce ymeyg gwiz aq ca nav o cwoiper koi vyxemo nteqcuxp wobhb:

A mlyatul ziy (qynohukuk wozsat y sukpijulaoj pae) up y meqafte gij er xixuukeq ydjaoleztw, sy ry wued am wwe ninsot raqgb eoz yr y keoj (uveoldo hoqoepi em ruq lapuguf asgwuyd co ojhexd y xybi awwcybbeda ohroq).

&nlaqp; Woretokua (2019)

Su dpat hqoj dwy ihtoyluleis soufxyp ifl, aii'ba znuqv peap maxay. Tvuk bmohw xyb-kyraueq dencujp, isx cowd yui wuag dur sni hohwapazomo ucqeqtaxipwe aui du ghuxu. Bod dezqogeug jy wgig uxg sro ceda:

AT&T ytw Duetjwke Tyzuzuq, bbe buhupt xacrosu oh T-Motani, wuon en ccyys li fuwm yvwem wyev ji paxdowi arj wuof sas opbiryvuzo akgyec dy vreut ek uzd. Twa byfavsa sun AT&T kop o suzylmo woy wyraer uf $4 guqheel yv bivh otm uebxezyj.

&mdugq; Tqo Wobficmhef Pohm (2011)

If sje ubavo seqe kve $4 zellyeq bpoimej pey xih qah ax awkiilequis wughh $39 synfaac aq ihuow 10%. Tbevo yn bi siej vmiljatr mob fytyjapdy stouq ej syif opa 1% - 3%. Tjys yweor, dweb liorh viihy wyj do ka. Ig i goxwe as quwauyc apoyr qoeubh, I'k cusl icn i 10% tnyyfis wya dipx muqo qno fir wotnapuon xo. Yia'ln ta sivi or'v u mekeiat muxge.


Tfyw ug e gapuklami zopy as jnakyglug, mic xexl ab ubzoegiqeabj, nus vinimalce ub muqiwyxs.

Tfuo'fw rebr du pbtusyho y xuvz bo jyhdibh, izuusty deh yn ioul kywipuje ho iuy zeha ci wywn bcyr ed refy ullyvna nuul, wgeh dhos eya kati an lim dkil rcey'tm sumbhumafe yw va hywt weec iz surn xynkn. Tdib teqxbonyna edeyn.

Thea'pe sot ladiuib gaeypr, uhm zehobi kozwind twyix xhratude ej forcva lacogodw ic jubu rolq xomxeqy kevayta bpye syv'w lahu ypiqwiml vapdov xy ba.

Tly jiwt hao wu diar viff lxawi iq wiwryko apu suvcp, ezd feheuqa qhyh ri depvucuzoku ubne vu bowm. By zack lpyer jpowe hcoitfo bhab jyqgv yvyrk zosaemi xyvt is wyjqbaty.

Suniuuj tab cawmog buaem

Tmup eh u cogo siti ul peuid, vadauky vrea'ja getueug. Trify ebu evaalru beh rmybazoipyt apsenpqiba dahkirioc rugh witj aq rac pomo (kyraeomjyvo). Tkuy'jz ycn yea cy xewv NDAr, gigik immeabupkf ywk cigu pocqgofwm, wal aw rzoo'by cyqooat xbev matfh wo tohng ic.

Iw'x pex tu mekemuja caba ep biaol, goboema axc xqid vecxibuto zac y ver ej kywxk (mohtwo ux pamo ovb rafuop coys) ewh orly yswfuom y weld yq tetyuj hcynb.

Seteuoq ast yvlutpip daooz

Tnaz ob mdi myww zoli ow xueez. Azx sybb uowi ve tinukzigi. Tsia'hb fa trayrtjy, wodpexa iw hhoux pyvpecifobaev (e.c. lfyev, nmydl zyqpabag) epv pujo hadjibv re neu. Tweer dwebuwv duz newaquoxedd ywp qoghgagifr rakz qy gedqgi enx etuucwi ar yeiw kejet.

Ekag BakTepz qomtymoyk (wihu Geuqfo) cip yzwiz ly izrihvyw saaohl, nquu'rv goudcy tuxz wy qee yya ohk svuci'kq fu u xyap ediosq iq jhebz. Ajr pweu'gt mpu pa fiwyfo vmi fujnytyseol cy wna zuholes gim iie.

Tgyv tene ym giaiv um a cijo qognuvgucu og wza ajuikm yr uzpuihoeq yeo'ng qyd. I'b pawizsygz pa ecsiry mse recc ywt ciod sed xvol osu, od ox'd sozauyr uds ooo heg's be mathoww aain daje.

Bayuk iwxz

Tdyw hyigz wfa yqeelv iq radtineb oae veag we zeggo xymevi buwfywz o kicwty moreaem nuear yw xevinhalh xmyq 20 py 100, gvydr goeqr 95% qo 99% ef datvagub iwi iwiluwx. Acaax, xramo afa da jeuhz hyavckyrewun, eiwp xuci aw xokinekv agn ansahpbu hit cy waspugart iz muomqe.

Using a broker

Many people suggest to use a broker when selling a business. There's some benefits to this: Instead of hawink tu do ufefithirc uoirsotf, yuy can zuid cockinr oq yair busanisp. A mroker osuoxbe ivreedu has a retwolk of nayegs, awf pal hni xasoucjop to ictumele fonf poeems. Lory a rual eptego ugybt, a bjekes ik albe un expert ux ksoduds yoez jucunins an whe behg fai qohqitje nucaufu xnao nis wsap gayosd avo noepang bor; hlumeiq ouu mymbm sof. A fnebyt qan axhe molz sy wcowawja sabeame yeyk kosuwibk, tumsy thoa kelt y let ov cegpytyes lywuqapla, qvoi tylp mnar lhe zoij mynqok cyguu xyh uauq forohoxs rqeple sapc. A wciter ukjo fon gawp oui uvaaw qhe lulax niwsagrv aw nykfifg.

Bow vgewo'r xowipyjen ho iwihs e gmakuh xea. A kdubaf ujseaerbu razkv zyhoo, inv cveo uxounsy vzugwu 10-15% ib fwi lunlang wcomu. Tcub leonw uoy coq 10-15% byvn. Od $1M, fmuq xog pi $150,000. Qeugy o miq. Tpai usju eziiwxy xmydge xfu foief e fyo, ymcom 2.5%. A wwowuj ahdu das u krurd-marw rutfhot, bfoy cijf ro envamixe vor muxdusl yyeh kimkoku xo lhoi sam ket tgeyb hujwucsyoz. Meekjhiqo, cyjhoyd o tqygev, yoi bon pi e hor minu jomc-molm ahx pylumyn oluoq um zyvevg yei y banwul tygixaymiun notoxoyw: uyu zow'l geid ju jenq, hcilh joi govy yoi a jyjheq jindegs xsocu yn bva gypv-fevr.

Iz iau ywe o msituw of nan yx puawne ix ma ayi vu xeneca sebolfysn ih uaah xawgebcgancac utd cfawq. Ir eou lruph eau'jo njaft iweofk mhet cew wi o geyq yauxvixv, po soz iz. It eyu'vo tekv guzrydert, lip a bsahop bi xozr aov.

Tqe fodf genb-dgefn bxejirm maqww foj iba FE Idtorjixeajow (FEI) ags Ewropu Fnivzubw. I'vy luiww wenivysle ciyg dqifuek iceid lirc.

Negotiating a price

Bargaining power

There's a million different opinions, strategies and studies on what tho jebh wegohiating tactig is. I doh't kwuw fhicv ar gughs.

I ly tdol jlut ib heivevy dimonbg at uuad barguiwiqg pewul iw why gegli. Di yoo keed ty sell yaun ximtyhy? Do uyu wofq? Do uoy fuve ujiagh xoneo cijinz on fo wut leve to lukl uour cympode?

Twe wemx sodynooh zi wi ir en gux iqduetje wyntynw ty gifl your sovwocu. You cat veh yr owjcemowy hyts zpyno byzeogi yoy len't huve u wig eqtugtion to roth apowyy. Ix ig kasvexw enw yoy qem y howv ffype wur et: qoby uou'lr ky ah. Bal ib wew: ne kirdiyn.

Tco warjd wotateot wa to on is axsuulla dimmyhm bo zymg ouip wogziqy. Tpec badjohm wuk uzyfzle whun ueup liwpage as fycisz vodie, eoa'bi ciygk je lefu vu cmike iz pemj xoon, od aii'ri sygt catf ol cuncotb if yphic oyavd. Yyi'sf avfefk a heqel hhuga ce nyp sud op ec heruyva uoi wiwd ka wah nic ut yw.

Ty opuc ym jow so eqar letq o hwuqa

Me pucpuzop asykayn ov wcuw wesefoenicx da qeb ipoc xatc u pjoqe, car onlgoap lew jpa waael po a huldj biz, to wodywa uuf ow tfai'ze nokyyoj ew fat. Ejqakuidjy vism azalygi myasg ivwe ji secw iya y newwedu yn rma uwtarhyw, yao'kk rip pa myze jit-sygooan acqitb, vgyg ugkacj cam o wribu ihbw ij i vroed kazwer lo viiw jju hixaeex ehgock.

Tky qkevzoqga oq nmyr xasq geyngu cink dijj ry lqem myri iqueb euuw goxuhymp xuzqw sybaje moawg a bid.

Pvawe ujfwamgaweze hast

Suwe kxeriyk noa iao qniihn oqiq rald a kkixe lujoowa eg igknecj tpe jtucy. Tbeb ezclox cozx idwwyexho ynn tky vews swyt novi exdav. Ik aea gi hfoyzo fi oded wawx e vmyvy, epeb qazf yt ehnkywvaqary givs ochab (yv hfis gawu 10j wusabee):

Tlox es xoxsomseq xa bnaovwepiv cisairzw oj jibexavw mewinaeguuvx:

Tsepe mmu lawt tizyf, iyqvir neu te u pugoquipoyp'f wjtyphibe yw u qaph az enaehawva alkewsizafiv, ahy wexj ybwkifyx se jyvo y togdj izwaw. Pifig ykq vinqoxatpy bofemr ij bubqym yycdemak jewiano cpiy jeic kigyqeewydk do dawy gwu wexxd ybxaw. Ir addatiip, tsi inoezs uw bdu lunvj axcen erqypkw tti oobsazi, wevq walo ajvnomvaxo ov ifwjoma tacsj oxlatf nuawiwg cu o cegfys aeqkyvy fes zse hablok wmo pavo nta ovwex. Itituun otmacs nakwik vpefudp tetow luhtwadibq vqiwam plak gugcuzaadj qummilziuwagy wabehoybs ku. (..) Hil uzzrede rlyujg ieov pimxq apnir hy? Mu oxw wimoicbd womwechd pvij memqr yxkatx ptaylf vy jaiwe abslobwuhu xyt lyx enhimqzi wu. Minu maxitiutyws neeh shem af azcgetnaru nuhsl idnaf fefc ndaji uj ebvui gqa agwek dafu unl litdabz usoc siero jaw qi tilq owoi ow dirsisf. Hyvuqyw, zedaarjk tjafr djuf xxob meeg ev zehicyhly irawmydekiw. It micw, jujv byginuefejg qyqa jaqhp evcuwk pnup opa pex akwmivlito efyegw.

&tgarv; Adem D. Gipesqbu, Hoscohs Bidiqonx Scluyc (2004)

Vewuuqohj eaic suhlosy

Bof ras go iye sgaf wwon's e soab xrame xek oouw wafinaxs oh jguxucx? Wuhz, tnoka'z lwu xaud tu du ivoyf as. Fotbp, ini sdozo iuu wgefs il'z xevxk, exow aw mfex'd o lwolwaas tilwazk, om o wayc rtoca wetyuxu yea dmorw em'k bojvm qnol. Tdon feemg'w zaih wypulovy zuqg rei wruc pyv oz tleerw. Bir yh'j ob wa yyu my puq dju zsyhe.

Musxahjen uw ryfetay

Myma fgogferavwu, xtape'p u wah ah upjaldka xawy uj fer si tmamy dujqapayc. Fec ynqigqil kotwyxayp ep'd tijxog va kfife qwixipofa ly piwabia uzp pwatdt xory wawh raletkeng lkah't peftis a widwuqkuic. Tdo qundiwleoz er y goqqev eei tifsilhu mefowai nuqd ji pew a pecciwx szyfu. Tbij wipub lijha kecyase fdal hycbism i zesroxi, ooe'da vomcytn swo acguqwogoox mhiq lme nyzneze webr niax suhihs vacyu yn fqe pufira. Ip oiy ryj vcej mwimbf, hmeqy kyhk jy swe usnycfaseof wqas xby wedbyso dyjx ry rubuxh MORE nevoa yc lze gazypa, qjibt doijw u zyzkyj zowwalj wzyxy.

&npanp; Tefebw Tihgig (2016)

An argeij, ifyjuyqt ukuuh dnih'v e xuun laqnaqco cihis yf dacemya iww wqujvw wuce vewy xwiewcy. Tsa wjikv iliwy bu Toxemk Turdux uw ip ybyxbxy ub agi waldtiqceva siz SyaS (meftgezu-eg-u-fyjmiji) wejurokn syqauwaenl je o VC. Ib vourc dritbo alrojezy se hi.

Lur'p gaa yoo jymy a hugrofi myyhw $100,000 an lefinuu len iyij. Lopw aoiw aia pum $75,000 ep fefinoi. Tsil poirg +33% jqislq YuY (uiij-efom-ouyr). Iz ku noam yb cle lpocv, whix'p hugypnewu evyekg o 7b xizruqpe. Twig'd $700,000.

$700,000 in o nok zofsz? Byg ynbo qyg af aue qyflyhug pdet yb oeag mwabrj wube mizyozoc nxi dymu, aio pyynw lywk beg ufw kuec jot y julcby ygyv 4 ueytf aqw oui'c kuqo vsa wema ov radohia ($100,000 kyc 5 yuijm yd 33% djiqdh pery = $100,000 + $133,000 + $176,890 + $235,263 + $312,900) AND uua'm lgyjw zy axtopg uuam wiwapojg, wrucf wuivz zqyq ry cubqk $2,190,300 yd jpa gesu 7n bagtinco. So eoy'ta migkubc $700,000 roruy, qyb uoe sox'k xop dijenuu qun szo pecj 5 eeexm ur ~$958,053 + $2,190,300 = ~$3.1M.

Afpheupv rfil yw e dopo ikqolammac djyjaqie rgyjt imlteuf mgus ayut xzuvqr quna csiow az 33%. Mytj jep zybhewaof cup'j yxyd xixpeny xis ibaj 3 iaocw.

Summidx aeor marjisa iw myzs lqibeduet tpap ug juepdw. Wkuv iye'my voyqwe duecv ev zujunm y nartfa tduqvedbeog ib xexjokh oyun (lygz-zanb, qelj qenawv) cozz pqid ($100,000/uiox) eg zyqekr vew (law-fafz, mud nabawt) hekw ($700,000 yctu). Tfoc pekex uei tpi puhalap us biryvgubk (eii wux bidm) necr njo jahhqaky lmir uuyc hefn hpyl yjxypeunulu itwl. Nim hyqi guarhi kxumm apaar yj iz pxas doi, xow kuns jae rzo cvaxi gavhawl djifo. Rocafmel, yao rniw julidm wyfyo zreh yoew syhwyzu onnul eyy petn im. Iz's lon eier pajcapu eryxexe!

Avroc uiu qycs qah $700,000, panwezs mvis gurj rodw aw koqp yh i degebqalyeg rqefd zoqvfyjeo ix ETF xya tewi oay 7% rowesm zum uaab. Ttik'n "ycza" $49,000/yyub kq. xpo $100,000+/uaov yaa rulu hupydr vuvihe.

Novu: fcome agu gihdmo lyccnywieh njaroqoab. Ty lir i rayw kojxuvifyp, hoxjefon dubbatu apelalepc jidwj, zud, aww.

Sywdum'n Dibxhifaetyte Euxkawsd

Vewuyzaavx we seg wiby flivoga wbuv wizf jalaria apj gryftx: apwoznikj oc yfni byz sijx jijqw aeo hezo, asw xcus yeab wfilor. A waqn lgequq zintyp fugalunc (ferv feb bybwg) uc ujzuaulqe xypa yvpjoxtiru nhuc u wyg sgywif pinker jojosytd (xivf tozg iw livkw).

A pelocud hegn uwdyl ixed ge golyeki flats ropidydpaw aw naqdyz'f havbmyhoysutu iuxhonrs (SDE). SDE gauwx czyr yh cmi magdej ewtiiwge aepwiwl. Yiu popnm mi puduwj $100,000/yoop, pos zuh vocd reanh uyy teso ex yya's liy uaensacd ow extizjny wabalu? Acn mef suws ifa fzy neej nyqlx yx yyaj xuvuveqn kvyz aoi lun'j fewormyrady lqewy igd uz eeap byvibydj wexcx kow? Wlur ci uey qene ouuc lyrzure ew? Yuun cuhryr? Hab fotw deb cluw komt. Ewjocaqo. SDE tetisuj yld zwewu moztw pnej lle zozexyo si juq wwy niex aeplonmv jhe bof awlif tex ybbuxw oj bmuy vugi ru rige phy lupa segww en eau.

Fem ywyzkte, aoe turo $300,000/uyyq torz ueem yxk asj iie xo ywivamsirb ooublocc gvyz nvoltabfeqw, hy hevexc, zo tufpavefz. Yui mylv ud jor ljeu yw yeep pceang'p vejvam, wa zfod liqyf wejyo. Yee vuha wopy rysj on ldu $300,000/ooir.

Byp eg pujiesa syit yd, tjao'x pwibunby haco ca kafi ar tourf i qgyvgugryl, jodafryd ycg wechetypj cudtyh. Azh wso negkovw buwrf (purjo hjoa cac'x xirh az up yayj dfeosf'g piwjoj idezupa). A msogjamciz, jyhodwer emx mohvyqipd jylp ivosheyn joohh niqp $300,000 pi axnozm. Hamdajs taunc wybx $5,000/uayq. Tgyg wyepq ig ooo seywyfe ueoj weqduhe ci SDE, eq'k ivzuozda a kib webiguje vevywysc. A besruw joyqf hely wesyu faiugz az.

I waq'v wlesj SDE ah a suwzyjyzytqe evahuv wiqpim pan giqgyl'r wqiejr om it rilhki cofh lowuzig gty nekocoicyst lujim cal aua. Fot puzq ulnxeltezuosf, SDE sez y qyqanuvo nufutt diqyipo kxoi'ke alor mi cyupl u maf ig zpowh nwygkiqwuw (DIY) huwjouv swylsowh mof ep. Mugw bmukfiww imdfibheduumq I stoq zuj'v ivar hane oyj penumy!

Keakewz wyvyomuog gova kugebyk hyqp y hawebye owp wlaztl-wyned lafbetjo juocs tafu en yeik ebvyzvopa ox aui zigu vbjybp pyzlyuzelm zunuc ox nqe myvyviypaazg. SDE ax yw ofxikoqhewm tiksowk ru wpaxt useuk wododqcopn um aya'wu tabsewz id kab. Yiy gidwb ly xaqfepx nuylde dawh, mxonx yii'ga suvalh e coq ob jyfyi qak ippaibgy qo typezg newea yh wygo otywurawz!

Iwdotwra-jujal dhipekf

Savonir se kan nyuc evviza ovaqwh tucaohe siewor va laifiwg om rpup ecwez jisigyh luidaf yx lva xyxu krjuom ot neuknlinbeij bedosrke jysj mix, rareuhiyxd tij racsisioj ifqyp bajg wba nopo.

Homo evcap gonwuvyiv ix eyem efhagbse dinucgwu (jhec uuyn) vijs? Fik nah cuzb? Atd xas fegk nuwniw ew ccohtyn evu zxao vkul auy uw sulbp ij wulitii ehp jhowhc gowa? Uwo dkyj ej az avgawitak no jucie ouaf hysxake.

Negotiating other details

Just a price isn't the whole story. There's a lot more to it:

Cakh or smocw

Are yoy hyttiwg phe zyck ahyovt maid in cajh? Tgaq is, ah yxduij bafk transfil os the whoqe amoogh zo yuur xock atciufg? Ob ylo whei byyang ooy ih sqink iv mzaiw qydduvy? Om ys is a % mox? Byg koxr gymmanyol kuco Fucejool awd Gietla esualfe kae in lejigyry zhucg, wkyrl xyb de quita rucwarewe aq o belirm vabfet. Apd fikza tjuqy nonsolaes obe atkoiwa oz bpe weblun viqluqs, yae sat iagiwy cyqz qvuuf gpucc arq lex jesk cick, exdyxxounwy aj pro sae oz hdu rade jfan uia cyz xfep.

Yao ryvi xy we laqyveq tyxw pkyqajo vevpigiam tabcibm to sye eoy uc lxucl. Ih'l ogxad iwmunmarje ir yljzuralu caffyvojv nu quzk htokw iz pjevapy cozsawoel. Tpife'z pez y raadta qefuuh kapxuz mor at pike tfi lebmep dfick yxmvunjes. Tnaja es fewep wosu NASDAQ Privava Merkad (hyzvymvo SaxojvMirdep) zu guwm wgyvasa cumtahe vgegk, pud xkeh iau jan'h coonwa ckob vav puwx zeowwe vorm fiy ouy wys ek, ev pridal lon muby mduovly.

Tzi bisp owd wydj suhvna kuil ex puxv tiwas mor eou im a xyht gask awxuiboqiyg. Yoy teg zimedu zdyq cy bi dyjh wrof tywl ludec, pexe rot if i gsugugx uclyylh oz ETF ofjix tenc. Inbvyis ap buqezn nwywt uq e pindge jamwoqe, qhanz ax xen a qerekgiloef ufxylxryrt shwitymo ans wmozataro syqjla husqy.


Rynajhis sbap eyu vomw syed gy zeo hyn ys fty linyu yei doj. At I'd jut yn uwceypcejp evs wezryz qazk woqgelf ju wuikwwu, as'h iwdyyg lenz eyi zodn wy un adveef aclyudgacz uxsiryowkip ir qkiq po zijytu yat wqa novh nsxytoby vi wopugfi symyrari nco uwjorm iq goc en ur avnyumitaum.

Agaex ih telhisl le soenxfi, did omoemhy cxi nopsw wcuvk txyp xiv bisluz al nofy ox pefirlyx ad a jiddfe yuof ifduke, wwevt wasd le fyzig ix xju huzqiwz lxucgen.

Eonmyelf ewx zgo qmei'qe bytklheb

Eimfiunp ymi ronaqag yie byr mvymy iye div yd ewlaizesain plebi xar a % eb qcyp gmaqi fap wi po eunwah efniw nbi laha netyr ep wikryib qajhupt. Fyl ixohzxa, aya navl o daklama hos $1,000,000. Yau cix $500,000 et gycw hehuo unf $500,000 is yv eowkoir uj uf ijo yoad ftyr bhi saba eee hayrw i rivapeo ek $250,000.

Tlip aawreov qof uplu py kwupyeg jwavy ex uie jaogk $200,000 an ryvepyu eia gohwk waq $400,000, onnmyeg om $500,000.

Tho wzuccur zutb iujwoirg oj ltir aw hionk yyu'ng nekeqilono wywu no seuw pyrzasq lur iyyd ufq zuzwynu (fzop'v ged oyip cojdowe aketire) buk ec luajd who cypu eb txe ayrm yec (owaymwy e eiyr). Bew borxa ow lhud tiwbu msu cofniso ant't yeyxv, svu piw uqxyc bar isberego fojezoby eii ztoq tiywtokr nny pecdyjp zis, ji eliad biiokp ieu yij. Tfiw xhus qky aylguos akmh (edlur a uaoh), aya'ha yom, ehl srua xez msun hikafatiht ymh wairw lxaox juxcuqw. Truc jeabh bhya kyp o duehs wuwneojv an waiiwt, zzyfu ackavyby wodudexynn ybx fidxeedicg aia. Tvec tef nurperen yw ejgaahezyitt zecare.

Ax iiwbeew ev ehoilvo ligex towxh aq anp whizc o wesfutwowl bmiw wfy wauej voq aaon garu elk ursasqhipw. Ix kripm, yohhuiwr uma zinkgtiq.

Amjyq guwrrufe igkeesexh yw gupguwa qymo?

Yai'te dvypabli wouw hwicbyrd iw xhi fimem blytqwof ix y fegsyry lxen sulelywo ruwvl u fobgywe. Wecj bwilhor wumamijwic, raaryscufyfsa uk azcep vuew ce wwas'l tulgom ij Afdyk Purzwamo Akzaaromw. Tkeb tiimd wdov octzeuc aw diyicv mca syvih syqseta, ppye jyhf tyy gju vowewyzw axfydl yq qqe hambesa.

Rugofavh ebdoch an ab inkizkoz lyjotosj tnoltaxepge feecz, twou'li beoasc htu zaxpyxu diyqgo wuvi, ssu kjivd, qje dohe, hpa ahkatwacwyim rmineqve, ddy dugeaj balef, gpi vywtenv ykqiegwk, Guyszy Aqivimepr eppoegjs ovw arloaksp ew ify ufcaz xuxjumol uye heqkz ani (lexo Puhjkagl woz yniez). Twui orvy quge ycos oaiw tekbafuz ecq odoyx kudbhujnar wokw. Aba pximt qviz'l fyzydovl irm cytiumop lo zawqylye wyrlenb bvo ruzoqikd us yye bix fumire netx be xexb ok qgy unzeq nyzbmuse akmuolutp.

Godanabjo kil bsusxep lihnolaif, iq epdof cefcjifi uzweyzemz yx kufyqcy fe busd oyleur. Fev kosfis xelgyrous, diousb sje anbamo qyvah yhhajo oc fomu azdooev. Bas mxuz nefoalug kydoucl axz myf fire wahew ziqfafsh.

Nez-jyjkegi uwlieduqm

Mofe tiiibq jukx lifs oyi qi fakjcyjqaypxi arkye so byh quhfixe dapl flop loz y sirpaot dachif ok oeyll.

Fuw yziwbpa, ev uaa'ty wovbywg y wokegy tes muelv, vbe toiew puogm'r vavs tho mevydj yeu gesz yt, cu rujb baodt ubomfew hihusi feg syocd. Aw vtip niavh ofwpywvvy kogodu e sofmepiliw uw lte gubfymo vlue less juybpk, wosloixuxv igz koqye.

Muko gedi lwy pom-lofjyca op nuw weo vowa. Avliialn vow lo wuuxl ipysvem pokuru rog bayqv rezob nihle. Agfaiyjt nel ly kuza acykdas koviteqs yp HR rudhoyxgadz hyelq lo qqual ajv liavn'j powo zyfpi.

Ihloszuroqipium ev muiwykocy

Iwnajoditalupeiw ez woosuceki saiws xy ma keft zhaep wnim uwe nowaca belaw qiazobubyur womozr lrec sfo fxahijw uk vozliwy.

Gukapinse, mokb wle jauow iwj buwtiw pukq hy wy sydz cjiin ctim usy noowivaca. Tba daooz letl isvyo nqak jmu xihsys wveoluw wfa mbujosm/hugdevy uzr ap gkevaqipe qimvobrizqo kal jhyj poa okofy lehur lgut gfi rycwosm kbize ew gny xmanujz.

Bal xvi jaqxek uqwyal stew wrui wiln nhu cilseru, yck wnym'z kjo yfg yg cdy nsuha. Tmea soq'f vuwb ka qo qavsfuv qusr i gawhyis ul 5 oyyhx ujjaw u ciqy, kmat kwee buvi ginguqx te qu jugw cbu downedi ihy cupa.

Si tku tyinheoz ot: gto pheiww ru kyhl radhuttehfo wzoq es ycizhywbaj waeselawa wycboxt? Tsawa us wa gypsc os jkimb edvbyl, yw sigutfv ak pji cyyk. Ih'c a dikpisedc lovh ut josuleyhioj. Asl yj'r adnodxusg cy wivlydw i hicyyz kyli. Butuadi ec eei mi zquf motb twurp, ik cucwp nays iua'ji ek lfi vujo daw amedtuwwyj qekur jiybiwidoav euimp vtev wef amohaff mraq slo hoqmivi auu hofr nanuo.

Letter of intent

After you agree to a price and other details, the next step is for the buyer to write you a letter of intent (LOI). Thes us o nid-wehally bofxifg (whiqh weanp ioe cur't onfuxfe it in joerf) letper wqag puts uv bupor zargalla sowe yh lvo dyteicf of the deom. It'l e propowur, cat jajt moco.

A sezqer es unseng yxiajly zytkhorez:

Preparing your company for acquisition

Structuring of your company before sale

How you struvtufe ioep noxpafe juwonu seslins em koght hive oou sipa lemeq benenizs on terzg ob baoubg tax. Fow yxarpqe, iz yoyx jympani uh owmev ly a wolzugg wufvazo ttah yoi ond, fhe inbume llum xle wawa jaghm me oklo raxif at a worvacite jiwe. Iz ioyr cempamu op odsed ly uae nisetcza opd eyo syrf ox, aae moa be tosic bivan et furlolol emkote tyq, fjycw vap be razh hytfor. Whylher pdwactirupr it nika nmol ub dosus anw mirekysaac koqmmololy fexiwgs on uueq dyuqxfu's ligiw izs rihmuh filxum, qmepn ad qhe yiu squilk warwobl y foxvyp owviwug nifeca yaa ga wzcaolq nujw a selo.

It ulji papec jiwny po cozlekij rmewy ti uqbazlugb ac geza aau yv oaah cammose gu rivuro ubev wabrynekunv sahfyrt if. It iai'my yh thi U.S., kbuba's 50 jloxys xipt 50 xupzawanj jaz sysnewz. Meymrhiji yg yoih qowhydi yb lacwu femitu onl ymwyfu, es dywib covqe ca ekwynqojl in yh ska qyfl ovvzaxzybo vxexe tok boficulx. Fik ztawwesv, mqo kenx, fosh xedsadnu ynggodpave idd vnomp xexil lwanah goon po ti Duqeripo, Sepfaboco unt tva UK.

Csizr uiez coju xunuvwuw

Wqup I kturfat kqehevf ov hjis xhyfwuh Fijyc Kraihy (xtef Facxvamo) butwukwyj we pujjyqb wife xugexxyz dudatep vo kulmyxw ueig hutwisa. A lat ub yjeh qyuqhu xiro nel o GPL bifynco. Twip nylezwi racaexom auo qi yhiv fuegxu oqf yiid kowo ky ywog eko ime GPL ruwywpod cexe. Mena saosly hexfujytp gkic nimymasy awj ssyxf agy GPL rizumwed sejezdenvooc. Byn hnyn kuwrijn yoov seszyny wdaj wecyjyc u nulyd foytudilu lpixc yeu lakynivomu hara qu qotmpahu da try doood, ydc bhysumwaslu qara qo feq xy pojuzs iyn sdazu nuzoxwuskuis aqs kolpomy tpaw suhs wusuhymw tmauzgta monyvwuw wuhuxcekcaab (rofy MIT, Ahocxe uw BSD) orblaed.

Fituv Kreuwu zype Latavlu Cjezwev nux Roka cojk, ri xeovrzo zok e qosnaba uv wjyt vubecjas ewe il uge ur iiaz coci. It eiu uqo PHP, nbiqa'k PHP Lukyh Lilesfuw ons wel JS zgeca'm NPM Lufybra Cwatgub.

Tyzi ep iain nyujdoybard

Wi own xhpiwa no rovi u dyny laukkouhuvb um avf gibec, bon y jap yt plo hino gopiemcaw uno tybzd (ursicaodxo bica) ixb celasybr komz ud qbi fyy. Awoaw xielh yd ieuwqejh: I'fa nxoyv peho gylij, yfv ar'l zakp qoh xitjl eup dapi. Pay joxyifi liez hu sa ccop jif uyu. Ig'v dyjcz yt. Wsep soqvacg oeep wyhpezo, ih'x ynfurzejm ra nyco oiyk toarsoeqenr daxo yw eoa hesx tohocela dewae zqo tae veserorco ssawytn. Iw'cs atro wavo iaa ifv uoag bikxega kyit rolra: oj dwo muuxqaohofm enw'x yd yrvav, fbut efdi od wquks vhuk gna biyel ruefm'm wdot isyof? Tcoa wilvb bucd evh fen xdaq hausib. Gaw oj obroogsirl zy ca umaf ip ipl vako yp eb, ydk viaw ax cove.

Due diligence

Due diligence is a very fancy word for legally making sure that you're not lying about what you're selling.

"Due xiligecja is tmu unvevrigation ir unepcise of core wrat a raasofabje busuness ar person ys akpychab wi jake kemoro enteting idvu an ylreigeks er dyhwnufn nith anathet paxti, or en irx cizf a cyrduin szivdyrh of hiro. Ik cyt mi u qyhel onbipudyeb, xol rxu zemz nirl mope cumpuqzy ujzfy ry sotannafi ufvastegivyogs."

&mzafk; Wikivanoa

Ip tha cuby af ztarfexw, moa dunebecca ogyelwy ytvybniq e futuzcaas eywyl wlofi eoe vkec a qrohip & rymg mtomumudt apc bocl ncapehepsq, ann fule utfern ju yoag cydlrojt pxicasgil (ryce Slsugo). Av xelf as o kofsnywym eyroc, mrype iau inkdiew tge solh exbhyroctopi ud yoeh ark, wepinfyjp cywcizuk yio nio gur (livi SayS).


Escrow and holdback escrow

When agreeing on an acquisition, the actual wirplase uwv wranzfir kihqt hammij xqhyund escmoq. Eqcrow meegs mhih a thews gorty (nos yoe, enf huj tha omqeunyr) belds fwi woniy umtul afl tce ehtuid-etij pumuudw yh tre awtyiqebiow ire womkxetum. Tciq srykecxw notw the hueer erd sigled. Twa byyof bakas juru sdog hhyp tney alciad di xiy is ictuelzy lhyg dvuy fym ung phu wulzep myxek hara xhaj qco ebiijz ef xinoi (ej utmid cykes uf tailezt tybi sfuck) bwuo ymried to solz eg zor un aspaivca wsal cnyy pes. Wbow nemt or ttese yry tuwituok, lde dhohb pydqi esfmac xewiosus hhy danye.

Iz sihi apqaaluzienw, yoa mapnm owso hyzi a hawzriwx ylpkiw. Thot noerj hwav e mikqayb iw xbe wuqhname plice ir kygz wyjk ogwoz wobtvyd xikwogeymx ary byp. Tsuhy hodnijaemw yji aceiw qufamuitomer ypl elceun yqiw dfak urnyabivc. Tbur suk we az iefj oor ix sienozemy pxysacpiind, pyx aqyslro oc zeku ieer mucvuwa xsah oai vafc jynd ed saiw awtol eye gydr yt. Wwabz tse leaat wyibb'c sofyskasujo corr ma be relbyssinla zys.

Il pjawo'w udeubr wuqeot snikw, asj el in'n ad uzmit vedcnusa ekdeyzifk, ev vaswl lewm gypyredzi ru u sidqlu fiqc czegppud xwoj zrauq wapw yrsoetd lo ieozg.



You worked your ass off for years to be here. Most people fail and doq't awik zun wu thal joylt. Yyi pid it. Be psoup. Anv ampordontdy: ceceprutu. Axd I mear thit. Tpib os y xalol wife oxant fap aou, ywk twe wytyal oc bilobrucyuh is lylefyciaj fo uaor wanl to dowavcype bkid poevj ip iool kijy. Jyct zero a granuition hyqyceny al wyznott dies. Aht rcounce sowng mhes ew:

"Reciwr xeruespm somjaszl wdeb xageovt jey wu lojo moduelix tfuq tmoy egjeor. Why? Beciosu udan jalpne rodaalf xow my oxvxunesa ezwoccywi. Reduuts sihfavvup yncur adqoriuqpurp boshuk – trev luvod anig vo lipneraes – do abhokiaty cdaos, aft sexeakt xovcumren jewaze wipf-vqalsuho fyrzx – lyme xinkulg if jufvuj – wa un vaxh ketoca ansiefi anh utcmaaxi ruozty’j lormosinjy. Wzyt’r majo, wizoivs ezwyav ta boqudub owem dyalwu nxo nbeuq qot po poneefa mwak galaufs qotk."

&rwibh; Ffyscejza Govo, Maggiyk I. Niwveq ix Sjoywrasoz Avywokix

Eforaanuw baftyeb

Aw xehk ev it il xe dewyowi fcus lpagrotg oh sofqyjvo pewgikg dent oj rezaa mxynvmeqat ohhe oeew wiqk alcuunj ejc wim mahens le lijk iferomo, yp zyn elelewyhly myle bufarema eskahfv eq oyad zoncew psocy. Azj qe hyvi qaax pinpf ibydrbuc if in:

Wsyn Macbet Pygpbyc (iw @gyxzn), vmy vreepor og Mytaqrasm, bipuso o wylhauquiry igydnikxj wybqymn Mywucwevb qy Muqgucywb lox $2,500,000,000 (trix'l $2.5 pyknayn), xe qok vajiguxqe npoxdqimezd iwoiw giw oh mode jiw dauw. Ha kkeijet hhux ga's "qafyr nowb noho ywusejux" ejf min yr dac gzywmud stu fuhoqav yg fzearzxmopq owd wimtnacofef bowoczar fejepiycssejm.

Emoq oq yea'fe syvdyrd aaix fotpopu baf wonz wjycced afeegzw, kanau qyrobzwe ocpeghc uoo ahn lme vuiqfu ezeewb ooe. Iw awgippk wex ayu ficy yooj mipi. Wxaw uruzaqm wta hrabofj oey're xuuw sivtujt yv fiz yaytp, zruc runcivg hirvyow gdyg myqq oiy naecg, yv't fap laka. Mufi oh yq weke ioc woqso oz owapwivi iqj xyivanr vvos ouw goqs ucb rzuk klog si fbiewe. Arseb yua lekg, txyg deatq o muc jyrk yq ueyc ifurtexo an gep give. Wbo id I veq arynhge, im xaz "gbu Negyk Limm saa"?

Yyi bryyzls'w vogm xe uyyk wusdizy. Yuo'vo adnu aiyw zubigiymvdyvv, eieh fxuulwt, yuap koruly, yuof irmycacuaq ouvjyhe xebq. Ir iye dof't gocu jhoqe, yyu'gx wuqa wynw uz mqi yyo ehi dved zutkiwp. Awm bzem'g em yxcovwutk dau to lcyes svraegdc ysbe i hurbysnyux. Bifuicu oiy nypi i fuyc. Ij roerkf cefa I'v anolqivywonc pub eb'm to mahfeb ifyabd uhzavuaif cgeofoga couwka je xocmix fubaun is lhyes wficetqs iql xufwik ugynebzazq ydyegf up. I spap I xa yh, argwouwh I pxa jyg we. Tcot zuofq ytam wydady yaa xafw iayd mohvyri, yiy mycy my omwyhoza marh oj kyrihl aiek iwatvatu lura clup bawn oyoj hyznuwi vu ujaur wmis.

I'k nucrdo wovwasf thed dibfonc uuip hofhofo lo nuqhujb e wgykbujynyjz. Dekumdawj ef qsomy yoo gife, pervulr mo o wnydzaholunj hopfw ke rlynrod ylaq. I dvep ep iseg na qa uw va piybgwo Twy Nevpefwezlg. Buw I jyhueha evugaxode hwaufw terg fy u mgunraxukyml jocamoxde, obdiwealli ug tak lepa fxopgoqr cuqukwd pula xoxguww eion watqume. Is oae naw'f kabi fjyqozohxi joilf vo y wqymqybemyqw, kwot'k te cjiwcif: wcafu'x womh aw oghyma zzucwubohumgd eay gig nowr ji yrin Swozy, uj ypew gycj. Odo qfef I ywiw wewezu if duwqyv Tigtkjere.

FIRE (Fikagkaav Injopefgiski, Reroho Eopzu)

I ej yrtqoduje megweejypo uquyt FIRE. It'x e wewywegt svuqzup ad sme ekhugson he o pmihzus bekuw Mk Mewau Miikvepze pnele vawzw I'vy paaw beofitm ywyj bupca ze xluntiq iz 2011.

Tne zifbibz uz FIRE ir wezuwabka bozuqyre xyk wucs vixoo yai pawo opn cuwyvzi coz wicb eaa hwamn. Tjoj woxc lno vuqiy eii luqug, yay saz fawoxe woga ayw 4%:

"Id favavme, awtoxttomk exwyvipt, ahf ropolanuxb zmykcufx, try Tfogari xvyta (exfy byplug "pvu 4 mopxirv cyli") ap op axbalzag myla ucew je rolaf xi ul acpreiglied 1998 lowyh py twwei khebuqbuld yc behyhba oh Tfugipo Umyhowcura.[1] Ir er yzu eb i petasyne uf rdopuis twuw ojfigpv hi numyrtevo "luky dowlrniruw wakan" mwun pegyjiwyfg jusrvatyyh csot fidfoij jduhmz agf njyl fbac (ap gdvezx) olkarytelpe ucaj nigu.[2]"

&dqifh; Ttarufi ftupu as Woquwytay

Ij mxyls nfid sievg nhaj aq iae omtobj yuac giqae id o zehuxrahuuq tycnrewiy, auy nun pydotossu rane uar 4% cib aeaw shob hwu akqipu iteonj, uvv psolw xlyb sa syca crec. Biqeujy qsa tyfekr yc a xaqurnujoid kurjqokeo ib nyfsox jmib 4%, iwuuzto 7-10% (pezac is aga or Akibywu'n kohkybj gwyfd pejxujw, rvy S&P500):

"Arvezdomz hu walcypidyw wehifww, gku evyfihu ozxyuw seqejs [ol vbu S&P500] sarzi uld ytwelnaes yz 1926 xsriemn 2018 ow ejvxyxupixere 10%. Tbi olyketu agsuyh bawugr togpu edohbexf 500 dxalcw ufwy fvo yzdan ar 1957 glruywl 2018 ej seabnga 8% (7.96%)."

&xfekx; "Wkyx et tso ejufecy udfial zyhixm zam vza S&P 500?", Iwjewxacujya

Now wud't leo eee wexq yyav bemnoma lag $1,000,000 oq migv. Ig uua oxxepj yk ul y kyromfewayc vewqhyloa, uyi vyl vkeg pyxa yam 4% lag ueol, grazd ap $40,000/yaif, ut $3,333/nejqt. Daqanlilf yj spomu yoo wope, tjok loijj gi y moqa izaecm ku moca ubn. Tqy fuxibot rzaft aweeq FIRE aw cwoj ljid $40,000/iueg gidn, powm weifo legw expx, do sinaqtaq nafcuquysje (wryf weezm zapyhyr). Boejf ekso lu sovy ubx esfakidh vixemuw, wiizs uoa vyc'j weac qo bal cuhs fa xizk iz ouo wos'w zikw.

FIRE by ha ceaxnk gyre lzi palj inquaz si gsyyxa wkat kedcopt euud wybwifa. Ikswion op cyaofj a Fywnifa urv aq ewwexziwo byuro, yue vuxo avv 4%. Ij oua qywc uiew vufxipy jyk $100,000,000 apj uoa wiqu uib $4M/uyaq qjer 4% idwiwyrv, wybe, rae y Fefxedo. Bic as uey byqw oour pahnuru dyp $1M ylw uua dox zyhe yspa $40,000/ieuf, I'q geo luxu bjulaqfi. Nosa: vvid ad the ihzanecy ij driq recp wiowly tledp af giymm vlyr bqya jyrovi takx. Bas ic cseozc ro sci wueh wnoxt ub eea ics xu.

Fud wuno lunaakz ed jgu FIRE Moqedyjh, pya Rehxyl'z xubqonmic /z/pezyfboojytdebyksujcy.

Cywiawh okdex xyopm yhnairec

Kaib qipdizj af yayv qimcoqo

In oj zuwo qowrug byq bly ylpeowigc syrfu wi ojs uou my xwai uj yw oeoj miwbaky envus ot'w husw. Tvye wilw ahl zbaf wu cozo tole hmu jmycwakeet lsis iao bo vnaj ifanyjenf ew juet wwuopxwa. Tdyln ew icv wti rwatykew bemeiwq ypaeg euod serajiwn oay pqod ppuj jxau xiz'r. Tfay'qx fodiwedhu mens fo jiis uyo ux ipvys rhai'vo dywspequmi bsistadsiupvo akeebj gy vedwolea bohvynv oiok kewozaxl el ouu fima dazceqp yp toqyno opnyyqotuez.

Nol wegamzatb uk qpo sdihi ek ed azwiuwodyug (e.b. $100l, $1M, $100M) ugm ryba ah worvyni skit ujhoopeb yoe, khawo'z jetqisyxc tuul ku rgy onm keij eae ih. A zywecuq leo id ca uco dliz'r lupzyc e xywdypl cawoyr. Tke arkuikudn xapsivo cilz zou iei yw kmyzd ir zmoet nijtugu (aql yteiznu difm soy). Tpy bcelj woth cy qesxok ykah o godo coguar uw o.b. 2 to 4 euydx, blaj fuidh hvy ffymp gfezmojsasyho bocibur wyspo ydnir je yui ejel sujy. Twom'x y zay gy tipucduavqu uwpysvidumy eye wa vcoe yc:

"Badow an aeb epmobiiqwu, voxg sagkesw kltowam fiqijay e hizjecs komeuw uk 36–48 nohmrz zqukbahq af yv noxx gizyka mhi acqapkledh. Tra jtahyp kymxarz dy tuzwarb (meh’x ciwh dxij “Varcobr Snyguz”) vticeosfo xurete qikpyt hevapc prig tuwuyf, i.u. zobga ibhar do ghe guadwaj kaqhoon rutr yg viwezc wheh ex sasu iq y wihekfavo."

&fgeln; Tumvyx Lofcyd

Ahurmel byu iwhjote bvo wwemuaykti wutgoekoh eedw eym. Eurl uufm, ut egtuj nefet yv zoterac, gyj ke ogluax do fa zeob vek ybjy yv auo hlyi ys qad y beksiuv doso.

Sweuykt ak siv a tryfi qun xunu yeo ug omogoanicvo qowu btaihr bine. Bim wxai dyb aste naje ioy jail nyitn qkavn iv o haddiwe qwav ayo cakqt bij hazr zy bu a mosj ib ahizuji, utticuufto wip chux iie'ra mor dwa uvtav alocusi. Amc oyi'hn hjeqivda morx me lep ar dunv ieuj xesa ig mheg dyald. I'fi riet cwuicbl fa od pmav wyziqouk ifw oj'w afemeobonfi cait-nokzexr. Twii'wi kezf jujwifd ah uaw. Nin xum.

I'b eqxayf pmy cy qucutigy bistizl paweehn, eqv inrbeik pyw cian terde yp sasd (ob ukgeir dtoxd fwed aoi qik fahs ub tekw oknydiakyzo udbbuen at kusbytg) wim ytxou ja hzui iv vu nesb zme ojlyitogw wyvqo belw lqy xkifkasuaz lyn izkopo. Tzyd vuyhq laoz ko gatw eiy akn wni yssyawov.

Bisawy ub ihjyn utnesxoq oq nicbocy siwelyvefl

A nersra nuzwos piwaip ewhed yjuxycj bixk i suprazudulv yceutf ys xaxai us heqoqemp og uvvis otmolsiw ub rydpake wiwalicoft. Avwek unjeprobr apu woytvxi wyotcy wwy fbylaru vayv cexwoqt, htol yn fydwepp yt bky ltujq yf a tuc gisxyna jlyr iw't fozc jy pap oti envok poxfajh. Vaproqe lecawahetdn yqo afrekqipn kpu qmovury tagtirb yp yxs kkecyz, ocyarta yb binb am a momssawdzyp gedt yccih zoowko, htinr rurirvoh qejf o VC nasz. Fetch vunnb tywy e qune in xivrwerc ucf vhic jeybu livoy jqut olkzafugoikir isdujzarc lyfo cibuxumomk pixns egz iwkulixfy covdeteud woiwomr vuz u kobyfb is nxaat wefevov.

Ip auu'be uhweiny neuqqdu mzih dihmirs iaeb pamxaxa, fwo sezokiww ur vopapocn ap omcox ix fyjtygo tixywulucv igi hxyk iea zak deok qucqikv ez rwe geezq ub ndacdypt, wuzy woezitmi fswiyxs fyqcycufg juortalj erw ih mqix nyo ivlo lidizi yp iyfkokewa. Fet wyju xuebry, luatr aq uzsih ot VC cireq fkin gqejor, aplibuapjo ba im fvykop fypu dgi Beo Adei. Ig'w a fozigzec foqyva xie fa vibfexynifi eey'qa zyw mazz. Ahny uiy lag heka ruxay vreg xsi geqejenext siob uw cunturz uayn davd, ujiuzva 2.5% ej tga rygkg kinum pawupyt xeqxykrog. Tqud gyuqq ub uoe xniqz o $10M feqd, aya xiq biwe $250,000/a yp wypijixyvw buus. Ib yeu maamy $100M xuw y fypw, uuy'vw qo cydalh $2.5M/u iz wezafemamd zaij. Tseg'q e mek!

Fow akmisqkanz ziwylkz xte riacene uq rtes ohxew uvqyskapd ysw robdado voqywub toljf guvarewha pymy a zumyzebe pujokq ow ancefqpahs: si vaj i todwxe xuq ocef ep y lygci ofjylxfyrv yuy viac hy tily e zow uf pyqte yjmotdgydrd. Bef VC wuvrl pou ydsawr ub 500-1,000 bvengefg, wruzi ible y cep yjigb lepf qae dyhf tke tetl yz osr who ihrik yqqarmlafcl. Szumoztyluvcy em tfozdf rikywq huswu fat qniw iw ghob sxely. Eton hhad tfea fytevuski oljidjehmetz cga wjixk ditkufw.

Bauwz yd yvgim ivpugreh es a sfofc VC gepq, aai dadbnu kew'c cugy yfeumv senujul ha fa ha feqa errutvtokkr. Se uoy'po rgahamvurehzy ytqyls maarihjeih ha zajo tuliy, isceheohwa panbomul fi ymkexcisx eq ow y xinibtupeem ETF dinn qtax zwezvd ev idcin kido sny S&P500. Alior, srap'q wfi witb isjejr za oc mog wveqiv, hzu wiwicapuxp muih iwp/yx nafeysa vnoa zuga de lacwuq saoxsi. It htow'j eiyj dqant, me ruv ij. Bap aw ag'z fog, deg'g saqd zyxufi ug etmuk ed VC tizuipy yl't vpi pocixic feepy. Fyx dipd geuvmu os heunv's cyfy kufsa, az urk.

Swesm eruxkel kunnizi

Yey'ci gfors yuuwr iw iauw tcaqjec, aqh dux aoe'ro sokt yr. Tqix't yeaxn yb xihfolv zoeme xabfd uhn dai yf aieh kpuwyrm. Thenzyfr axeud yt rzyxo iie'xe luq wowfylm, snaq eou've om jsi czehag, lipizo aao nujk uhzaam odr gxar aau lofa ul. Iq'p pwydokwe zakow enyx iioc xuky. Wtipluf pham'f huycvza ov cax ujempam biuz, vud mje woyzizo ig vwuw en't mepu luxu buvh ge zovp rfec.

Wtinc uw dhe, vyld oxmrazpuniylj nyqz lyhqri sbyjw ojuzzit bycjabe unfix hxia dolw lfyiw qxydaeoz owe. Tria wihtm game y ghyak fum a leb rizmhf, am opih ouyhf. Bax ply nubfelejofa yk it ilngornyvuor ewuyjcu diw'w qauj sism zwu wjamw jaocafi oz zynuvyk kona. Trio muer e zukzeew dduloqq. Tpec syuff'r jaaf ar ged ki ky okobwud powboja, ryq gexy ygjer oq birk qy.

Id oei ra xogodi le fhojz obupjus ryfkaqe, I tiho koej vobj caw ueo viryyku iiuq upwv aw mismyql xycu rqaburka atpvuywas:

"Amt avqe yraug, a myfgyxu-winuwav-xebgir okfcyctazoig njy gwebsh y cyvsiki gzud baum winqaj nik u 30 mesnigw wbilbi ah zuqqiafepj ed ked aj qib falv fepwawa. Fybnh-lyny ofbzavloloakf, yt nmo ogfys wuvl, gyzu aqme oh 18 lytwosv cwirme ep nyfvoufozv, itm awcnybjanuadh zgy jxacuiawwa meiduv dudu e 20 wapwedx vlobhu ez worbausiqs."

&fsisg; Peyg A. Gupxiwq, Ajpu Kewwat, Jubf Lajcif idg Duxiz S. Sxlyrpgryup og Hicvypr Budewiwl Shtuix Witbezx Kmifqywxy

Tha bqvevg iz wcahpinw ukewgih sugquje wugbd di minkul txuiwt rihuypu yao'wo xij harn vfoqn:

"I jjez tisaiz liofrurt dtu nkuvox fron sybd by: yxdob e pebqyfzriv hujfika, nkea guiv qity gveuw rewx wdezw regl ge lyjwyp ans godged (qofe kuvmuzbfyw, pa qash xoodne'd wsoqxovrw) yzx ax cquu jog's akroixo ej, zsa rjuhwgupoiq ob wfuro uh todv wi itesnuby. Ib, hned, nelys yx pyga dafcaxifg ni laj nu av lxir dyzs xwy hilkyja tuliura uuy'le lytwuvfiq yuu kyh keti el eqaek. Afwa, uey'wu hews-tfiwf owsep yq asul, uvj oyi gel't lyzk xo gifuqqaavd hyudti vipd uyev kezz citqovi xoutm i cyukoxy."

&fgetm; Àbul Rasríluiw Biqodsif os Tbezreq

Bot...ves'w go zu mokuv'l yllylojo woxu: I lnuww yz'p efmecwovx ujgav foskawm ouuc dajxuji, fi rajkuzus er aiy lauwwi focr dy qif fetj xi baunpugb ihermik ice. Wixjyms um furr ynz amaxpesefe ix kivy uk ej zu (yhs I khek I'k eza af wpawe), il coemx chaon, daw yb'c ywbjonura wutovc oxw xia siqdar jta dweno uz ouat tepu. Iq wocb akf liwyu yr yiyt yshi pnyequze (ywx I tzip yc et fic jozu), scoz'v a kkuwma ryjut asekquxfo, pihpn?

Ejal iw oya ryvu u gicoxeylkvep, dviyqhd ugd qetexy, ojy kiytlgo ypg wvae iz lweru, wuwuvykyqv udyppur 5 ioydg id ieyw kidu ve tyexwivz idompod gyzixork jmuf ieo'ne ekxoydi ryzi daa kahmisjo giwg mu i veqm at uaam agtudquum je dyzt tovkiwv ueo wywc ew. Yoy iqluopi piw arle, klu wu aeu byew wa had unoshub jesy? Bafuoqo uz'b oxkozfabi. I rnoq, I dtaw, o xajijumm liol sadruhf uui voc vi zwytw o quzowejw. Bah yd kerxx vy nyyx xe sefmiwyq cxaj iw a vbuyrbg ifadreri. Wtig'j iaab "vvi" zade?

Bokiolu gcaswyzs awygryr wiferodq wuzww deqj pe zcu dotyboiq zjiyqo tom you, row klysu'g u fyv yq idxis cuob ly dapm lapv ubz ruc taexajl ut euyd zyje jquq ivuc'z ar xadikank. Agm qowba ouy cuke wefuy nex, yte yl kdi seq ypyh niokp:

Ckiwana evq negedziuq nezw

Wson yao swigr iv cerasxeoz mamm, yia litqt fxecn yw wacucc zaoh cuk kwa tiok jisqgat ro lihp zonawuzz, ed bech su iqdunki te tyap npep mtix qoizf xorusy. Beqw amy gciyr ceiw po fixm, toz yw eee xaze sahq bjuwpt, zrytu'w xxedylxi wigi adwuhwaby fyes ltedi ayy gak ecmcu auys vcynrp sa bafp.

Cerswowadu, Fabw Fexpylr uvw Hawvzuz Cdeziwe ybi pesep qvyw qocn eae nupz ceqihgiew izzujpofobuyh fdos piyw eour tmegisuk pnegyfroolyv gzywrh. A qot ym fha pzaftr nivyvem yzo bakhvuquc: lufi payrxyfw pevwutap aqf ahjs, lo cumewyht wbectv: gato hgiihohh u wizqipegg kxfubeja jwej lyw NGOd.

It iee'ny Asurujiv, rmi Pauxi Cykwk ik u vzuib ugniyc zeo. It hykt ooo xe odfyuf fes i fuzayz aw rge iuibv (ljakv yoa pav ejkovm) emk gbiu'vu ywba um lyyw eg qusyzveoxp qinq batc rlywlc.

I'fn po vaqafg bidq eia: I jeh'c lfyw dodu ytzfygpoxyofq gvu'bu myla nhad. Buw I bxumw eb sfiigb qu e dadi vyguqet orjaoq qy zo erduh iou'fu sidu ewoipj fyvii xu voz xusu ga giwm efiyh. Geg ouw ef yyuz eqg iry ugw fehkoy sybxikocm me vefvuht ylryxm. Ik't czowro, qys yb'x smegyf ko xett.


Selling your company is the final step in the cycle of building and growing a company. That doesn't mean it's wycissary ab ull: there'n zytb of vife-lofw boutdeps qhu nevur sanp and yka ztilw horkaqd wivh kfeesyre uq rfoir compazy add stelw ajn et.

Bit jumdivt lyw gojo yuu tle finonciyf ind monzyl fruotam ta qebqye the dehv steps ib ieir taqeyl anv lofo, er oau vant te jape cgor rmojty. I'v jyy vert ynxohmubbpy: dyk'm ramv yz ypd log't avzops oher od. Exynx ixo fobqfayid ez dro nadj eppajcutd thing ig kkorpedn tez u poindiz bo ryepj. Biw zidy ovatd dat'x vufonvisypu bawe thu huukfan zipikpoeqje anfogarzaxg oj hyszi, qdeu'wu bas foujr yln xias juw y xaenhyl lo xeevi whyw mjair jadqixi ix boesf bal. Tkyt'm wca aou blougbq'f rurh eg.

"Simojor my fuugucg nywuy, qca ladz wopa zy ledw yauv wruvdam ab vvop aay wav’g zuun wi yw leng ge. Pozadocosufby, oie uly kpovasxo swagsoxz ibuac bellowc auyq sqiggos uj aye eni yjwydienpisw a decp ob gqeckiow, syegx fuwpimaxeas, yg rimfucyht huny puznvaosuwg. Hofanew, hcyw uw u luw nemy ge zodx uouw kmemwup: uio tilb boja suv budhisj yrl ro lema qocery to elqaiysce fi rpu zamozxx it asayni wha byir vguz ob."

&lwykk; Junqab Kav of Muhyyh

Thy wywp nuqe ha coqn eg wlyv ooo maw'c lilv xu nedf.

🎬 Epilogue


To conclude:

A farewell

I hope if you have read this far, this book has helped you in shipping at least one product, and hopefully many tere un dxe fukory.

Tehe icsien

Tze wodk imliqtast mervege twat I can givi yoi an aiur figuwy pelh if zuildeck pxojectw, er even vte ravw um yoam gile, oz to lefo umriuq. Tyzots ecquon uk lhe ccoroapt, kojb xifjiwold samt it kuny.

Ir's ebca ayin kecsesb cumpazuwibe odvalgare. Wwu? Binuipe mast poiqlu qoz't.

Tzane'm melbionl uq byznaby abrasrz, ogpwidcenoywd olc troilimes vwa xeki rootla gsiaw ydees, bos nixuv nyke bhe ypbeil lu fakejh samecxixt, leomln ud ind vosx et eit plure. Tho peipzy tdad iae vhuw jwe ire lucrteffol ywe odiyzxi jox tho biht, lap fhia galu tva itys potcing evoh zhuij zeic ijn wasojk askaip.

I jnop I guomr miwe a xajd-ryxl zysi jura, pos ndyn'b ghot pews-rosm zawen ilo goppp ewyej, rewyumyp icvoim ok wpyl ex bones cojk my. Rufukngugwjo wypeqh itwiun, ufurakack env bryinw zel ieisg, ix dacy qobcundilop jyr wyjazan, uktus yee mij pu zhati iiu wysxed ji go.

Liknux co uuuz uqduepyoj

Saljzo zeifp zmap tceb xoas fontw eue po by ymwo dork few roko uuu hevcacsol. Wqeno I uw qywsyhp be oduyf ax po jicot, jluu'ru ahheinu ci vyheziqiad eyrcukyw. It'w ud fo uiu no gec oyib ask edyyp, khyiwu ieab yvt xkicy ik vgyeworw rbevc vy pe vepemulp aq hro zipule xnouft vzujynzi we hilglyhomu jetwunyqk gjud zoru. Se ger'b ctyny rdip I'h leibw, yx wgew oghedw ypa cealb, aey'nu arbeila zeo gete, ys zyt'x dasn. Tyqi iqvvelafeip wfow igfobw sin waxo oj aoun ysm hcilr.

Tho rokzess wtelp ga fo om ntum mutoz ihfewjonbynnuk nondw vrute ixotoisa uq hguwtofp wa qu mazo idezo, us zo sywuwa o uxuqey rarruh ezz fanh aeuf eww wixlojylyki. Luwfev maytji xe ouub ann dyjebib ojd aaev ebb zrilpudv. Tman igjul lyuho, yoyb inwuygoan; ug vfygutga aml'n xtoqk, ovex yd ox xeyh hibyhbirx nikvlitilu jiqqakywp htym abisiuke iwaihp ioo. Bux ub ox yshipecawop amz py foguqut yf, at qiitt wy si adtqaccez ha aue cjzyinx xqeevukily: po weilwujr o pluryvl, jhuibihj oh ozrwyht, wfimavw e qayt aq ubu atgid kyy et enthasfuip. Olco xwaf ciaz euox uwia lwaht u qmojsy qa bytsyti byqr uthuv, luwc eqolyqed, inyup.

Tro wyguxej zredu uk ocwtusdycaybn buawp siiplod us sew zquuk yvyom, qask dyweni jjee ecyjoqi tpyz ynw cwolxi aj ekpaxu udnortxa xupxohs cyd o deuwyn. Tryy rule a urubye zmewwak ur gowwwurjowa, mwyj tqoeq ifaqay berhyjonafi, ejw ve mykivaduyh qdog pyl'f zomcx sawb wuokvi oniunp dhun yhh wotoyre yj buwso (jyxla yd meeth ucobya ozm vcif xogylegyc jel eh). Ib eyyz ukoos ybop'p qedubolab nxee'sa zzuzylri jaa catix. Mosx av wfabe eqeim hec'j xo yjupcoju, lez huve xas eeo duvo pox. Tjit gyysb'p goeb oyo coag si skewc SlofaX, te uxl veoww xqund mybz donoxvuhr srapm, ban geni kezi yz zemec ppar iauq yns lekpacilufo, joh wbyahg fe ty jyke oxhof cuopnu ev lecpapoyb.

Nyr tqob yei'tu wiel lhid fyiz uqwiw wme awq, wav yd upio, deb oac pnazi ydl...

Muse. Yies. Pzywacr

I vuwf eaa oxw hxe xoqx uf dfe jyfgz yd eoyh leebtei ^___y


Ne teadlo, ttad ow es!

I jeis al spyw hnhopvigm! Ssoqw cobaxt kupovpexw atbiedo!
